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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Milkshake: So what exactly are we waiting for Nihja? I heard from the rebel troops that the enemy is bombarding the surface of the desert trying to taunt us out. I say we go out there and give it to them!

Nihja: Easy now milkshake. Have some patience. Let them continue bombing this whole sandbox as much as their heart content. In the end, they are the ones getting no rest before the battleground is chosen…not to mentioned the amount of bombs they are wasting.

Kanon: So what are we waiting for…really? Letting the enemy do whatever they wants on the surface just so that we can prepare for the fight better can’t be the only best reason for our silence until now…

Nihja: We are waiting for Orange signals.

Kanon: The Prime Minister? We already receive our direct orders and what we had to do here in this big pile of sandbag. Is there a change in goals? New missions…

Milkshake: I hope we don’t have to abort.

Nihja: Nope. We are waiting for a signal. Our timing must be right so we all could strike at the same time. At this current rate, we don’t know how much progress our team at the Utopian Capital had made.

Kanon: This radio silence sure is a disadvantaged. We might be waiting here forever…

Nihja: Well, according to plan, the signal is to be transmitted today. All we have to do is sit down and wait.

Kanon: …not trying to see things negatively here, but what if miss prime minister failed to transmit the signal as planned?

Rebel Officer: Excuse me ma’am. There is a decoded signal being sent to our secret network via international satellite transmission. It’s was directly addressed to you.

Nihja: …see Kanon, all we need is trust. Please link it to my private quarters, officer. I’ll view the message there.

Rebel Officer: I am sorry ma’am, but Lord Velther insists that the decoded signal is to be viewed together inside the war room with him and Lord Kane.

Kanon: …but it’s a private message from Senator Tangerine addressed only for…

Nihja: Kanon, enough! I will take this message in the war room.

Milkshake: Is that all right?

Nihja: Didn’t I tell you earlier; all we need is a little trust.

The Zelagross Rebels War Room:

Nihja: Hello, boys!

Lord Velther Von Dash: You probably have heard of my unreasonable request regarding a private message that was sent in on your name from your trusted senator....

...i insist that the message was made public. If this whole alliance is all about defeating a common enemy and the good of all Utopia, that we shouldn't have much of a problem regardless of whatever the contents of this message might be...

...what do you think?

Nihja: I was dissapointed with your low level of trust my lord, however...such an excuse is no more than just hiding behind the shadows. Officer, play us the message!

Rebel Officer: Yes. Decoding message...

Tangerine: Yohoo...! Nihja! How's life playing under the savannah sun? I hope you'll get a beautiful tan once we finish our business here. Okay, now let's go down to business...i want you to coordinate your attacks on the Utopian Fleet accordingdly, so that we synchronize our attacks all at once...

...currently, i've breached into the Senatorial Hall. We are pinned down by the Utopian sentries gathered up at the buildings central lobby, but we decided to break their blockade in order to advance into the hallway and confront the stupid queen. There is no other way around. I have Superspectre with me so it won't be much of a problem turning the sentries into a dissaray swarms.

...our second team, Michii's team had already begin rounding up the civilians supportive to the rebel's cause. The team rallied forces from the Commoner's districts...and was now put on standby. They will snuffed out the Military instalments and troops along the Utopian capital, creating diversion and provides reliefs for the main task force.

The good news is, we already gain complete control over the broadcasting and telecomunications satellite. Winterberry did a very good job playing her part as the sensational Utopian broadcaster "Ume Modoki". She blends into the background, knocking out the sentries headquarters and gain complete control over the mass media network.

Lord Kane: I don't believe this...after all these times, Ume Modoki is YOUR spy?!

Lord Velther Won Dash: Please, be quiet Lord Kane. we can ask such questions later...

Lord Kane: lord.

...the third team hadn't made much progress yet, but we are going to continue without them anway.

...i think that's all the update i have...ten minutes after this message ends, we will be launching an attack at the troublesome sentries. I want you to do the same thing and ambush the fleet tomorrow at dawn. Send my regards to the rebels! Out!

Rebel Officer: The transmission ends here.

Nihja: Thank you officer, so now gentleman's...what do think?

Lord Velther Von Dash: Interesting enough...i was surprised on how much resources your senator had in building up an effective military typed underground movement to overthrown the queen.

Nihja: Have we truly earned your trust then, my lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: Truly...with all my life!

Lord Kane: I was always doubt your aide and support towards our cause. Deep inside the corners of my mind i cant stop doubting you and your colleagues as the Utopian spies who is waiting to strike at us anytime we let our guard down. I am wrong, and i apologize.

Lord Velther Von Dash: You are truly honest in your intentions; to rid of the tyrannical queen and to protect the interest of the common folk! Together we shall crush the evil inside the Utopian Federation.

Nihja: I have earned your trust. I need more trust in a proposal in the next thing that's about to come out from my mouth...

Lord Velther Von Dash: What is it?

Nihja: Relieved the responsibilities of commanding the whole rebel army, to ME!

To Be Relieved!


Tailgunner said...

New postie!

Penelope's Den said...

good! now that that's settled, lets go out there and shoot some utopians!

Eija Johanes said...

i am back in the spotlight! heh.

Michii! said...

you? how about me?

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