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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fate's Game: Finale

“Since the condition of our king is unknown, my member of the Utopian Conservative Movements and I had concluded that there are no better and none other suitable candidate to step up to the throne, other than the king’s own and only daughter… Princess Rasa.”

Lord Flame reasoned out that Princess Rasa succession to the throne would be temporarily… and should king Panthera returns it is much easier to pass the power back to the former king since the current candidate and the former ruler was related by blood. The very least, this could prevent the issues of holding onto power or regaining the throne by force in short, minimizing the possibility of a civil war just in case the new successor refuses to return his or her power during the king’s return.

… Why do the conservative nobles felt confident that Princess Rasa would gladly step down from the throne when the king decided to return?

Princess Rasa had no interest in governing the country. Even as Lord Flame approaches the princess and announce his attention in making her the queen; the princess almost immediately went down in tears as she feared to face the reality of carrying the burden of running a vast empire …. However after countless assurance that the responsibilities will be handed back as soon as his father the king return or in worst cases scenario a more suitable ruler had been found Princess Rasa eventually agreed to shoulder the responsibility of becoming the 3002nd Queen of The Utopian Federation.

Princess Rasa is the sole daughter of King Panthera. At the age of thirteen, the princess had developed a deep interest in arts, literature and theatrical plays. Having no interest in succeeding his father, the current 3001st king of the Utopian Federation, Princess Rasa continuously avoided the political spotlight and out of the public eye which in fact made her one of those lowly publicized and an unknown noble figure amongst the Utopians.

The Conservatives began to unraveled their next plan, after succeeding to convince the Utopian Count in introducing Princess Rasa as the next suitable candidate for the Utopian throne, Lord Flame began to propose plans which he claims would aid the princess greatly in governing the country due to her weak political and management skills. Lord Flame had suggested that Lord Mana would be the Princess court advisor. In addition to that, each member of the Utopian should be reinstated as advisors as well. This, according to Lord Flame would lessen the burden to have gone down on the ground in order to monitor and manage the Utopian Community.

This proposal is a success, and with the coronation of Princess Rasa as the 3002nd Queen of Utopia, a from the Conservative Nobles, a foreign affair officer and Lord Velther which represented the commoners community of Utopia had been chosen alongside Lord Mana as the Queen personal advisors.

In the following years to come, the Utopian Queen maintained her position and fulfilling her duties as the head of the nation. Guided by her Conservative Nobles friends the Queen began to suppress the commoner’s special rights to compete in the economic fields, the conservatives had managed to set up an act which stated that they had taxation rights activities for both domestic and international merchandise and economic activities and also had taken full control over the military and the police forces of Utopia.

… the Conservative Nobles are back in power. With Lord Flame influencing the young Queen, the conservative hope to regain back their glorious days of the past. With the Conservatives members are slowly taking charge of Utopian important administrative positions again, it won’t be long for Utopia to be shaped into a nation the Conservative sees fit.

For the Modern Nobles, the era of warpath and carnage will repeat itself once again…and there is nothing that they can do about it.

In the following years to come, the Utopian Queen maintained her position and fulfilling her duties as the head of the nation. Guided by her Conservative Nobles friends the Queen began to suppress the commoner’s special rights to compete in the economic fields, the conservatives had managed to set up an act which stated that they had taxation rights activities for both domestic and international merchandise and economic activities and also had taken full control over the military and the police forces of Utopia.

A year after Queen Rasa had come into power, Lord Flame of the Conservative Noble suggested that the Queen dismisses the Special Police Force Hoofdcommissaris Baron Halfy for poor performance over handling the case of the missing king … accusing that the Head of Special Police Force had been ineffective in fulfilling the task of retrieving information’s and the slow updates on King Panthera. Queen Rasa granted Lord Flame request, Baron Halfy was force to resign and a conservative member, Lord Dravien come into office taking charge of the Utopian Special Police Unit.

The commoners are being treated badly again. The legislation that permits the commoners to be involved in activities that was once privileged for the nobles during King Panthera’s reign had been dismissed. Commoners are forbidden to participate in high profit trade trading. The government imposes heavy taxes and disbanded the once influential Commoners Trade Guild. The Guild’s wealth is confiscated and was transferred into the Utopian Royal treasury.

 The commoners were outraged, and during this wild turn of events there were series of attempted assassinations being conducted: targeting Queen Rasa. The anti sentiment escalated – fear for her own life, the Queen condemned the Commoners and refuses to ever again to be involved in any affairs outside the security of her own palace.

The Queen cut off all types of government-based aids to the Commoners and commanded that the residence sector to be under military control. Curfews are being imposed and any suspected personnel believed to be opposing the Queen’s reign will be arrested without questioning.

Much to the Conservative benefits; with Queen Rasa becoming too scared to come out to the outside world, it is much easier for the Organization to run their errands and dirty deeds unnoticed.

The naïve Queen knows nothing. Lord Flame had been pulling the strings and feed the Queen with false knowledge about the condition outside the palace. The Conservative leader filled the palace hall with parties and entertainment to distract the young Queen from the harsh reality and atrocities of the Conservative members outside the palace walls.

Even with all the joy and laughter of the never ending parties and celebrations; Queen Rasa continuously cursed her fate – angered that her freedom had been stripped down for her so fast and too soon. Being the leader of the Utopian Federation, Queen Rasa had been imprisoned within the palace walls. She had longed for the days she would run around free along the grassy plains of the Utopian Grasslands.

There is only one person to blame for this…King Panthera.

Unsatisfied with how poorly the Commoners being treated by the conservatives and their puppet queen, Lord Velther resigned his post as one of the Utopian High Council Knights. The strength of the Modern Nobles is dwindling; while the Conservatives are gaining momentum.

Lord Mana could do nothing, his title as the Prime Minister of Utopia are now merely name. The Conservatives are now in total control of the nation.

Halfy: …and now, the Commoners with the support from one of the former Knights of Utopia; together with a handful of nobles had taken arms to overthrow the Queen and her Conservative allies by force. Once again ladies and gentlemen I would like to ask all of you…are you making the right choice for coming here?



Tailgunner said...

The history lesson is over and we can finaly rejoice. Kagutsuchi must be relieved that the inevitable heavy part of the story is cleared and now we can concentrate on the current present events.

cheers! XD

min-desu said...

yay! super fast update this week o wo~

its a good thing! XD *stress reliever* >> exam week lol

alonq_exe said...

gosh, i missed 3 entries!

Tangerine Lim said...

now i see how the story starts to shapen up

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