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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Delicate Plan (Final)

Winterberry: Too many waits…too many waits…the satellites and probes picks up nothing. There are no transmissions made by the Utopian Fleet reporting any direct or indirect contacts with the Zelagross Rebels. What took Nihja so long?

…for once I wonder if the negotiations with the rebel leader; Lord Velther Von Dash had failed. However, it was not possible. Nihja’s did request for Milkshake and Kanon assistance and gain clearance to the Titan units. If things did go wrong after…again, Nihja will not be downloading the transmitter data and the battle plan that I’ve installed on the Utopian News Network Satellites Network.

A delay would be as much troublesome. Everybody is already waiting on their designated location…save for Bada team that was assigned to infiltrate the Utopian State Library, the rest of the team are putting their lives in danger. They don’t have much of a time.

…hmmmm? What’s this? The main senate hall monitor is flashing. There something happening over there…

Queen Rasa is going for the podium. She is about to address the Senate. She has an announcement to make. I better turn on the…

(The phone rings)

Winterberry: I wonder who that could be…hello; this is Ume Modoki from the Utopian News Ne…

Utopian Officer: I know who you are already miss, can you cut the introduction and listen to what I have to say. This is a direct urgent request from Queen Rasa and she wants you news people to make it LIVE and broadcast it around the globe. Pronto.

Winterberry: Well, gladly sir. What’s the big scoop anyway?

Utopian Officer: We believed that the Utopian Fleet had tracked down the Zelagross Rebels. Queen Rasa received the news just minutes ago. We will relay our military satellites and try to get a visual of the whole scenario. As for you, linked up with whatever data transmitted via that satellite get yourself on air and spread the words.

Winterberry: Linked up? Excuse me sir, linking up with the military satellites directly to gather data for the news and turning it into a live broadcast this very instant means that…

Utopian Officer: (snicker) …that means you get to cover an unedited and uncut version of the battle documentary. So, are we clear on the instructions then?

Winterberry: Yes, sir. Very clear sir.

Utopian Officer: Good. Get to it.

Winterberry: This is better than I expected. Linking up directly with the military satellite images, that makes the whole scenario unquestionably accurate. The military won’t bother editing this one up. They are too busy guarding their precious queen bee. Maybe that queen bee was so excited after days of chasing around shadow she just want to watch the whole thing instantly…she’s highly confident of her fleet…perhaps…is the Utopian Fleet winning?

…no, that can’t be. Queen Rasa just received the news about the engagements minutes ago. This means that the battle has just begun. Guys, the wait for Nihja’s signal may end today. Linking up with the Utopian Military Satellites…linked.

Computer: Commence data downloading. Switching on all visual and audio located at the Senate Hall. Focus on the main podium. Opening all global channels: COMPLETED 

Winterberry: I have to get myself ready as well.


Eija Johanes said...

did the grunt goes bald?! where is his helmet?

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