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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Rebel Plans

Lord Velther Von Dash: …by showing us yours, you will benefit from ours. I hope you have some kind of valid plan in mind…for if not, even I can’t just offer away my army to those who I can trust, but unable to lead effectively.

Lord Kane: What do you have in mind? I knew you must have something planned earlier from the start.

Nihja: Yes, a strategy to defeat the Utopian Strike Force, by luring them into our trap. I need everyone’s co-operation on this one, for it requires much discipline and endurance to execute. We will take every aspect into consideration. Night and day, weather, geography, formations, equipments and resources as well as the enemy command structure and their leadership ability.

Lord Kane: Well, lets not waste anymore time and get into it.

Nihja: We will conduct the strategy over an open channel so that we can address the troop all at once.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What if there are spies within our military structure…don’t you think it’s better to divide the assignments to the different divisions or battalions instead of broadcasting the briefing of the whole units openly?

Nihja: If there were spies my lord, we would have been accurately bombed right now.

Lord Velther Von Dash: These are risks, but what is glory without risk. Let’s announce it to the troops. Officer, set for open channel. Begin broadcasting the battle plan for the whole rebel army in five minutes.

Rebel Officer: Yes, my lord.

Rebel Base Hangar:

Milkshake: …thus by now you should how to commence autopilot while engaging the enemy with the anti aircraft guns. Keep an eye on the coolant meter. You don’t want those Gatling’s to overheat.

Kluang: Okay, I get it. The condenser on the feet, I think I need to ask for a tune up…

Rebel Officer: Attention! Attention all military staff and personnel. We have an important briefing broadcasting in five minutes. Please do not leave the premise for this special announcement. I repeat, we have an important briefing in five minutes. All personnel please stay indoors.

Kluang: What was that?

Kanon: Briefing?

Milkshake: What kind of briefing…I hope Nihja is alright in there…who knows what message the signals bring in.

Kanon: Calm down, but keep your guard up! Just in case…

Milkshake: There’s no way I’m gonna die here!

Kluang: What are you guys whispering about?

Kanon: Oh! It’s nothing. Just wondering what kind of announcement will it be…err, all the suspense!

Kluang: Isn’t it obvious, it’s a call to arms.

Milkshake: Might as well hold on to our horses for just a little bit longer here Kanon.

Kanon: Yes. It’s hard to keep calm when Nihja is not present…and I feel a lot safer inside my Titan rather than walking around this hangar with these…people.

Milkshake: Keep it down. People are gathering around for the announcement. They...Kluang... might hear us already.

To Be Continued...


Michii! said...

kluang has his regular cameos now

Eija Johanes said...

so does Nihja and hr crew

Tailgunner said...

yes yes

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