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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A More Aggressive Stance

Tangerine: What an unexpected turn of events, Winterberry.

Winterberry: Sigh…the order just came in. The Utopian News Network is to broadcast the Utopian Fleet hunt for the rebel forces in Zelagross around the clock, twenty four seven.

Tangerine: We must make haste. Sooner or later the security will finally catch up with us…and our cover’s blown.

Superspectre: It’s time to stop groping in the dark and go all out towards the enemy with a fearful war cry!

Tangerine: The things that we do here are dependant to how much progress Bada team make in their search for the Sacred Continent Scroll in the Utopian Library Archives.

Superspectre: She had more reinforcements helping her out than anyone of us! That’s cheating!

Tangerine: She had more important things to accomplish in comparison to what we did so far.

Superspectre: We are infiltrating buildings, killing people and destroying government properties. We might and I repeat…MIGHT…end up dead before this whole mission ends.

Winterberry: There are already dead bodies littering this building. The dead can still talk.

Tangerine: Then I think it’s time to kill everyone. Be alert, someone’s going to admire your work in the Military Headquarters might want your head on a stake for your sense of creativity.

Winterberry: …not to mentioned your way of barbequing everyone you saw as an obstacles to your plan. Someone might smell that out and sniff your burning trail.

Tangerine: Let’s make our move then.

Winterberry: I can still go undercover using my “Ume Modoki” personality disguise you know. You should worry more about yourself.

Tangerine: Make sure we all made it successfully…by the way, you already gain control over the Utopian Broadcasting Satellite do you?

Winterberry: Yes.

Tangerine: I would like you to broadcast two coded transmission for me. Send them out when you are broadcasting the Utopian Fleet progress at Zelagross plains to avoid detection.

Winterberry: No problem. So I have to stay put in this place and hold station?

Tangerine: …as long as your cover-up allow you too, please. I let you know when the real party begins.

Winterberry: So I am Ume Modoki the Utopian star broadcaster once more… (Laugh)

Tangerine: I'm afraid so...I will transmit the coded message via your comlink now. It should be done in a blink of an eye.

Winterberry: Affirmative.

Superspectre: Man, when all this nonsense is done. I’m going to land on Astoria’s sandy beaches and sipping Pineapple juice from my large sundae cup, surrounded by young girls dancing in grass skirts…

Tangerine: …let’s get a move on Spectre. The sentries are “expecting” us at the Utopian Senate Hall lobby. Let’s flex some muscle.

Superspectre: Flexing muscles? Dealing with those sentries I barely break a sweat!

Tangerine: Make sure nobody escapes.

Superspectre: They will die even before you can spell the word out…

Winterberry: So my friend, I guess we have a change set of plans now. I have to stay behind and run this place and monitor things out so everything runs smoothly and such…

Broadcaster 2: Mmmmphhhh…mmppphhh…..hmmmmpphh…

Winterberry: Well, it would be very troublesome if I let you stay with me in this tangled up situation…and people might suspect something wrong is going on around here. I hope you understand, a star can’t blow her cover-up, don’t you agree?

Broadcaster 2: Hmmmphhh…mmm…hnmphhh!!!

Winterberry: I’m glad that you understand how difficult this whole scenario is…

Broadcaster 2: Mphhhh!!!!! Hmmmpppphhh…mmmmm!!!!!!

Winterberry: …and I have to break my promise in letting you go after this whole ordeal is finished. As a matter of fact, I need to get rid of you…

Broadcaster 2: Mppppmmmmhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Winterberry: …right now!

Broadcaster 2: Mppphhh!!!!! Hmmpphhhh!!!! Mmmhpphhh!!!!

To Be Mmmmpphhh....!!!!!!


Tailgunner said...

More bundles of updates!

Tangerine Lim said...

Superspectre act is hilarious and Winterberry seems a little bit scary here. Hey! That reminds me of Jack the Ripper!

Eija Johanes said...

not much to say about others but this post, spectre poses are cool

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