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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Eyes and Ears

Super Spectre: …and then the guards were saying things like asking a few questions, getting more information about the attacks and such…

Tangerine: Uh huh…is there anything else you…hold on…


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Tangerine: Spectre, can you find any viewing screen nearby?

Super Spectre: Everybody seems to be rushing towards the ones hanging outside the outpost. There is a smaller one in this medical camp…

Tangerine: Shut up and turn it on. There’s a news broadcast on air. Maybe it’s the ones we’re been waiting for.


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Reppu Kiri: What is this? A sudden LIVE broadcast? Something big must’ve happened.

Sentry One: Looks like it, sir.

Deadbird: What’s the ruckus Reppu? What is going on there?

Reppu Kiri: You better find yourself a viewing monitor somewhere in the building, Deadbird. There’s a big announcement going on here…and it’s LIVE.

Deadbird: …what about the south Sentries survivors? Have you begun asking them questions yet about the attacks?

Reppu Kiri: …no…not yet, you better watch this. This ought to be big!

Deadbird: Damn…what now…


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Yuusuke: Hold it right there just a minute, Officer. There seems to be an emergency LIVE broadcast over the network.

Officer: Excuse me sir, our orders are…

Yuusuke: Shhhh…this won’t take long. Turn the volume. This should be interesting.


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Perebum XS: Michii…take a look at this.

Michii: The Utopian News Network broadcast has begun. Maybe it’s our cue. We must prepare ourselves!

Perebum XS: Easy there Michi. It may be just a normal broadcast…remember, Nihja objectives is to start a fight with the Utopian Fleet…THEN we can carry out with the plan. Tha’s the signal we are looking for. That is the clue.

Michii: Then I hope this broadcast bring us our war song…for I am tired of waiting. I am also very concern about Nihja’s safety.

Perebum XS: Ah…of course. We all do. Let’s get our finger crossed and pray that Winterberry delivers us the good news we are waiting for. Now if you could increase the volume please.



Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Bada: What is it Ajica? Did you found anything on the runaway librarian?

Ajica: Errr…no, but there is a live broadcast going on the Utopian News Network.

Phantome: …could it be…

Bada: …it could be. Ajica, check for power readings and electrical spikes around the Library perimeter. Best bet that the running and hiding librarian must be also tuning to the live broadcast. Pinpoint her location and narrow it down as best as you could.

Ajica: Copy.


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Kanbei: Huh? A special LIVE broadcast by the UNN? What could it be…I better punch it on the main screen and keep my heads down at the same time.

…I hope Ain is alright. Where could she be?


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Madcap Murdock: …can you be quieter over there for a moment?! I am trying to find clues on whatever Scrolls we are looking for!

Ain Khairi: Oh…just continue reading those damn books and quit complaining. This is a special LIVE broadcast and I bet it’s something important!

Madcap Murdock: why not worry about our situation right now. The upper level are crawling with killers who may eventually find their way into our hideout!

Ain Khairi: I am worried…about Kanbei…

Madcap Murdock: Then we better find that scroll…fast!


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Nihja: Huh…wha…are we there yet? (Yawns)

Milkshake: Sorry boss, I’ve just intercepted a broadcast coming in from the Utopian News Network. It’s a global airing.

Nihja: Punch it in…by the way how far more are we from our camp point?

Kluang: About four more hours. No offence but these Titans has the speed equal to that of a desert camel.

Nihja: Well, there’s no need to go out hiding too far away from our main objectives. All eyes and ears guys, Winterberry is putting up a show for us.

Kanon: Is it possible if Task Force One had been engaged by the enemy.

Nihja: …if they do, that means Task Force One is being spotted by the Utopian Fleet.

Kanon: There is no radio contact made within the rebel channel. If they do get under attack, they are being awfully quiet about it.

Kluang: Either that or…

Nihja: …they are disobeying orders. Let’s confirm this with what Winterberry has to say…

Mikshake: There goes my overnight camp in the open desert.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Delicate Plan (Final)

Winterberry: Too many waits…too many waits…the satellites and probes picks up nothing. There are no transmissions made by the Utopian Fleet reporting any direct or indirect contacts with the Zelagross Rebels. What took Nihja so long?

…for once I wonder if the negotiations with the rebel leader; Lord Velther Von Dash had failed. However, it was not possible. Nihja’s did request for Milkshake and Kanon assistance and gain clearance to the Titan units. If things did go wrong after…again, Nihja will not be downloading the transmitter data and the battle plan that I’ve installed on the Utopian News Network Satellites Network.

A delay would be as much troublesome. Everybody is already waiting on their designated location…save for Bada team that was assigned to infiltrate the Utopian State Library, the rest of the team are putting their lives in danger. They don’t have much of a time.

…hmmmm? What’s this? The main senate hall monitor is flashing. There something happening over there…

Queen Rasa is going for the podium. She is about to address the Senate. She has an announcement to make. I better turn on the…

(The phone rings)

Winterberry: I wonder who that could be…hello; this is Ume Modoki from the Utopian News Ne…

Utopian Officer: I know who you are already miss, can you cut the introduction and listen to what I have to say. This is a direct urgent request from Queen Rasa and she wants you news people to make it LIVE and broadcast it around the globe. Pronto.

Winterberry: Well, gladly sir. What’s the big scoop anyway?

Utopian Officer: We believed that the Utopian Fleet had tracked down the Zelagross Rebels. Queen Rasa received the news just minutes ago. We will relay our military satellites and try to get a visual of the whole scenario. As for you, linked up with whatever data transmitted via that satellite get yourself on air and spread the words.

Winterberry: Linked up? Excuse me sir, linking up with the military satellites directly to gather data for the news and turning it into a live broadcast this very instant means that…

Utopian Officer: (snicker) …that means you get to cover an unedited and uncut version of the battle documentary. So, are we clear on the instructions then?

Winterberry: Yes, sir. Very clear sir.

Utopian Officer: Good. Get to it.

Winterberry: This is better than I expected. Linking up directly with the military satellite images, that makes the whole scenario unquestionably accurate. The military won’t bother editing this one up. They are too busy guarding their precious queen bee. Maybe that queen bee was so excited after days of chasing around shadow she just want to watch the whole thing instantly…she’s highly confident of her fleet…perhaps…is the Utopian Fleet winning?

…no, that can’t be. Queen Rasa just received the news about the engagements minutes ago. This means that the battle has just begun. Guys, the wait for Nihja’s signal may end today. Linking up with the Utopian Military Satellites…linked.

Computer: Commence data downloading. Switching on all visual and audio located at the Senate Hall. Focus on the main podium. Opening all global channels: COMPLETED 

Winterberry: I have to get myself ready as well.

The forming of a Task Force

Mercenaries, The Nobles, Queen Loyalist and the Utopian Sovereign Nations Forces has gathered together to formed a loose alliance in order to defeat the Zelagross Rebels and ended the Utopian Crisis.

The Military building is filled with different types of battle groups. each, eager to get the job done: be that to show their loyalty to the queen or for the cash that the Utopian Goverment are offering to get the job well done.

Some...even had a more different agenda's stirring in the background. An ambition far bigger than anyone could ever imagine.

The Crossroad Cafe

The Utopian Conflict escalated, resulting to a rebellion declared by Lord Velther Von Dash towards the Utopian Queen. The lord accused Queen Rasa of corruption and incapable of ruling the Utopian Federation. He demanded the queen to step down from the throne and gave up her power.

The commoner's rally to Lord Velther cause, causing the Utopian nation to loose more and more valuable manpower when the ordinary switch sides. The biggest impact to Queen Rasa and her nobles when a large number of the Utopian Military which were formed by a majority of the Utopian Commoners begin to switch sides and joined the rebels who had now gathered in the desert plains of Zelagross and begin to grow large in numbers.

Desperate to crush the rebels before they did anymore damage and endangering her position as the rightful ruler of Utopia, the queen issues and order to the Utopian Sovereign Nations and mercenaries as she hastily assembles a mixed fleet to attack the Zelagross Rebels.

One of many of the mercenaries attracted to the invitation was the "dynamic duo" of the mercenaries guild, Alonqexe and Lutherniel who had made small fortunes out of "small but safe" jobs. This time they are trying their luck on the big prize by joining the Utopian Military and participate in the assault at the Zelagross rebels.

Along the way, the duo will find that their path crosses with the Albion Special Attack Forces. A group of battle trained cyborg from one of the Utopian Sovereign Nation and the reinstated Hoofdcommissaris of the Utopian Police Force...all that happened overnight in a simple small cafe in the Utopian Metropolitan. The Crossroad Cafe.

The Utopian Conflict

Lady Junna started the search from the years during the Utopian Conflict. There are many factions and nations being involved directly and indirectly during the nation's crisis and Lady Junna was confident that the one that Bunny Two seek are no exception as well.

The Utopian crisis escalated during Queen Rasa's reign. The queen can't hold the balance of power between the Old Nobles, the New Nobles and the common people (Commoners). This failure leads to numerous power struggles and during it's climatic peak, a Noble who championed the Commoners cause rallies the people to rebel against the Utopian Queen.

Bunny Two meets Lady Junna

The moment Bunny Two stepped inside Lady Junna's house at the edge of Astoria she is already at odd terms with the briliant Historian. The Bunny clearly cares less about history lesson and wanted a straight "Yes" or "No" answer regarding the person she's dying to meet.

Regardless, Bunny Two compherehend Lady Junna's knack for histories and alas, while discussing matters regarding the great Utopian Federation Civil War...Bunny Two saw a glimpse of hope when "she" had been recorded present during the battle by several eyewitnes.

Friday, September 28, 2012

AIC Wars Theme: Astoria

The story starts with Bunny Two being a runaway from home in search for clues to find a missing person and a family member that holds the key to save the Island nations of Atlantis from the incoming foreign threat.

Rumours had it that Astoria, lives a well known scholar by the name of Lady Junna. A person that might be able to point out at usefull clues which will aide her in the search.

Lady Junna served as a historian in various Kingdoms and Nations. She recorded events and write stories about people, Kings and Queens, downfall of nations and great battles fought by legendary warriors and knights.

Bunny Two wonder if "she" is recorder inside one of Lady Junna's historical scrolls?

A Delicate Plan Pt 3

Bada: I hate chasing around.

Phantome: We are moving around every location, but it seems that we have no proper direction. If this is going to continue, we better find a better clue.

Bada: There is no futher information other than the fact that Lord Panthera had the Sacred Sea Scrolls hidden inside this library.

Phantome: The librarians didn’t know. Lord Panthera is in the shadows. I truly respect our intelligence but somehow I am losing confidence.

Bada: I don’t want to argue on that yet…but I need to find the surviving Librarian with the Mandrake. She’s putting up a fight means she knows something.

Phantome: She is just fighting for her survival.

Bada: Ajica, check the entrance scanners…anyone going in and out of the building yet?

Ajica: Since we barge in, no.

Bada: She is still inside the building. She should have left the premise and called for help but that didn’t happen. Why is she still in here?


Bada: Ajica, checked the power readings on every platform. If we can trace any power activity on the elevators, lifts or even escalator after we arrived…we can trace out her movement inside the building.

Phantome: That may be fair, provided she didn’t use the stairs.

Bada: It’s worth the try.

Ajica: Tracing the electrical readings. It may take a while.

Bada: …while you at it; keep the Utopian News Network channels open. Winterberry is going to punch the signal today.

Ajica: We aren’t part of the task force…that we don’t have any time limit operation since we are not in the hot zone.

Bada: …I wanted to know if Nihja made it.

Phantome: It goes by a saying, that this whole mission is definably nerve wrecking. Even if we are not limited by time…if someone rang the door chime, they are in for a nasty find.

Bada: We don’t want Utopian authorities mingled with our task, so let’s move it. Hurry!

A Delicate Plan Pt 2

Perebum XS: It’s a brand new design which promotes mobility. It’s much better than the old armor. How does it feels…great?

Michii: One cannot feel the difference until it was tested in combat…regardless I do miss my personal armor and by many chance regretted my decision of leaving it behind for this mission.

Perebum XS: Well, it can’t be helped. We are trying to avoid detection. In addition, it is an upmost secrecy that we keep our personality hidden during our duty here in Utopia.

Michii: Nobody knew who we are anyway…

Perebum XS: Lord Panthera never knew about the existence of Atlantis, yet he stumbled upon our gates and ran away with the sacred map. We try to do our best in hiding things that is important for us, but fate may have different plans.

Michii: You are right. How much longer we must wait?

Perebum XS: The briefing says…wait for Nihja to assault the Utopian Fleet.

Michii: …and how do we know that had occurred…we are not to communicate with each other, even with Tangerine.

Perebum XS: Like the briefing says…Winterberry will feed us with the insights.

Michii: I should have been with the Prime Minister…

Perebum XS: Aren’t we all…but unfortunately we have more important things to do.

Michii: Leading a mob to run amok on the streets is important?

Perebum XS: It may not look like it…maybe; just maybe by running amok on the streets will save Tangerine the trouble of being too overwhelmed by the Utopian Military firepower. Remember, we need to divide the enemy’s strength and create confusion.

Michii: We are moving the Utopian troops away from the State Library.

Perebum XS: Yups…both us and Tangerine.

Michii: They better hurry. Bada better hurry.

Perebum XS: I will see through our commoner’s friends. See if they are prepped up and ready. We will storm the major industrial complex first…steadily making our way to the Senate Hall. So if we hit hard and gain ground fast, the sooner we can meet up with Tangerine.

Michii: The LKW Strike Team is working as individuals. Ironically, if one should fail, this whole mission would be all for nothing.

Perebum XS: We can say that, Nihja’s mission is at the upmost priority, or else there will be no follow ups by the rest of the team.

Michii: I pray that she succeeded. There is no other option. Is there a time limit for the mission?

Perebum XS: Today. Hopefully Winterberry can relay that too us.

Michii: Tangerine is risking too much. Why should she care about seeking personal vendetta on the Utopian Queen? She should be here with us instead of assaulting the Senate Hall. That area is crawling with guards…and she is only accompanied by Super Spectre?

Perebum XS: Yes.

Michii: I don’t get it.

Perebum XS: Tangerine decision to confront the Queen acts as an insurance for the Eastern Empires…no, Atlantis…should anything or everything that we all planned for went wrong.

Michii: What?!

Perebum XS: If we had to abandon our quest, or should we failed to retrieved back the Sacred Sea Scrolls from Utopia, at least Utopia will be in a deeper political unrest. Tangerine is trying to create a conflict big enough that Utopia will never rise to its former glory.

Michii: She is pitting the nobles and the commoners against each other’s…but isn’t that what’s happening here?

Perebum XS: …her scales would be grander.

The Delicate Plan Pt 1

Reppu Kiri: What happened here?

Captain: Sir, the South Sentries is here. Looks like they ran into some difficulties along the way…

South Sentry 1: Help! Help us! We’ve been ambushed by unknown forces along the hallway corridor.

Reppu Kiri: There is no distress call coming from your unit.

South Sentry 1: We can’t…we tried to call Headquarters but there seems to be no response. The communication officers and most the unit is dead and our comlink is broken down…our only hope to get out alive and rendezvous’ back with the rest of the unit.

Reppu Kiri: …and him?

South Sentry 1: He’s been injured badly.

Captain: Bring him inside the medical tent, quickly…and get some rest soldier. I will extract your report about this matter in a few minutes.

South Sentry 1: Yes, sir.

Deadbird: Reppu Kiri…comes in please, what’s with all the commotion?

Reppu Kiri: I hear you Deadbird.

Deadbird: …did the south made it back?

Reppu Kiri: …not in one piece. The whole unit is reportedly being under attack by hostiles. Two of the sentries manage to survive.

Deadbird: The enemy attacked the HQ. The enemy also assaulted the South Sentries.

Reppu Kiri: Do you think the enemy went in through the South Entrance and push their way inside?

Deadbird: The time gap between the two events is too small. The survivors did not report immediately to other units about their troops being under attack…they also mentioned that the communications between their unit and HQ had been downed. Meaning the assault on our HQ took place first before the attack on the South Sentries.
Reppu Kiri: …or that the attacks are launched by two different parties.
Deadbird: That would be weird, why the attackers would split their forces attacking random targets, making us running up and down in disarray…

Reppu Kiri: I think you had answered yourself there…

Deadbird: If the main objectives are to make us scatter than who or what is their main target?

Reppu Kiri: …the ones that brought us all here. The Queen!

Deadbird: We better alert the others…

Super Spectre: …so far so good. They seem to dig all the lies coming out from my mouth.

Tangerine: You’re in? Good. So, where do they drag you?

Super Spectre: To the sick bay of course. I’m not sticking around too long to play doctor…or they might find out who I really am.

Tangerine: Congratulations on your effort sneaking yourself inside the enemy outpost. How things going on there on the core? What did you saw along the way; defenses…enemy numbers, communications post?

Super Spectre: The enemy lines are thick. They probably merge all of the remaining sentries and focus their manpower at the lobby leading to the Senate Hall. The only way in and out had been blocked and heavily guarded.

Tangerine: …any clues on who’s in charge?

Super Spectre: There’s a tall insectoid looking guy in shiny black armor running the camp. He doesn’t have any Utopia badges or insignia on him, yet the grunts acknowledge his every order.

Tangerine: …must’ve been one of the mercenaries bodyguard hired to protect Queen Rasa. Things are more desperate than I thought.

Super Spectre: Whatever is that good news or bad news?

Tangerine: …neither. Let’s say if we commence a direct assault on the enemy, what are the chances that we get away alive to proceed with the remainder of our mission?

Super Spectre: …we won’t survive. Taking the South Sentries is one thing, but there are hundreds of heavily armed military grunts stationed all around me; and THAT is an estimate judging from how far my range of view can feed me with vital information. Even with an amateur mercenary being in command, all he has to do is point at us and shouted “Shoot!”. There’s bound to be one or two lucky shots that are going to get us.

Tangerine: You think there are more troops hiding somewhere? Reserves?

Super Spectre: There are possibilities…

Tangerine: …how is your situation as for now?

Superspectre: …pretending to be injured and acting as the remaining survivor of the so-called “ambushed” South Sentries, I will be all right I’ll suppose…until someone smart enough to blow away my cover or realized that the injured “colleague” that I carry with me to the sick bay is no more than a dead body that I carry as a dummy…even worse he may start decomposing inside this medic tent.

Tangerine: …hang in there as long as you could. If my calculations are correct, Nihja and her rebel friends are to launch and attack at the Utopian Fleet. We need to synchronize the attacks. Hopefully, we get an information update from Winterberry soon.

Super Spectre: I heard the word “interrogation” somewhere. I won’t be staying to long if things get intimidating.

Tangerine: …you’re going to run your way through?

Super Spectre: My tricks are good at running, not staying put and becomes a sitting duck.

Tangerine: Pray that Winterberry keep us informed with something before you ended up running.

Super Spectre: If she doesn’t…I’m ended up running anyway.

Tangerine: …now, it’s the waiting game. I hope Nihja makes it in time…I hope everyone makes it in time.

Super Spectre: So it’s all up to that Nihja’s eh? The Eastern Empire Ace…worst case scenario, what if she didn’t make it?

Tangerine: Either make it, or if something goes wrong… at least make it out alive.

Super Spectre: …and that includes me?

Tangerine: Depends.

Super Spectre: Awwww…

To Be Marathon Rapidly!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Drafts! Planners! Projects!

I am back, but i won't be posting anything. Not yet. I've finished three more future scripts, fit for a mini marathon but i was thinking about something much grander, bigger and faster instead of nibbling on little bits of the AIC Wars Chronicles every week or two.

Spanning the AIC universe:

There are a lot of ideas that we didn't manage to put forth that we loved to publish over here at AIC. So far we have the character profiles, one side stories so far and the main story, while during the original planning there are more things that we would love to describe to the viewers out there about AIC Chronicles universe even better.

So this October there will be three more extra categories coming at us. These are:

1. AIC Geography - Nation's, Race and specific locations in AIC World explained.

2. AIC OST-MUSICAL This project is already on the go and we have finish with the first chapter of AIC!

3. AIC Machine Specs - The AIC arc is moving more towards the use of mechanical devices so it is in everybody best interest to include the ships, vehicles, aircraft's, mecha's and other mechanical equipment available in the AIC Universe.

4. Reconstruction of the AIC Blog: Most likely by the end of the year.

Looking forward to more AIC fun and goodness. Thank you for your support. The mega marathon will be coming near you...very soon!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Back On The Saddle Again

The road beckons my name once more and I'm away from my desk for a standard of 4 days. My updates was cut short this week because the real life work demands immediate attention.

Don't Tailgunner have a Broadband? No. Is the place Tailgunner's going had Internet access. Yes. Myself, however is a kind of person that keep one things done at a time before moving to the next task in hand. So i am about to remain focus on my trip and the job waiting for me. When everything done, I'll get back to you all for an update.

Tailgunner may update late, but he never let down his promise.

HI HO Silvaaaa...away!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Funny Signs

While i was on the road taking indoor pictures for future AIC CHRONICLES project, I've encountered some pretty interesting and hilarious misspelled signboards at a construction sites. I hope nobody get hurt just by misinterpreted what the sign has to say.

I can tell, amidst all the mistakes. How about you? Go figure!

They should be given some credit for trying. Notice that the notice on the first picture is missing the letter "A". While on the second picture, there's an extra "A" being written on one of the sentences. That extra "A" ruined the sentence.

I was wondering if the letter "A" from the first picture jumped to the notice board on the second picture, ruining both signs in the process!

If this is true, is that "A" a living organism or maybe an outside of this world Transformers "in-disguise"?

Maybe Tailgunner think to much!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Political Turmoil

Senate: Good day our dearest Queen Rasa. How is your campaign to crush Lord Velther Von Dash and his rebels fare today.

…oh, let me guess. Your forces are still scurrying in the sands looking for clues and sorts.

…give it up my Queen; there is no honor in this battle. You had disobeyed the Utopian Political tradition which is to consult the Utopian Senate before having our military forces engages in some military conflict…be that an external conflict or involving international crisis.

Queen Rasa: …as Queen, I have no need of the senate to tell me what I should and shouldn't do.

Senate: …your judgement had the fleet running in circles. In four days time they will ran out of food, water and fuel. We…YOU on the other hand, will be humiliated by the whole word because of this foolish ordeal.

Queen Rasa: …damn you Flame, if you failed to find the Rebel base by today’s sunset…I will personally strip you of your ranks and demoted you to the rank equal to that of a Utopian slaves.

Senate: Why not let us handle the conflict instead of…

Officer 1: Excuse me your highness, Senates…pardons me for the intrusions.

Queen Rasa: This better be good, officer.

Officer 1: Yes, your highness. I have brought news that the Utopian Fleet is engaging the rebel forces…approximately forty minutes ago.

Queen Rasa: Hah! That’s wonderful news, officer. Looks like I am going to do this MY WAY, eh…you Senates fool….are the visuals of the engagements ready?

Officer 1: In ten minutes, your highness.

Queen Rasa: Punched it on the main screen. I want the whole senatorial members…the whole Utopia to witness the might and powers of the Utopian Fleet against a band of rebels who dare to challenge my authority as the legal Queen of Utopia!

Officer 1: As you wish…

Senate: We will see, Queen Rasa. The battle has just begun.

Queen Rasa: Go back to your seat, Senator. I have an urgent announcement to make.

Senate: Your arrogance will be the death of you, your highness.

Queen Rasa: …and your foul mouth shall be yours. Be careful senator…I know how to get rid of unfavorable people.


Engaging The Enemy

Blinkiddies: Permission to speak freely Lord Armdagger, sir…but we are going in circles for days!

Lord Armdagger: I did not give you any permission yet you already speak up your mind.

Blinkiddies: These blind hunting can drive even an Android nuts…and that’s only about less than 5% than the overall personnel on this mission.

Lord Armdagger: I’m thinking of the same problem but on a more “humane” point of view. We are chasing shadows all over the Zelagros desert, yet the Rebels are well hidden up until now. We had no informations, no intelligence work, and no technical data of our enemies…

…the moment Lord Velther started a rebellion; we started to assemble a large fleet to snuff out the revolution fire without even thinking slightly what we are up against. Personally, I regretted that.

Silvercoated: The whole situation is getting from bad to worse. We break radio silence and shown our location to the enemy many times…strange, the enemy doesn’t seems to react to our errors.

Lord Armdagger: They are reacting; it’s just that they are not making any moves yet. Lord Velther Von Dash is a great tactician.

Blinkiddies: …much better than Lord Flame?

Lord Armdagger: Lord Flame is a great warrior…

Blinkiddies: …inside his own head.

Lord Armdagger: Another concern that I am having is that, if the situation never changed for the better…we will be steadily ran out of supplies, at worst our food and fuel will ran out. To turn back to Utopia will battered the Utopian Military Reputation badly, a result far worse than losing the battle with the rebels.

Silvercoated: Maybe that’s what the rebels are trying to do. Wait until we use up all our resources then hit us when we are at the weakest.

Lord Armdagger: I doubt that Lord Flame will be reluctant to turn back to the capital rather than purposely stranded this fleet here and let the rebels pick on starved soldier and dead ships…he may be as jelly brained as Blinkiddies have said he is, but he is no idiot when it comes to saving his own arse.

Silvercoated: He rather faces humiliation rather than go down in a blaze of glory?

Blinkiddies: He can blame anybody else for his dumb mistakes.

Lord Armdagger: He…what is tha…


Silvercoated: Owwww……my eyes!

Blinkiddies: What’s happening?! What is that sound? That’s…

Silvercoated: There are a lot of noises on the radio channel! The whole fleet is in panic!

Lord Armdagger: Clear up the channels! Give me a visual! What is going on…?


Silvercoated: That blast…that was close!

Blinkiddies: Clearing radio channel now sir! In five…four…three…two…

Radio Channel: …is…personnel carrier “Artemis” we were hit by…going down…osing power…I repe…are going down!

Divinekid: Missiles! Missiles everywhere! Evasive action! We are being ambushed! I repeat…we are ambushed! Battle stations!

Alonqexe: Guys? What is happening there? We are two hours from your position…what is your status…

Utopian Pilot: We are hit! We are hit! This is troop carrier “Virulence” we are loosing…titude…down…

Blinkiddies: What is happening here?!

Silvercoated: Missiles are hitting the Assault transport “Intruder” the ship is torn to pieces…they had no time to response!

Blinkiddies: ...darn! The radio's jammed. We can't communicate via radio transmission.

Lord Armdagger: switch to satellite signal...and report back to the Utopian Headquarters when you had a lock on the channels.

Silvercoated: Sir, the satellite system is searching for a signal, but it's going to take a few minutes to get a signal albeit all the jamming and weather condition...are...are you sure...?

Lord Armdagger: ...just do as i say!

Silvercoated: Yes, sir. Connecting in progress...oh my God, in fourteen minutes!

Blinkiddies: We don't have fourteen minutes!

Lord Armdagger: We don't have a choice either.

Blinkiddies: I'm cancelling the autopilot. Whoammy, Vulpine, guys better gear up cos it's gnna be one rough ride! We are at war earlier than i expected.

Silvercoated: A second wave of missiles are coming! We got flaks everywhere!

Lord Armdagger: The rebels…had made their moves!

  To Be Continued...

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