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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Titan Riders

Milkshake: Ready the combat vehicles! Make sure it’s on full tank! Check and re-check on the equipments. Prepare to move out at any time notice.

Rebel Soldier 1: Ma’am, shall I ready the Titan units?

Milkshake: Keep the preparation at seventy five percent until we received further orders. Meanwhile, go help the other ready the ammunitions. The enemy is on the move.

Rebel Soldier: Yes Ma’am, right away!

Kanon: Cool it, Milkshake. There’s plenty of time for us to prepare.

Milkshake: Well better be ready mentally, physically and machinery. How about manually…did that kid finish learning the Titans manuals?

Kanon: Kluang?

Milkshake: Yes. Where is he?

Kanon: Hope he makes the best of his time. When it’s battle time, I don’t have time to play “Ms Driving Instructor” anymore.

Rebel Soldier: How are our chances of winning ma’am? We can win this fight right?

Milkshake: We still have the upper hand soldier. The military might of the Utopian Fleet are legendary, but we still have the upper hand if we maintain an element of surprise.

Kanon: …the enemy still can’t pinpoint our location yet. We are setting jamming beacons on ambush areas to lure the fleet and hit them while they go disarray.

Rebel Soldier: Coming from you Ma’am, I felt better. I will fight the tyrannical nobles!

Milkshake: We seem to becoming some kind of “Beacon of Hope” for the people?

Kanon: It felt good…my chest puffing with self sense of pride.

Milkshake: Hahaha…but there is something that still bothers me out there.

Kanon: Huh…what?

Milkshake: I hate to spoil your mood, Kanon. But, by any chance…do you think “Heaven” will interfere? They had always been the eyes of the skies.

Kanon: If “Heaven” brings judgment to our cause than I will be ready for them.

Kluang: Hey! I need a hand with my Titan unit…

Kanon: …just the person I was looking for.

Milkshake: did you finish up reading the manuals and running up some field test on your unit, Kluang? I don’t have time too tutor you once we are at the hot zone.

Kluang: I did sister. I need a hand tuning my viewfinder. The alignment’s a bit off.

Milkshake: Such confidence kid. We’ll be counting on you then to watch our backs.

Kluang: Heh…I’ll be a smoking gun.

Kanon: Brag it kid, but walk the walk…now let’s get your equipment fix shall we.

Milkshake: Yeah, a smoking gun can become a smoking pile of ash crater if the instruments busted up.

Kluang: Lady Nihja is in the war room?

Kanon: Lady?

Kluang: Don’t she have a title on her? She looks like she’s a person of a higher rank.

Kanon: She is, but there is no such title bestowed upon her.

Milkshake: Let me explain…


Tangerine Lim said...

3 more characters that has been in the shadows for quite some time is making their way back in the spotlight

min-desu said...


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