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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, May 25, 2012


Lord Velther Von Dash: So, what do we got?

Nihja: From the last open communication made by the Utopian Fleet, we knew that the fleet consists of seven capital battle airship, and escorted by around sixty smaller vessels and a mix of a hundred and eighty transports.

Lord Kane: That’s a big number. The largest fleet I’ve ever since the last Utopian War.

Nihja: True. A formidable force…but let us look beyond that, you will see a lot of weakness in the fleet organizations structure.

Lord Velther Von Dash: If you can’t win the fleet, win the ones in charge of the fleet.

Lord Kane: Errrrr…I am lost…

Nihja: I did a satellite scanning sweep on the airspace around the Utopian Fleet. The image pattern from the ships produces some interesting results. Show us the images officer.

Rebel Officer: Immediately, sir.

Nihja: Observe…from what we can see, the fleet ship type, pattern and designs are in irrelevant numbers to each others. Some of the ships are even unfitted to join the fleet. Barge, freighters, tug ships…these are commercial crafts!

Lord Kane: A standard Utopian Fleet should consist of three battleships, six heavy cruisers, eight fast cruisers, twenty two gunships, same amount of corvettes, and if it’s an invasion force, a full array of transports will be included.

Nihja: What we got here is seven capital battleships, four of them are the personal flagships of the Utopian Lords.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What about the other three ships?

Nihja: Utopian Standard Capital Battleship. We already studied the blueprints…and we have found a weakness in its structure that we can exploits. Nothing our anti-air can’t handle.

Lord Kane: It’s a big target in the sky. Even a blind man can’t miss shooting at it.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What about the other ships?

Nihja: We found out that most of the commercial based ships are made into transport carrier. Most are defenseless. Others are heavily modified lot, expected to be transport-for-hire merchants.

Lord Kane: ...and the rest?

Nihja: We found mercenary personal markings, sovereign ships and pro-Utopian Nobles volunteers.

Lord Velther Von Dash: A fleet of paper tigers. So what’s the plan? How shall we deal with this threat, and win?

Lord Kane: We strike at their weakest points. The fleet is led by a general with a short temper and zero tolerance. His overconfidence is flowing and his knowledge on his opponent’s strength is nil.

Nihja: We also need to strike at the backbone of the fleet. Going after those disorganized mercenary for hire and non-military type vessels as they were likely inexperienced in combat. We will set up a hit and run ambush from strategic locations along the plains terrains.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Good. Very good. Let's devise a written plan on how we deal with the incoming Utopian fleet. We will meet again in this war room in thirty minutes. I need to brief the troops for now.

Nihja: Yes sir.

Lord Kane: I’ll take my leave to sir.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Lord Kane, a minute please…

Lord Kane: Yes, my Lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: …for a while there I can’t help but wonder, why Lord Mana is not leading the Utopian Fleet?

Lord Kane: Might it is that queen Rasa personally instated Lord Flame to lead the attack. She does favor Lord Flame more than Lord Mana.

Lord Velther Von Dash: It’s a pity, for Lord Mana would make a more worthy adversary.

Lord Kane: He was once your dearest friend, my lord.
Lord Velther Von Dash: Once, not anymore.
To Be Continued
(yep, again...)


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