Enter A New Chapter...
The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.
The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...
I am back, but i won't be posting anything. Not yet. I've finished three more future scripts, fit for a mini marathon but i was thinking about something much grander, bigger and faster instead of nibbling on little bits of the AIC Wars Chronicles every week or two.
Spanning the AIC universe:
There are a lot of ideas that we didn't manage to put forth that we loved to publish over here at AIC. So far we have the character profiles, one side stories so far and the main story, while during the original planning there are more things that we would love to describe to the viewers out there about AIC Chronicles universe even better.
So this October there will be three more extra categories coming at us. These are:
1. AIC Geography - Nation's, Race and specific locations in AIC World explained.
2. AIC OST-MUSICAL This project is already on the go and we have finish with the first chapter of AIC!
3. AIC Machine Specs - The AIC arc is moving more towards the use of mechanical devices so it is in everybody best interest to include the ships, vehicles, aircraft's, mecha's and other mechanical equipment available in the AIC Universe.
4. Reconstruction of the AIC Blog: Most likely by the end of the year.
Looking forward to more AIC fun and goodness. Thank you for your support. The mega marathon will be coming near you...very soon!
Previous Episodes:
Behold, Astoria . The biggest commercial centre and free trade buffer zone of the nation of Atlantis. Located in the centre of the three mai...
The Plains of Zelagross . A tundra barren land filled with dirt and dust. The land was filled with jagged rocks and mountainous terrains giv...
Queen Rasa: For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whe...
For the past 1000 years the Utopian Empire had been on the road toward expansion and conquest. The once tiny nation had now transformed into...
Silver: Excuse me...could it be that you guys are participating in the Utopian unrest suppressing the commoners from hurting the nobles? ...
In keeping the “AIC Interview” tradition going, we decided to take a little break from the AIC Chronicles and had a little chat with Tailgun...
"the winds of war is blowing.. the storm is brewing.. the skies will rain blood.." - Banshee (Rose 16/7/2010) Bada: Good e...
Ume Modoki: The Utopian Fleet continues to suffer heavy losses. It is estimated that as of now – three hours into the fighting with the Z...
Legend has it that an ancient race founded Utopia …build it cities, taught the people science, commerce, agriculture and arts. Before lo...
The wait seems forever...every person, every nation in this world would like to know future fate of the Utopian Federation. Admired during i...
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