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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Once again, I have to put on my mask, my costume…and run the good old show.


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: What was meant to be a six hours dialogue between the Utopian Senate and the Utopian Queen today has resulted into what seems to be a race against time as the Utopian Strike Forces race against the clock in hunting down the Zelagross rebel’s hideout.

…the leader of the operation Lord Flame promised the Utopian Senate earlier that he will easily beaten the rebel forces in two standard days, but as the sun sets down over the Utopian Capital an hour ago…it seems like Lord Flame and the Utopian Strike Forces still has a lot to do.

As the whole scenario drags on, the Senate once again adjourned the meeting for the day and will review the scenario tomorrow. Queen Rasa, however are somewhat less enthusiastic about the progress of her personally assembled fleet and refuses to comments whether that the fleet would be more successful tomorrow.

Queen Rasa: Soldier, get me Lord Flame on the line right now!

Soldier: …yes your majesty, but in case your highness has forgotten, the fleet has commenced radio silence since the last transmission with the Senate Assembly. Calling the fleet now might expose their current location to the…

Queen Rasa: I know what I am doing! Let the cowards commoner rebel’s run all they want! Get me Lord Flame and I mean now! I have better things to do and I have my reputation on the line here! Get to it or I personally execute you!

Soldier: …as…as…as you wi…wish your highness. Establishing communication with the Lord Flame’s Adamant.

Queen Rasa: Lord Flame!

Lord Flame: …why is it that, somehow I knew… what you might say to me even before you began to open your royal highness’s mouth!?

Queen Rasa: Two days, Flame! Two days! Now you have less than thirty six hours to deal with those commoner’s scumbag before the Senate opted for some other type of solution to end this crisis…and that’s the last thing I need to hear coming out from the Senate’s mouth when your effort ends fruitlessly!

Lord Flame: I have my own ways of dealing with those bloody rebels, and my advice to you my queen is to get out of my way and disturbing my work. The Zelagross plains are vaster than we could ever imagine. We also have no idea on the rebel’s exact whereabouts.

Queen Rasa: I never thought that someone as battle harden and a brilliant war strategist like you will have difficulties in tracking down those desert rats. Time is the essence here, Lord Flame! By any means necessary by tomorrow the fleet will engage the rebel forces or the senate might meddle with our plans to get rid of Lord Velther and his crooks.

Lord Flame: You are the ones who blatantly reassure the senate that this fleet will only take two days to crush the rebels! Now you are shoving the responsibility of your careless words to me?!

Queen Rasa: …and what happens if I don’t? You think the senate is impressed with your lack of insights and faulty leadership qualities will give you any clearance to engage the rebels in the first place?!

Lord Flame: If it’s not for me, risking the whole operation by breaking up radio silence to convince the senate by accepting war as a solution to this conflict, there will never be a fleet in the first place…and whose job is it anyway to try to persuade the senate into accepting our terms!? It’s you…yet you are unable to do so! Who is the ones that lacking in terms of leadership qualities here?!

Queen Rasa: You have one more day Lord Flame, do anything or risk losing your ranks if you fail.

The Kid: Problem?!

Lord Flame: The puppet queen had just run her mouth over my pride.

The Kid: You are that pathetic…you know.

Lord Flame: Darn those rebels! I have less than a day to get rid em! That stupid queen, how can someone possibly covers this much sands in two days?! Wait until I wrapped my hands over her brittle neck!

The Kid: You have a few more hours before the sun comes out Flame, kept on making bomb craters on the ground. Maybe you would hit something. Ha…ha…ha…

Lord Flame: Damn you!

To Be always!


Tailgunner said...

here comes the updates

catch it while it's hot

Ain Khairi said...


Penelope's Den said...

what? another one of gunner's chapter rush?

Eija Johanes said...

hah! thankfull that gunner still not going to quit on the series.

I tought i was done for looking at the long hiatus last month.

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