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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Delicate Plan Pt 2

Perebum XS: It’s a brand new design which promotes mobility. It’s much better than the old armor. How does it feels…great?

Michii: One cannot feel the difference until it was tested in combat…regardless I do miss my personal armor and by many chance regretted my decision of leaving it behind for this mission.

Perebum XS: Well, it can’t be helped. We are trying to avoid detection. In addition, it is an upmost secrecy that we keep our personality hidden during our duty here in Utopia.

Michii: Nobody knew who we are anyway…

Perebum XS: Lord Panthera never knew about the existence of Atlantis, yet he stumbled upon our gates and ran away with the sacred map. We try to do our best in hiding things that is important for us, but fate may have different plans.

Michii: You are right. How much longer we must wait?

Perebum XS: The briefing says…wait for Nihja to assault the Utopian Fleet.

Michii: …and how do we know that had occurred…we are not to communicate with each other, even with Tangerine.

Perebum XS: Like the briefing says…Winterberry will feed us with the insights.

Michii: I should have been with the Prime Minister…

Perebum XS: Aren’t we all…but unfortunately we have more important things to do.

Michii: Leading a mob to run amok on the streets is important?

Perebum XS: It may not look like it…maybe; just maybe by running amok on the streets will save Tangerine the trouble of being too overwhelmed by the Utopian Military firepower. Remember, we need to divide the enemy’s strength and create confusion.

Michii: We are moving the Utopian troops away from the State Library.

Perebum XS: Yups…both us and Tangerine.

Michii: They better hurry. Bada better hurry.

Perebum XS: I will see through our commoner’s friends. See if they are prepped up and ready. We will storm the major industrial complex first…steadily making our way to the Senate Hall. So if we hit hard and gain ground fast, the sooner we can meet up with Tangerine.

Michii: The LKW Strike Team is working as individuals. Ironically, if one should fail, this whole mission would be all for nothing.

Perebum XS: We can say that, Nihja’s mission is at the upmost priority, or else there will be no follow ups by the rest of the team.

Michii: I pray that she succeeded. There is no other option. Is there a time limit for the mission?

Perebum XS: Today. Hopefully Winterberry can relay that too us.

Michii: Tangerine is risking too much. Why should she care about seeking personal vendetta on the Utopian Queen? She should be here with us instead of assaulting the Senate Hall. That area is crawling with guards…and she is only accompanied by Super Spectre?

Perebum XS: Yes.

Michii: I don’t get it.

Perebum XS: Tangerine decision to confront the Queen acts as an insurance for the Eastern Empires…no, Atlantis…should anything or everything that we all planned for went wrong.

Michii: What?!

Perebum XS: If we had to abandon our quest, or should we failed to retrieved back the Sacred Sea Scrolls from Utopia, at least Utopia will be in a deeper political unrest. Tangerine is trying to create a conflict big enough that Utopia will never rise to its former glory.

Michii: She is pitting the nobles and the commoners against each other’s…but isn’t that what’s happening here?

Perebum XS: …her scales would be grander.


Tailgunner said...

Update like crazy! Double and maybe quadraole episodes back 2 back!

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