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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Titans! Move Out!

Announcement: All ground assault personnel, report to hangar three immediately. Anti-air please relocates the equipments on area five-six-o-seven.

Rebel engineer: ...get those Titans ready...our pilots are going out any minute from now! The Secondary Strike Force is going out in twenty minutes! Move it!

Rebel Crewmen: Yes, sir!

Nihja: Sure is lively around here...even after all the midnight activity and the big launch, i admire the dedicatio of the rebel troops.

...for sure they ain't sloppy kind of people - even for a band of undertech rebels.

Rebel Officer: Load in those ammo to the vehicles on the double! We have war ahead of us!

Nihja: Yawn…

Milkshake: Good morning…

Nihja: I lack sleep.

Kanon: You stay awake through the night making sure things going our way, don’t you?

Nihja: I was too excited. My main concern is to ready our dummy base and assemble our troops in time of our trap.

Kanon: You need coffee?

Nihja: No, thanks...i can't stand coffee. Where's the new boy?

Kluang: Here.

Milkshake: Good morning. All have gathered right on time.

Nihja: I am punctual even if rather go to bed right now.

Kluang: So they went out…those engineers and Task Force One?

Nihja: …along with the transmitter team…our biggest bait for the fight.

Milkshake: Well, let’s get going, we have ten hours to kill to get to our starting point. You sure you won’t fall asleep on the pedal, Nihja?

Nihja: I’ll lock on to your machine and commence an auto run so I can doze off along the way. Start your machines and let’s move out of here. Kluang you are familiar with the drill right? Let’s start with you…

Milkshake: Freshman bullies...

Kanon: Hahaha...

Nihja: Cut it out both of you...Kluang, proceed...

Kluang: Engine’s are running: all green, weapon’s lock free, both bipedal hydraulics are running, life support systems are normal, controls are good. Left and right camera vision are functional…how did you get such a machine? This is like ten years more advance than any known weaponry used around the world today – even for the United Nation.

Nihja: We had the best hardware in town. ..Milkshake and Kanon, you guys done with your systems check?

Kanon: Good to go boss!

Milkshake: All green.

Nihja: Titans, form up on Milkshake. I’m going to take a long nap. Wake me up at dinner time.

Milkshake: Ha! Ha! I might drive you off the cliff!

Nihja: …yeah, right. One more thing, tune in the radio and visual channel to the Utopian News Network…from now onwards, Ume Modoki will feed us with the information on the capital via the news channel. We just need to be quick-witted to catch any hint she may be giving us onscreen.

Kluang: What?! Ume Modoki, the famous news front man celebrity? She works for you too?! Wow!

Nihja: Surprise, surprise kid.

Kluang: Gosh. The longer I’m with you guys, the more surprises I’m getting. I can’t help but wonder why you guys bothered to help a rag tag band of rebels like us. I mean, you guys had the power to even conquer the world if you wish…

Nihja: Whoa…hold your horses there, kid. Powers aren’t meant to be abuse, just like I said when I first came to your aide and talk to your big boss. We are here to offer help because we saw injustice was done on the people of this nation. Plus, we are serving our master who eventually shares the same vision and goal with your leader.

Kanon: ...connecting with control tower, testing communications link...control tower this is task for two, do you read me?

Rebel Control Tower: Loud and clear Task Force Two.

Nihja: Control Tower, this is Titan One...waiting for your clearance.

Control Tower: Roger that Titan One, evacuating personnel around the clearance area.

Nihja: Roger that.

Kanon: won't take long.

Control Tower: Task Force Two this is Control Tower, all personnel had been cleared. You may proceed to the main entrance and start the mission. Good luck and good hunting out there!

Nihja: We'll do. Out. Okay guys, let's do this...moving out.

Milkshake: Titan Two moving out.

Kanon: Titan three, moving out.

Kluang: Titan Four, moving out now.

Nihja: Leaving the main entrance...leaving the base perimeter...there, disengage single line-up formation and form up on Milkshake.

Milkshake: We are commencing auto pilot. Maybe it’s time to take your precious nap, Nihja.

Nihja: Yeah…buzz me if anything. Out.

Milkshake: Sweet dreams, Titan One.

Let's Go! To Be Continue...


Eija Johanes said...

I am piloting a super robot XD

Penelope's Den said...

rockin' & rollin'

Tailgunner said...

This is the most difficult scene to date. I am glad that the whole photo taking is done and over with. Pheww!!!

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