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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Hidden Truth

Soldier 1: What the hell happened here?

Deadbird: The whole Headquarters is blown to pieces…

Soldier 2: Look at all these dead bodies…its look as if they were blown open inside out.

Deadbird: They are killed all in one shot. There is little movement…no ducking for cover, no stacking up piles for hiding. There is little to no trace of brawling and close quarter combat.

Reppu Kiri: Deadbird, this is sentry team over.

Deadbird: Bad news Reppu. The headquarters is no more. We are investigating the interior of the premise. I don’t think any of our men survived the attack.

Reppu Kiri: What…who could be…

Deadbird: I think the right question would be “how” this could be happening, not who. Obviously the Zelagross rebels sympathizers are responsible for this attack…it’s just how do they manage to do it.

Reppu Kiri: …not to mention, who’s next on their killing list.

Soldier 1: Sir, over here! I might have found something.

Deadbird: I’ll get back to you in a minute Reppu.

Reppu Kiri: Roger. Please be careful. The enemy is on the loose.

Deadbird: Take care of yourself Reppu. Keep an eye on things and check out anything suspicious around there.

Sentry 1: Excuse me…excuse me…Reppu, Sir…!

Commander 1: The leader is busy on the comlink, lieutenant…what’s that you’re so anxious to report about?

Sentry 1: Sir, pardon me sir…but the South Sentries just arrived through the left entrance of the lobby. I thought the leader might want to check this out…the South; they had only one sentry left…and he’s acting around a walking zombie.

Commander 1: I’ll handle this. Private, you follow me…the rest of you ladies stay here and inform the matter to Reppu after he had finished with his report.

Sentry 1: Yes, sir!

Commander: There is something wrong with the South sides…something is not quite right around here.

Selamat Hari Gawai 2012

Ari Tu Kitai Rami
Semua Rumah Dibuka
Ngelaluka Semua Datai
Enda Milih Raban Bansa
Aram Ngabang Bebala
Betabi Jari Semua
Begulai Enggau Ati Gaga
Selamat Gawai Dayak

Happy Gawai Dayak!


A More Aggressive Stance

Tangerine: What an unexpected turn of events, Winterberry.

Winterberry: Sigh…the order just came in. The Utopian News Network is to broadcast the Utopian Fleet hunt for the rebel forces in Zelagross around the clock, twenty four seven.

Tangerine: We must make haste. Sooner or later the security will finally catch up with us…and our cover’s blown.

Superspectre: It’s time to stop groping in the dark and go all out towards the enemy with a fearful war cry!

Tangerine: The things that we do here are dependant to how much progress Bada team make in their search for the Sacred Continent Scroll in the Utopian Library Archives.

Superspectre: She had more reinforcements helping her out than anyone of us! That’s cheating!

Tangerine: She had more important things to accomplish in comparison to what we did so far.

Superspectre: We are infiltrating buildings, killing people and destroying government properties. We might and I repeat…MIGHT…end up dead before this whole mission ends.

Winterberry: There are already dead bodies littering this building. The dead can still talk.

Tangerine: Then I think it’s time to kill everyone. Be alert, someone’s going to admire your work in the Military Headquarters might want your head on a stake for your sense of creativity.

Winterberry: …not to mentioned your way of barbequing everyone you saw as an obstacles to your plan. Someone might smell that out and sniff your burning trail.

Tangerine: Let’s make our move then.

Winterberry: I can still go undercover using my “Ume Modoki” personality disguise you know. You should worry more about yourself.

Tangerine: Make sure we all made it successfully…by the way, you already gain control over the Utopian Broadcasting Satellite do you?

Winterberry: Yes.

Tangerine: I would like you to broadcast two coded transmission for me. Send them out when you are broadcasting the Utopian Fleet progress at Zelagross plains to avoid detection.

Winterberry: No problem. So I have to stay put in this place and hold station?

Tangerine: …as long as your cover-up allow you too, please. I let you know when the real party begins.

Winterberry: So I am Ume Modoki the Utopian star broadcaster once more… (Laugh)

Tangerine: I'm afraid so...I will transmit the coded message via your comlink now. It should be done in a blink of an eye.

Winterberry: Affirmative.

Superspectre: Man, when all this nonsense is done. I’m going to land on Astoria’s sandy beaches and sipping Pineapple juice from my large sundae cup, surrounded by young girls dancing in grass skirts…

Tangerine: …let’s get a move on Spectre. The sentries are “expecting” us at the Utopian Senate Hall lobby. Let’s flex some muscle.

Superspectre: Flexing muscles? Dealing with those sentries I barely break a sweat!

Tangerine: Make sure nobody escapes.

Superspectre: They will die even before you can spell the word out…

Winterberry: So my friend, I guess we have a change set of plans now. I have to stay behind and run this place and monitor things out so everything runs smoothly and such…

Broadcaster 2: Mmmmphhhh…mmppphhh…..hmmmmpphh…

Winterberry: Well, it would be very troublesome if I let you stay with me in this tangled up situation…and people might suspect something wrong is going on around here. I hope you understand, a star can’t blow her cover-up, don’t you agree?

Broadcaster 2: Hmmmphhh…mmm…hnmphhh!!!

Winterberry: I’m glad that you understand how difficult this whole scenario is…

Broadcaster 2: Mphhhh!!!!! Hmmmpppphhh…mmmmm!!!!!!

Winterberry: …and I have to break my promise in letting you go after this whole ordeal is finished. As a matter of fact, I need to get rid of you…

Broadcaster 2: Mppppmmmmhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Winterberry: …right now!

Broadcaster 2: Mppphhh!!!!! Hmmpphhhh!!!! Mmmhpphhh!!!!

To Be Mmmmpphhh....!!!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Lord Velther Von Dash: So, what do we got?

Nihja: From the last open communication made by the Utopian Fleet, we knew that the fleet consists of seven capital battle airship, and escorted by around sixty smaller vessels and a mix of a hundred and eighty transports.

Lord Kane: That’s a big number. The largest fleet I’ve ever since the last Utopian War.

Nihja: True. A formidable force…but let us look beyond that, you will see a lot of weakness in the fleet organizations structure.

Lord Velther Von Dash: If you can’t win the fleet, win the ones in charge of the fleet.

Lord Kane: Errrrr…I am lost…

Nihja: I did a satellite scanning sweep on the airspace around the Utopian Fleet. The image pattern from the ships produces some interesting results. Show us the images officer.

Rebel Officer: Immediately, sir.

Nihja: Observe…from what we can see, the fleet ship type, pattern and designs are in irrelevant numbers to each others. Some of the ships are even unfitted to join the fleet. Barge, freighters, tug ships…these are commercial crafts!

Lord Kane: A standard Utopian Fleet should consist of three battleships, six heavy cruisers, eight fast cruisers, twenty two gunships, same amount of corvettes, and if it’s an invasion force, a full array of transports will be included.

Nihja: What we got here is seven capital battleships, four of them are the personal flagships of the Utopian Lords.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What about the other three ships?

Nihja: Utopian Standard Capital Battleship. We already studied the blueprints…and we have found a weakness in its structure that we can exploits. Nothing our anti-air can’t handle.

Lord Kane: It’s a big target in the sky. Even a blind man can’t miss shooting at it.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What about the other ships?

Nihja: We found out that most of the commercial based ships are made into transport carrier. Most are defenseless. Others are heavily modified lot, expected to be transport-for-hire merchants.

Lord Kane: ...and the rest?

Nihja: We found mercenary personal markings, sovereign ships and pro-Utopian Nobles volunteers.

Lord Velther Von Dash: A fleet of paper tigers. So what’s the plan? How shall we deal with this threat, and win?

Lord Kane: We strike at their weakest points. The fleet is led by a general with a short temper and zero tolerance. His overconfidence is flowing and his knowledge on his opponent’s strength is nil.

Nihja: We also need to strike at the backbone of the fleet. Going after those disorganized mercenary for hire and non-military type vessels as they were likely inexperienced in combat. We will set up a hit and run ambush from strategic locations along the plains terrains.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Good. Very good. Let's devise a written plan on how we deal with the incoming Utopian fleet. We will meet again in this war room in thirty minutes. I need to brief the troops for now.

Nihja: Yes sir.

Lord Kane: I’ll take my leave to sir.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Lord Kane, a minute please…

Lord Kane: Yes, my Lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: …for a while there I can’t help but wonder, why Lord Mana is not leading the Utopian Fleet?

Lord Kane: Might it is that queen Rasa personally instated Lord Flame to lead the attack. She does favor Lord Flame more than Lord Mana.

Lord Velther Von Dash: It’s a pity, for Lord Mana would make a more worthy adversary.

Lord Kane: He was once your dearest friend, my lord.
Lord Velther Von Dash: Once, not anymore.
To Be Continued
(yep, again...)

Titan Riders

Milkshake: Ready the combat vehicles! Make sure it’s on full tank! Check and re-check on the equipments. Prepare to move out at any time notice.

Rebel Soldier 1: Ma’am, shall I ready the Titan units?

Milkshake: Keep the preparation at seventy five percent until we received further orders. Meanwhile, go help the other ready the ammunitions. The enemy is on the move.

Rebel Soldier: Yes Ma’am, right away!

Kanon: Cool it, Milkshake. There’s plenty of time for us to prepare.

Milkshake: Well better be ready mentally, physically and machinery. How about manually…did that kid finish learning the Titans manuals?

Kanon: Kluang?

Milkshake: Yes. Where is he?

Kanon: Hope he makes the best of his time. When it’s battle time, I don’t have time to play “Ms Driving Instructor” anymore.

Rebel Soldier: How are our chances of winning ma’am? We can win this fight right?

Milkshake: We still have the upper hand soldier. The military might of the Utopian Fleet are legendary, but we still have the upper hand if we maintain an element of surprise.

Kanon: …the enemy still can’t pinpoint our location yet. We are setting jamming beacons on ambush areas to lure the fleet and hit them while they go disarray.

Rebel Soldier: Coming from you Ma’am, I felt better. I will fight the tyrannical nobles!

Milkshake: We seem to becoming some kind of “Beacon of Hope” for the people?

Kanon: It felt good…my chest puffing with self sense of pride.

Milkshake: Hahaha…but there is something that still bothers me out there.

Kanon: Huh…what?

Milkshake: I hate to spoil your mood, Kanon. But, by any chance…do you think “Heaven” will interfere? They had always been the eyes of the skies.

Kanon: If “Heaven” brings judgment to our cause than I will be ready for them.

Kluang: Hey! I need a hand with my Titan unit…

Kanon: …just the person I was looking for.

Milkshake: did you finish up reading the manuals and running up some field test on your unit, Kluang? I don’t have time too tutor you once we are at the hot zone.

Kluang: I did sister. I need a hand tuning my viewfinder. The alignment’s a bit off.

Milkshake: Such confidence kid. We’ll be counting on you then to watch our backs.

Kluang: Heh…I’ll be a smoking gun.

Kanon: Brag it kid, but walk the walk…now let’s get your equipment fix shall we.

Milkshake: Yeah, a smoking gun can become a smoking pile of ash crater if the instruments busted up.

Kluang: Lady Nihja is in the war room?

Kanon: Lady?

Kluang: Don’t she have a title on her? She looks like she’s a person of a higher rank.

Kanon: She is, but there is no such title bestowed upon her.

Milkshake: Let me explain…

Doubts and Determinations

Lord Velther Von Dash: Gentlemens!

Lord Kane: All hail Lord Velther! Saviour of the Utopian people!

Lord Velther Von Dash: …and Ladies.

Nihja: War is upon us, my lord.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Indeed war is upon us…and witnessing the Senate backing up Queen Rasa and her henchmen to wipe us out of the Utopian map is the last thing that had ever came out in my mind.

Lord Kane: Lord Flame is known for his manipulative ways and are sharp witted when it come to speeches.

Lord Velther Von Dash: …that I admit is true, Lord Kane. However, as much wicked of a person Lord Flame is, one thing would always be true and will always be an error in my judgment.

Lord Kane: My lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: I have never cared for negotiations. I have never accepted the offer of sitting down and review the Utopian crisis in a diplomatic manner…that in my impulsiveness and in rage I have openly challenged Queen Rasa in a Coup D’état; rallying supporters and building up arms to overthrow that good-for-nothing-queen. I was obsessed in getting rid of her…I was blinded. Now, not only that I am facing the might of Queen Rasa’s fleet, but I am against Utopia, its people…the nation and its sovereign nations.

Nihja: …now that your actions had lost support from the Senate, are you saying that you are starting to regret what you had worked so hard for?

…are you, scared?

Lord Kane: Shut up!

Nihja: …as we speak, Senator Tangerine forces is already taken their position to assault strategic Noble held location all around the Utopian Capital. You are not going to let my master down my lord, not here…not now.

…and the hopes of those that followed you all the way until now. There are no turning back, no other options my lord…

Lord Velther Von Dash: There is one.

Nihja: Queen Rasa and her fleet must fall!

Lord Kane: Let’s see how many of them we can shoot out from the skies.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Assemble the troops!

To Be Continued
(did i write "to be continued" on the last episode?
No? Must be to excited to post...)

The Fool and His Pride

Lord Flame: Your Highness, Queen of Utopia and the Utopian Senates. I would like to make a suggestion.

Queen Rasa: Speak easily, Lord Flame, for the leader of a grand assault against Utopians greatest enemies would have good things to be proposed for the people.

Senate: Make it realistic, Lord Flame.

Divinekid: …now what is that lunatic up too. Have he had enough showing off already?!

Lady Junna: Be patient there Divinekid. Let hear what Lord Flame had in mind.

Divinekid: Nothing good I supposed…

Lord Flame: I would like to suggest that the occurring events of hunting down the Zelagross Rebels would be broadcast live everyday until the whole crisis ends. I would address the Utopian News Network to cover our fleet progress, without cuts or cencorship.

Sanji-Q: What is going on here? This whole “war-thing” had made everyone goes nuts! The Queen is getting fearless and prancing on that stage like a careless swan after the Utopian Senate favors her cause. Had she had forgotten she’s not out of the hot soup yet? Officer, scan the corridors, watch out for snipers.

Soldier 1: Yes sir.

Sanji-Q: She should have been back here right now so we can escort her back. Damn...why doesn’t she follow the original plan?

Halfy: That person had gone mad! Is he’s trying to infuriate the commoners further by witnessing their people being slaughtered firsthand! Lord Mana I…

Lord Mana: Easy does it Halfy. There is no slaughtering yet. Lord Velther may change his mind over these whole events. If he does, I hope he is…I will stop this bloody confrontation before it has to start.

Halfy: Even such an arrogant statement like that will flip over any opponent, even Lord Velther…

Lord Mana: Lord Velther is a wise man Halfy. He knows Lord Flame taunting and mockery is no more than just methods to mess with a cool reasoning and wise judgements. War is not only fought with swords and shields…before the physical war began we are already fighting using our minds.

Halfy: He will endanger the entire fleet and exposes them to ambush. The rebels can easily pinpoint our location by following the broadcasting signals sent back and forth from the fleet to home.

Lord Mana: Keep in mind Halfy, that our main concerned is not this war. The fate of these people fighting today…let Lord Flame hands be stained in their blood while I shall become the savior by driving Utopia on its knees in submission.

Halfy: Innocent people will die, my lord. If only we could…

Lord Mana: Forgive me Halfy, we can’t!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Bad Feeling...

The Utopian Strike Fleet: Plains of Zelagross

Lord Flame: The Senate had finally given their approval! All fleet elements…full speed towards the Lord Velther’s lair. We will snuff that desert rat out!

Divinekid: What? This is not right…we can’t just charge into the desert and start charging blindly. We don’t even know the location of the enemy base! We need to send out scouting parties and work out a battle plan from the collected information’s.

Lord Flame: To slow! I will present to the Senate a swift victory. We crush any resistance that Lord Velther can throw at us, then interrogate any surviving rebels until they spill out the information’s that we need.

Lady Junna: … (Chuckle) that was simply straightforward of a plan. You did try your best though…Divinekid. Lord Flame is known for doing it his way or no way at all.

Divinekid: …and if his arrogance endangers the fleet I won’t hesitate to disagree and save my own tails, first!

Lady Junna: …the mysterious visitor back then at the camp still bothers you? Don’t worry yourself about what that person says. She might be some lunatic escaping from some mental institute.

Divinekid: The lunatic avoided forty thousand troops, nine hundred sentries and forty security cameras just to say some crap to me. Even mentally ill person should have some better things to do nowadays.

Penguin: Reaching five thousand feet. Activating the ship autopilot system. Sensors are at optimum.

Lady Junna: Acknowledge.

Divinekid: The encounter that night did not bother me much. It’s this whole campaign seems wrong in every turn. Lord Flame was the worst person ever in leading such an important battle scene.

Lady Junna: He is an experience general during the warring years.

Divinekid: I can’t believe Lord Mana and Lord Armdagger could keep up with him…

Lady Junna: They are probably too tired to start an argument and let him have it his way.

Divinekid: …he is now an arrogant, cocky, careless and over-confident commander. He treated the rebels as if he is fighting kids armed with sticks. He discarded the elements of surprise when he decided to make radio contact with the Utopian Senate…giving out our numbers, strength and location to the rebels. Now we are flying blind, with nothing more than hunches, exposed to the enemy fire and waiting for Lord Velther to strike first at this fleet, acting as bait luring them out of their hiding.

Lady Junna: Let’s say that what the stranger say is true, and we will be overrun at the Zelagross plains, will you do as she told you?

Divinekid: I…I…don’t know.

To Be Continued....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dawn of Calamity


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national news; the outcome of the Utopian Senatorial Conference...broadcasting LIVE from the Utopian Federation Senate Hall with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: The time for evaluation is here. The most historic moments for the Utopian Federation had reached it's peak. Will the Senate agrees to Queen Rasa's action in eliminating the rebels at Zelagross but further damaging the relationship between the two conflicting members of the Utopian society?

...or will the Senate gambles for a safer path and consolidate with the rebel members in order to end the nation inner conflict while risking Utopia security and defenses?

...we will find our answer LIVE, here on the Utopian News Network.

Commoners 1: Sound only? What happened to Miss Ume?

Commoners 2: Maybe she was rushing and forgot to put her make-up on before she's ON AIR. (laughs)

Commoners 1: Talk about "Damage Controls".

Commoners 3: Do you guys think that mad queen will destroy Zelagross?

Commoners 4: Shhhhh...!!! Quiet! You'll get shot saying things like that!

Ume Modoki: ...we will now directed your attention to Queen Rasa, who is now making her way to the podium.

Broadcaster 2: Urhmmmmmm....!!!! Urghmmm!!!!!

Queen Rasa: Fellow Utopians, members of the all decree, my duty and responsibility as the Queen of this beloved nation. I consistently insisted the Senate to heed my advice and vanquished the rebel threat as soon as possible before more and more people fell prey to Lord Velther's incognito propagandise bluff and lies!

...and in order to established peace between the people, a new order should be put into plan. A plan that clearly divides the people to it's rightful be clear on what you can do and cannot do no matter how influential a person or a community might be compared to the other class.

...for a lower class to be ignorant and attempting to bested the higher class is nothing more than an act of arrogance and ungrateful towards the people of higher society rankings.

The classes must be clearly identified...and when we compel the rich Commoners to provide for the "poor" of their race, which will certainly be necessary, they will all sink together into a pit of criminality.

As this happens, we will faced with the harsh necessity of eradicating the Commoners underworld, just as we root out criminals from the barren plains of zelagross: with fire and sword! The result will be certain and absolute end of the Rebellious, unthinkable commoners; it's complete annihilation!

Lord Kane: ...clearly this Queen Rasa and her cronies had longing for war since day one. There is nothing much we can do in restoring whatever faith we had on any attempts to negotiate and establishing new understanding with each others.

...let's prepare ourselves for battle.

Queen Rasa: Members of the Senate, i will now leave the final decisions in your hand....but please remember, even if the senate disapproved of this action, i will still opposed the rebels personally!

Senate: It is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that in consequence peace threatening act, upon the power bestows upon me, as i; representing the whole voice of the Utopian Federation Senate officially, without any doubt: declared war upon Lord Velther Von Dash and his bands of rebels at Zelagross!

The Utopian Federation Nobles have struggled to avoid this tragedy. They have, as i firmly believe, been patient. They have kept the door of negotiation open.

They have given no cause for aggression.

But in the result their efforts have failed and I therefore, as a great ruler of the Utopian and its Federation, demands complete involved in a struggle which we must at all costs win and which we believe in our hearts we will win."

I hereby command the Utopian Federation Fleet under the jurisdiction of Queen Rasa; to commence immediate attack!

Winterberry: ...and so my friend, we have war...

Broadcaster 2: Umrffff...!!!! Urfff...!!!! Nrfffff...!!!!

Winterberry: ...and my job is to make sure both sides destroy each other to the core...and the Utopian Federation will burn itself to the ground...never to rise again!
To Be Continued

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