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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Gathering

Alonqexe: Looks like someone beaten us to the Main Hall already...

Silver: I never expected to see this much of a crowd, yet alone joining the Utopian Federation cause in this internal war.

Lutherniel: Well the money's good...

Alonqexe: Maybe to good.

Lutherniel: What do you mean by that?

Alonqexe: Because i saw someone that by logic shouldn't poke his head into this political mess right now...Yuusuke!

Lutherniel: What?! That kid?

Yuusuke: Hey guys! What a sight for sore eyes....

Yuusuke: It seems like i beat you guys and came here at record speed. Never crossed my mind that the two of you would be interested in taking a job too big for amateurs like you both...hahaha!

Alonqexe: Heh...and you think you're more then up to it? Yuusuke, this whole's not as simple as the usual hit and run business like we always ran into. This is war. You don't treat war like a playground kiddo...

Yuusuke: Well we both can agree that they give good pay here...there's nothing Yuusuke the mercenary 'Rising Star" couldn't handle right. It will be easy in and easy out.

Alonqexe: Don't get so full of yourself now rookie...

Yuusuke: "Nothing ventured nothing gain" right? The pays enough to make me retire from this mercenary business for life. You must had similar concept in mind. Else, you won't show up here yourself.

Alonqexe: We don't have the same agenda Yuusuke...

Yusuuke: Whatever...i still can see money glittering in your eyes.

Alonqexe: Yuusuke...nevermind...

Silver: Who is that kid?

Lutherniel: He's our hometown hommies. Ditch school and started himself a mercenary career...a money driven fourteen year old kid.

Silver: You and Alonqexe sure sets a good example for young kids.

Lutherniel: Personally, seeing someone getting into this dirty business so young...

Silver: Sometimes there is limited choices in life.

Lutherniel: Not me girl...mine was my own making.

Silver: Tell me about it sometimes.

Lutherniel: I think about it later...

Lutherniel: Yuusuke and us used to be in one tea a long time ago. Doing "safe" mercenary work that didn't put our lives on the lines too much. After a while Yuusuke decided that playing safe won't earn him enough money so he decided to split and do some more extreme mercenary jobs...

Silver: Is money all that matters?

Lutherniel: Put yourself in his shoes, you will understand.

Silver: What happened?

Lutherniel: Yuusuke mom back home catch this horrible illness and required extra medical attention. Since they were only the two of them living together and Yuusuke still very much a kid to qualify for a proper job, he decided that the best way to save his mom is to ditch the books and getting involved in a fast cash money making jobs such as being a mercenary.

Silver: Was it that easy?

Lutherniel: Hell no ma'am...mercenary gets their cash from their reputations. The higher your reputation, the more job offer you're going to get. It's like a "Rock Star" thing where you need to build yourself a name and make yourself big. A debut...and he got his a year ago.

Silver: ...and that would be?

Lutherniel: Have you Avalon guys ever heard of the Deumann Massacre?

Silver: The Deumann Massacre incident occurs around 2 years ago. The case was still open up until now and the Deumann Colony Police are still hunting for the group that assassinated the entire Deumann Royal Family. I've heard that it was related to succession rivalry and since the whole incident was well plotted, the authorities believed that an outsider "kill-for-hire" was involved in....wait, don't tell me that...

Lutherniel: I think i spoke too much. Be careful, he is not your average, he's desperate. He would do anything for his mom, even putting a knife in your back.

Silver: You really think that he would betray us?

Lutherniel: Mercenary is a double edged sword job ma'am. Never trust mercenaries. Not even me...(looking at Alonqexe)...not even us.

Silver: ...

Alonqexe: Yuusuke, what had all the richest wrapped around your fingers by now. You've been playing this dangerous game for quite some time now dude. retire while you still can, your mom needs you.

Yuusuke: My moms fine. I used my prized money to pay for all her medical expenses and as we speak...she is laying down comfortably in one of the best hospital care on this planet.

Alonqexe: So why are you still here playing with got what you dream of, settle down kid...don't waste your life you got miles to go...

Yuusuke: I was thinking of carving myself a name here. A major event that will catapulted my fame. Good marketing strategies eh? Imagine making it out in one piece from this stupid civil war, my reputation gonna skyrocket like crazy i might need to hire an operator to answer my phone and handle my clients....(laugh)

Alonqexe: I dunno man, from the way i see it...this war it ain't that simple lookin'.

Yuusuke: You guys are making money from baby-sitting...of course you cannot compare yourself to a pro like me. I've been living on the's a piece of cake.

Alonqexe: It's not baby-sitting kid. We just playing a safe cards so we could lived to see another sunshine. If it aren't for baby-sitters like us taking you in back then...

Lie L C: Is everything alright here?

Alonqexe: Yeah...we're problems...and you are...

Yuusuke: Ah...where are my manners...i was getting carried away with my conversation with my old buddy here i forgot to introduce you. Alonqexe, this is Captain Lie L C of the Utopian Federation Air Force.

Alonqexe: Captain. It's an honor...

Lie L C: Welcome aboard. You're the third mercenary group responded to our offer.

Alonqexe: I take it that Yuusuke here was the first?

Lie L C: No. He is not. That guy is...

Alonqexe: Is that guy even human?

Yuusuke: Beats me. He just stand there at one corner and kept quiet.

Lie L C: Maybe not the socialize type like you both...i read his database and identifications...not much except for his name: Reppu.

Alonqexe: never heard of him...

Yuusuke: Me neither. Self proclaimed mercenary?

Lie L C: I did a scan on the Utopian Federation and tapped into the Global Investigation Archives far it seems that he's OK with the law.

...Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the Utopian Federation Council. The discussion that had been held in the War Room had reached a's time to hear the results. I pray that this will be an "easy" war, but history always prove this statement wrong.

War is...sorrow, carnage, massacre, fear...there would never be any glory. If we ever walked out alive from this fight, i believe that there would only be one word to describe it all...


Queen Rasa: Lord Mana, forgive me but i am exhausted from the council meeting back in the War Room. Could you carry on without me while i retire back to my chambers?

Lord Mana: Yes of course my queen. Forgive me if the long discussions had it's toll on your majesty's health, but these are important moments...and there are so many matters that needs to be arranged before we prepare ourselves for an assault on Lord Velther rebel forces.

Queen Rasa: That's alright Lord Mana. I just need a little rest.

Lord Mana: Worry not my queen. Leave it to me.

Queen Rasa: Thank You.

Lord Flame: My Queen...allow me to escort you back to your chambers.

Queen Rasa: Thank you Lord Flame.

Lord Mana: Words cannot expressed my gratitude for every one of you that had come and answered to our call for help. Be whatever your interest are...i hope that we cooperate as one and paved our road to victory against the rebels that mercilessly harassing the peace and prosperity of this Utopian Nation.

You all have come from far and wide...and now you are risking your life for this country's sake. If you seek honor and glory, i will bestowed it onto your shoulders; if its wealth and power that you hoped for then i will promised you personally...that you will be well rewarded; if it's all for justice and your undivided loyalty to protect the weak and preserve the peace of this nation...the heart of a volunteer, then i pray that God would blessed you for all your kindness.

Lord Armdagger will brief you on your roles and mission during our assault at Zelagross. I have to address the matter to whatever left of the Utopian Military Forces. Excuse me...

Lord Armdagger: Leave it to me Lord Mana. Time is the essence for this plan to succeed.

Lord Mana: ...and we need every single second of it. I'm counting on you Lord Armdagger.

Lord Armdagger: Strike while the iron is hot my friend...victory and so much more awaits you Lord Mana.

Lord Mana: See you at the battlefield. Captain Lie L C, please come with me to the flagship Hammerhead and gather our troops there for debriefing...

Lie L C: Yes, my lord.

Yuusuke: See you around Lie L C...

Alonqexe: It's been a pleasure to meet you.

Lie L C: I can't thank you all enough for coming to our country's aide. I pray that we will emerge as the victor...and most importantly we all made it back here safely...

Yuusuke: If we ever get back, let's have a party and it's all on you...(laugh)

Lie L C: You are one to talk mercenary, if we ever made it alive you will be the richest bastard alive...

Lutherniel: (Laugh)...ouchie, that hurts!

Lie L C: I'll take my leave now. Goodbye...

Yuusuke: Good luck...and don't forget the party!

Alonqexe: You sure are as happy go lucky guy like you used to be Yuusuke...

Lutherniel: Yeah...and an arrogant bastard too...

Yuusuke: Way to talk babysitters...

Alonqexe & Lutherniel: Shut up Yuusuke!

Lord Mana: Such carefree people...

Lie L C: Better enjoy life while you are living it sir.

Lord Mana: Seems like you are very fast in making new friends back there.

Lie L C: Sir, for people that are possibly wont make it to see another tomorrow i personally think that it's essential that we at the very least make these people feels welcome and at home in exchange of their service for our cause...

Lord Mana: I hate getting to close to anyone that would potentially be dead by tomorrow. The loss would be too overbearing...

Lie L C: ...yes sir...

Lord Armdagger: Well gentlemen...ladies, gather around please. We are short of time and i hate repeating myself to much during this briefing. Well, as you all know...the Utopian Federation had agreed upon the decision to launch an assault at the very heart of the rebel forces secretly hidden in the desert plains of Zelagross. Thus, this is the plan so far...



Tailgunner said...

The longest post with so many new characters being thrown altogether in one post. wow! Kagutsuchi must've had a sugar rush up her brain and getting pumped up on this latest update!

Nihja Tenuk said...

Love the new look! 2nd chapter already?

Diana T said...

explains the title of this part a lot eh? =D Great new look though. For such a story, it definitely match!

charlie kim said...

its cool! everything! Charlie approved ***** stars!

Tangerine Lim said...

is this the longest post ever? 3 new characters in one post.

min-desu said...

I FREAKING LOVE this new layout! XD frsh new look + easy to navigate through!

and wuhuu.. who's Yuusuke n Lie L C again? o wo''

Penelope's Den said...

alonqexe can explain that (if he's around though)

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