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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Delicate Plan Pt 1

Reppu Kiri: What happened here?

Captain: Sir, the South Sentries is here. Looks like they ran into some difficulties along the way…

South Sentry 1: Help! Help us! We’ve been ambushed by unknown forces along the hallway corridor.

Reppu Kiri: There is no distress call coming from your unit.

South Sentry 1: We can’t…we tried to call Headquarters but there seems to be no response. The communication officers and most the unit is dead and our comlink is broken down…our only hope to get out alive and rendezvous’ back with the rest of the unit.

Reppu Kiri: …and him?

South Sentry 1: He’s been injured badly.

Captain: Bring him inside the medical tent, quickly…and get some rest soldier. I will extract your report about this matter in a few minutes.

South Sentry 1: Yes, sir.

Deadbird: Reppu Kiri…comes in please, what’s with all the commotion?

Reppu Kiri: I hear you Deadbird.

Deadbird: …did the south made it back?

Reppu Kiri: …not in one piece. The whole unit is reportedly being under attack by hostiles. Two of the sentries manage to survive.

Deadbird: The enemy attacked the HQ. The enemy also assaulted the South Sentries.

Reppu Kiri: Do you think the enemy went in through the South Entrance and push their way inside?

Deadbird: The time gap between the two events is too small. The survivors did not report immediately to other units about their troops being under attack…they also mentioned that the communications between their unit and HQ had been downed. Meaning the assault on our HQ took place first before the attack on the South Sentries.
Reppu Kiri: …or that the attacks are launched by two different parties.
Deadbird: That would be weird, why the attackers would split their forces attacking random targets, making us running up and down in disarray…

Reppu Kiri: I think you had answered yourself there…

Deadbird: If the main objectives are to make us scatter than who or what is their main target?

Reppu Kiri: …the ones that brought us all here. The Queen!

Deadbird: We better alert the others…

Super Spectre: …so far so good. They seem to dig all the lies coming out from my mouth.

Tangerine: You’re in? Good. So, where do they drag you?

Super Spectre: To the sick bay of course. I’m not sticking around too long to play doctor…or they might find out who I really am.

Tangerine: Congratulations on your effort sneaking yourself inside the enemy outpost. How things going on there on the core? What did you saw along the way; defenses…enemy numbers, communications post?

Super Spectre: The enemy lines are thick. They probably merge all of the remaining sentries and focus their manpower at the lobby leading to the Senate Hall. The only way in and out had been blocked and heavily guarded.

Tangerine: …any clues on who’s in charge?

Super Spectre: There’s a tall insectoid looking guy in shiny black armor running the camp. He doesn’t have any Utopia badges or insignia on him, yet the grunts acknowledge his every order.

Tangerine: …must’ve been one of the mercenaries bodyguard hired to protect Queen Rasa. Things are more desperate than I thought.

Super Spectre: Whatever is that good news or bad news?

Tangerine: …neither. Let’s say if we commence a direct assault on the enemy, what are the chances that we get away alive to proceed with the remainder of our mission?

Super Spectre: …we won’t survive. Taking the South Sentries is one thing, but there are hundreds of heavily armed military grunts stationed all around me; and THAT is an estimate judging from how far my range of view can feed me with vital information. Even with an amateur mercenary being in command, all he has to do is point at us and shouted “Shoot!”. There’s bound to be one or two lucky shots that are going to get us.

Tangerine: You think there are more troops hiding somewhere? Reserves?

Super Spectre: There are possibilities…

Tangerine: …how is your situation as for now?

Superspectre: …pretending to be injured and acting as the remaining survivor of the so-called “ambushed” South Sentries, I will be all right I’ll suppose…until someone smart enough to blow away my cover or realized that the injured “colleague” that I carry with me to the sick bay is no more than a dead body that I carry as a dummy…even worse he may start decomposing inside this medic tent.

Tangerine: …hang in there as long as you could. If my calculations are correct, Nihja and her rebel friends are to launch and attack at the Utopian Fleet. We need to synchronize the attacks. Hopefully, we get an information update from Winterberry soon.

Super Spectre: I heard the word “interrogation” somewhere. I won’t be staying to long if things get intimidating.

Tangerine: …you’re going to run your way through?

Super Spectre: My tricks are good at running, not staying put and becomes a sitting duck.

Tangerine: Pray that Winterberry keep us informed with something before you ended up running.

Super Spectre: If she doesn’t…I’m ended up running anyway.

Tangerine: …now, it’s the waiting game. I hope Nihja makes it in time…I hope everyone makes it in time.

Super Spectre: So it’s all up to that Nihja’s eh? The Eastern Empire Ace…worst case scenario, what if she didn’t make it?

Tangerine: Either make it, or if something goes wrong… at least make it out alive.

Super Spectre: …and that includes me?

Tangerine: Depends.

Super Spectre: Awwww…

To Be Marathon Rapidly!


Tailgunner said...

Go! Go! Go! Marathon Goodies :)!

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