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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, May 12, 2012


The Senate Hall Central Lobby. Sentries team gathered at the designated rendezvous point. Reppu's team and the West Sentries arrived first, only to find that they had communication difficulties with the main Headquarters...

Reppu: HQ, this is Reppu's you copy? I repeat...this is Reppu's team. Do you read me, HQ...over!

Soldier 1: Problem, sir?

Reppu: The communication link is not working. HQ did not respond to my call.

Soldier: What about the communications between squads?

Reppu: Time to find out. Deadbird....this is Reppu, come in Deadbird...

Deadbird: This is Deadbird, Reppu. I read you loud and clear, over!

Reppu: The West Team and North Team had made it to the Utopian Senate Hall central lobby, over...

Deadbird: Why are you telling me this Reppu, you should relay the information to the HQ for further assessment.

Reppu: I beg your pardon, but we can't contact HQ. We have been trying to do so since the last ten minutes. Could you relay the message to HQ please? There might be some technical breakdown on our communication system.

Deadbird: What about the West Team radio equipment?

Reppu: Negative, they also have the same problem...

Deadbird: Hold on for a moment, i'll give it a shot at HQ.

Reppu: Affirmative.

Soldier 1: Reppu, Sir...Yuusuke's team is on thier way here. Due to the distance different between the four main sentry points, they will be here in an hour.

Reppu: Good...and the South Sentry?

Soldier 1: ...not much on the news sir, only that they are "on their way" here.

Reppu: The South Sentry Team is nearest to this lobby. How can they be this late when they should be arriving hours ago?

Sanji-Q: Deadbird, Reppu was right...I can't hail HQ...if HQ had some technical difficulties over the main radio channel they should have informed us by using the radio comlink.

Deadbird: The military central communications, downed?

Sanji-Q: I hate to say this but, i had a very bad feeling about this whole communications blackout...thing!

Deadbird: Yet you say only human "feels"...

Reppu: ...this is serious.

Divinekid: I'll go and take a look. I will bring a squad with me...Sanji-Q you will stay here and keep an eye on our Queen.

Sanji-Q: Be carefull out there!

Yuusuke: Yuusuke here wrapped things up, as expected...i can't reach HQ as well...and it's all sunshine out there, natural phenomenon is out of the picture.

Deadbird: Well, we will find out once i reach HQ. Keep in touch, frosty and keep updating with each other.

Sanji-Q: could it be sabotage?

Reppu: ...if it is, why not go straight to Queen Rasa and get rid of her?

Yuusuke: Maybe it's more than just killing the Queen...

Sanji-Q: I can't think of any other possible motives.

Deadbird: People, if it's the enemy, they wanted us to go be confused, to be uncoordinated once they are ready to strike.

Reppu: So what shall we do?

Deadbird: Until i get a fix on what's going on, i want you to continue securing the lobby...

Reppu: Right.

Deadbird: ...and when the South Team arrives, they better give me a good explanation on why they are terribly late!

Reppu: Will do, out!



Tailgunner said...

New update! More to come! Continue to marathon!

Tangerine Lim said...

hehehe ^^
the first to comment.
it's riot in the senate hall

Michii! said...

more publishing

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