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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Final Briefing

Nihja: Okay guys, listen up...our battle plan is going to start as early as midnight. That's about two hours from now. But we are not going to attack the Utopian Fleet just yet. We are going to create a diversion to lure them in.

Here's what we will do...

An auxiliary force will bring in as much tech and equipment to a barren location thirty kilometres from here. The main objectives is to set up a fake Rebel Base over the area. I had personally hand-picked the area for the fake base. It's on the Northwest areas.

Lord Kane: Northwest? That place is filled with stepped mountainous terrains and jagged rocks. Little vegetation are presents which from my past knowledge concluded that the area were once a large desert oasis.

Nihja: Off course Lord Kane...jagged rocks, desert cliffs, mountains and dried up plants. The more the better. These kind of topography disrupts the enemy radar. It would take a while to clean up all the interference and pinpoint the real target is...we need all those nuisance to cover ourselves better. In fact, a difficult terrain is fitting of a rebel base. As fitting as it was underground isn't it?

Lord Kane: Sounds like a clever plan to me.

Lord Velther Von Dash: It is a brilliant plan, proceed.

Nihja: We will send Task Force One to engage the Utopian Fleet. Once located, the units will engage the enemy. Shooting down their troop transport carrier is the main priority of Task Force One.

Lord Kane: So task force One will be the unit that will fire the "one or two salvos of missiles" at the enemy and grab the enemies attention?

Nihja: Exactly.

Kluang: ...but Task Force One are mainly tracks and traction's unit. They will be chicken feed for the Utopian Fleet.

Nihja: We will attack in a Delta pattern from three sides. I hope by executing this we can minimize the loss from our first engagement. As for the escape plan, i strongly recommended that Task Force One to retreat in a disorderly fashion.

Kluang: What?!

Lord Velther Von Dash: A deception. To make the Utopian Fleet believed that the enemy that they are facing are poorly disciplined, disorganized and a bunch of weak willed fools. You did well in reading our enemies toughts there, Nihja.

Nihja: I did my homework. Lord Flame loves it when we seems to be winning. He wouldn't care any less.

Lord Kane: The big fish would take the bait. What next?

Nihja: Then we lure the fish further, to the ultimate surprise...

Lord Kane: The dummy transmitter.

Nihja: Correct. As Task Force One scatters around all over the Zelagross Plains. Part of the unit will deliberately direct the fleet towards discovering our so called "Nuclear Warhead". Imagine the panic of such a discovery knowing that the Utopian army had underestimated our capability all this time.

Lord Kane: Yes, imagine the faces of Lord Flame and Queen Rasa when they found out that we can drop nukes anytime on top of their heads...

Lord Velther Von Dash: They might end up peeing in their pants.


Nihja: The Utopian Fleet will be Hell-Bended towards destroying the dummy transmitter at any cost, abandoning all other possibilities in mind, that includes the possible logic that is this nothing more than a trap. The dummy transmitter will try to make a run for it...

...and the Utopian Fleet will give chase, going straight into our main forces, turrets, bases, anti air defenses and everything else we can throw at them. We will commence an "A" type formation to ensnare the Utopian Forces with the dummy transmitters team will drive the enemy fleet as deep as they can into our web.

Remnants of Task Force One will regroup and strengthened the open end of the "A" formation...preparing to close any means of exits for the Utopians.

Kluang: Task Force One won't be strong enough to hold the enemy in with all the skirmishes earlier...the back of the "A" formation will be terribly weak.

Nihja: That's where our Titans came along.

Kluang: Us?

Nihja: Yes Kluang, it's your turn to shine...The Titans or should i say...Task Force Two, will engaged the enemy from behind, joining Task Force One and seal the fate of the Utopian Fleet altogether. With nowhere to run, i hope for nothing less but victory to the Zelagross Rebels cause!...

Rebels: Nihja! Nihja! Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine! Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!

Lord Velther Von Dash: Looks like the people already agreed to execute your plan, Nihja.

Nihja: Thank You. I am deeply honored.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Lord Kane, prepare the troops...get the troop to set up a diversion and ready Task Force One for war. Unless fate proves otherwise, the Utopian Fleet will surely be crushed by justice!

Lord Kane: Yes, my lord!

Rebels: Down with the Utopian Nobles! Down with tyranny! Down with Queen Rasa!



Ain Khairi said...

Yeah! Crush the queen! >:D

Tangerine Lim said...


must be very boring to post these sentence in an ordinary way.

Tailgunner said...

Ain is all fired up *roars*

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