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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dawn of Calamity


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; the outcome of the Utopian Senatorial Conference...broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: The time for evaluation is here. The most historic moments for the Utopian Federation had reached it's peak. Will the Senate agrees to Queen Rasa's action in eliminating the rebels at Zelagross but further damaging the relationship between the two conflicting members of the Utopian society?

...or will the Senate gambles for a safer path and consolidate with the rebel members in order to end the nation inner conflict while risking Utopia security and defenses?

...we will find our answer LIVE, here on the Utopian News Network.

Commoners 1: Sound only? What happened to Miss Ume?

Commoners 2: Maybe she was rushing and forgot to put her make-up on before she's ON AIR. (laughs)

Commoners 1: Talk about "Damage Controls".

Commoners 3: Do you guys think that mad queen will destroy Zelagross?

Commoners 4: Shhhhh...!!! Quiet! You'll get shot saying things like that!

Ume Modoki: ...we will now directed your attention to Queen Rasa, who is now making her way to the podium.

Broadcaster 2: Urhmmmmmm....!!!! Urghmmm!!!!!

Queen Rasa: Fellow Utopians, members of the all decree, my duty and responsibility as the Queen of this beloved nation. I consistently insisted the Senate to heed my advice and vanquished the rebel threat as soon as possible before more and more people fell prey to Lord Velther's incognito propagandise bluff and lies!

...and in order to established peace between the people, a new order should be put into plan. A plan that clearly divides the people to it's rightful be clear on what you can do and cannot do no matter how influential a person or a community might be compared to the other class.

...for a lower class to be ignorant and attempting to bested the higher class is nothing more than an act of arrogance and ungrateful towards the people of higher society rankings.

The classes must be clearly identified...and when we compel the rich Commoners to provide for the "poor" of their race, which will certainly be necessary, they will all sink together into a pit of criminality.

As this happens, we will faced with the harsh necessity of eradicating the Commoners underworld, just as we root out criminals from the barren plains of zelagross: with fire and sword! The result will be certain and absolute end of the Rebellious, unthinkable commoners; it's complete annihilation!

Lord Kane: ...clearly this Queen Rasa and her cronies had longing for war since day one. There is nothing much we can do in restoring whatever faith we had on any attempts to negotiate and establishing new understanding with each others.

...let's prepare ourselves for battle.

Queen Rasa: Members of the Senate, i will now leave the final decisions in your hand....but please remember, even if the senate disapproved of this action, i will still opposed the rebels personally!

Senate: It is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that in consequence peace threatening act, upon the power bestows upon me, as i; representing the whole voice of the Utopian Federation Senate officially, without any doubt: declared war upon Lord Velther Von Dash and his bands of rebels at Zelagross!

The Utopian Federation Nobles have struggled to avoid this tragedy. They have, as i firmly believe, been patient. They have kept the door of negotiation open.

They have given no cause for aggression.

But in the result their efforts have failed and I therefore, as a great ruler of the Utopian and its Federation, demands complete involved in a struggle which we must at all costs win and which we believe in our hearts we will win."

I hereby command the Utopian Federation Fleet under the jurisdiction of Queen Rasa; to commence immediate attack!

Winterberry: ...and so my friend, we have war...

Broadcaster 2: Umrffff...!!!! Urfff...!!!! Nrfffff...!!!!

Winterberry: ...and my job is to make sure both sides destroy each other to the core...and the Utopian Federation will burn itself to the ground...never to rise again!
To Be Continued


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