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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, November 5, 2010

A New Tomorrow...

Lutherniel: That’s a frickin long history lesson there …..

Halfy: …. Just want to give you all a clear picture on what you guys get yourself into. If any of you here finds that fighting for the Utopian kingdom is a lost cause … there’s still time to back down and turn tails before regretting anything.

Alongexe: From a mercenary point of view, if the cause isn’t worth the glory, hope that the money’s good.

Halfy: Don’t worry, it will worth your life and more… I take that you have made up your mind about getting yourself involved in the Utopian “War Business”?

Alongexe: … were in.

Lutherniel: What?! Say that again?

Alongexe: I said we are in.

Lutherniel: Coming from you, I may need to ask you several times for confirmation...

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther!

Lutherniel: Okay… It’s decided. We are in! Money and glory, here we come!

Sanji: We are leaving girls… I’ve something to discuss with our lord back at spaceport. Besides, need to check on maintenance there.

Alonqexe: Yeah... same here. Let’s go hit the sack. There’s a lot of stuff needs to be done tomorrow. See you all at the Military Administration Office first thing tomorrow morning then.

Sanji: Don’t chicken out and ran away tonight, we might catch you at the spaceport.

Alonqexe: Heh…nonsense…

The chilling breeze,
The ruffled leaves,

The southern wind blows,
Quietly over the dark blue skies,
Time passed over me...

Sweeping across my continent of dreams,
Across countless sweet lullabies,
Taking away what's yesterday,

...and whisper me the promise of tomorrow.

- Midnight (Rose 17/4/2003)

Lord Mana: I never knew you are giving away free lectures to kids this late at night Halfy...

Halfy: Lord lord, you knew?

Lord Mana: Giving away free information about the most secretive political affair and events to strangers in an open place like that. To tell you the truth Halfy, i am the least excited about what you are doing right now...

Halfy: Pardon me Lord Mana, but i felt that it is important that the people...

Lord Mana: ...knows about the truth behind all this...chaos? Halfy, the truth sometimes bring us more trouble than good.

Halfy: Forgive me my will never happen again.

Lord Mana: No matter...try as i might, the ugly face of Utopia will sooner or later resurface. As a matter of fact...

Lord Mana: ...this will be the starting point for the fall of this godforsaken country. The only remedy, the only way to correct this great error is none other than...

Halfy: let the nation continue to rot itself to the core. To be weaken...and then, when the country is crawling on it's is time for you to seize the opportunity and take what rightfully yours, Lord Mana.

Lord Mana: ...when that day comes Halfy...when THAT DAY comes...



Penelope's Den said...

hmmm evil in the making?

charlie kim said...


hee long time no c der

Tangerine Lim said...

hi hi ^^

rose contribute a poem?

Tailgunner said...

not quite. I ripped it out of our college yearbook. XD

Rose would be sporting enough to be troubled by my unauthorized action eh?

Penelope's Den said...

can i say that im somewhat unimpressed with your unpermitted violation?

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