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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blind Search

Queen Rasa and The Utopian Senate is witnessing LIVE as the Utopian Fleet lead by Lord Flame started the hunt for the Rebel lairs at the barren plains of Zelagross.

(sounds of a roaring thunder)

Queen Rasa: you gentlemen can see here, Lord Flame flagship; the Adamant is commencing a systematic carpet bombing sweep over the Zelagross plains. The enemy whereabouts will be known to us in no time.

...for if our bombings should hit nearby or over the rebel base, the enemy will be scurrying out of their underground holes like scared rats...running away from the intense bombardments. saving their petty lives.

Senate: Queen Rasa, it had been three hours since we are sitting here and watch how this boring process of "searching for the unknown and hidden enemy" took place slowly and with little results. I wish to dismiss today's gathering and respectively get on with our own business until we have gotten new news over the enemy's location.

Queen Rasa: ...are you looking down on Lord Flame's ability at war?

Senate: No, we are just tired. I would like to request for this meeting today to be adjourned. We will keep track on the fleet's progress from time to time.

Queen Rasa: I insist the members of the senate to stay and witness the downfall of the rebel forces. It won't be long until we found the rebel hideout.

Senate: this rate the rebel will be fully aware that your fleet is coming looking for a fight all toodirectly and noisy, shooting and bombing around the wasteland. Hoping to scare them away with those deafening artillery strike.

Queen Rasa: Your faith in our fleet seems lacking...

Senate: We are not fighting childrens, either!

Blinkiddies: Man, there we go again...the queen and the senate is bickering over "how fast can we snuff out the rebels in record time" issues. No thanks to that Lord Flamer...we should have send spies or scouts first to these plains to make our jobs easier.

Silver: much longer still i have to use the sonars. My curcuits are overheating.

Blinkiddies: We threw out almost a couple of dozen bombs over barren soils for hours. What a waste of tax money!

Silver: My poor sonar ears....

Blinkiddies: ...even by human hunches alone, a little cuts here and there by proper logic...we are going to spend weeks here banging on pots and pans for the foxes to come out of their breeding holes.

Silver: ...we are dealing with a lord, human and a brilliant tactician from the Utopian federation golden era. Plus, Lord Velther is chosen by the late Lord Panthera as one of his majesty right hand man besides Lord Mana.

Lord Flame: Quiet the two of you! concentrate on the bombing run! We have to force the enemy out before we ran out of time!

Blinkiddies: jealous...

Silver: Shuuush! I wont picked up a fight with him if i were you.

Blinkiddies: He wouldn't dare...we have Lord Armdagger here...he wont even lay a finger...

Lord Armdagger: Ahem...let's just avoid any unnecessary conflict amongst us, understood?

Blinkiddies: Yes, my lord.

Alonqexe: Well, the fleet had start going around in circles searching for the hornets nest...probably the best time to catch up with the rest of the comrades in arms.

Lutherniel: Yeah...for once i taught we could never ever make it in this bucket of bolts.

Alonqexe: we had enough money to buy an eight man gunship Luther, someone had just spend those money on weapons fit for a small platoon.

Lutherniel: do you prefer to sit in a gunship and become targets for the anti Aircraft Guns or running around on a battlefield armed to the teeth?


Alonqexe: Either way, i felt like this whole war business had been on the downside with Lord Flame messing around openly. I mean, what was he thinking taking risks and making all the stupid moves like that...

Lutherniel: Look...kid, do not worry about that big shot. All we need to do is take care of each others back, survived this whole lunacy, get paid and then we can spend half a year sunbathing in the coolest Caribbean island we can find. Alright?

Alonqexe: easy for you to say. His carelessness may be the end of us...not that I'm hoping that that might happen to the both of us...

Lutherniel: stay out of his chains of command. Let the cyborgs do most of the dirty job for us, absorb the heat of the battle. We just stroll along at the back of their shadows.

Alonqexe: ...but they are our friends, we can't just let them take all the hits while we are playing safe all the time.

Lutherniel: Kid, how you have forgotten that they are made for days like these. They are not human. They can die however many times as they want.

Alonqexe: ...


Penguin: Ma'am, our vessel have inadequate bombing abilities to take part in the sweep. shall i put this ship away from the main assault body for the time being?

Divinekid: Negative. Do a long ranged sensor scan over the area around us. Stretch out the sensor as far as you can. The enemy might be watching our little show right now and if they do...i want to make sure i am hot on it's trail so it can lead us back to the real enemy base instead of wasting our precious time doing all these...unpractical method.

Penguin: Yes.


Divinekid: I seriously began to doubt myself on my decision for coming over and participate in this mission!

Lady Junna: easy there are just frustrated and tired. why don't you take a rest and let me handle the controls for a while?

Divinekid: No! That's not the point. everything here is wrong. The fleet is wrong, the leader is wrong...

Lady Junna: Lord Flame?

Divinekid: You bet! The strategy is non existent, no intelligence, no planning. All we rely on is our vast in numbers...wait, by saying we really know our opponents strength or how well armed they are?


Lady Junna: Judging from the estimates that the Utopian Federation Military gave us, the rebels had breached and hijacked several military bases and ammo dumps during the unrest. Taking that into consideration, the rebels are mainly equipped with hand held personnel type weaponry. Non of the heavy ones...

Divinekid: We lay our lives on the lines, over estimates made by the Military a few months ago without no new updates! I have a bad feeling about this war! A very bad...bad...bad...feeling!

A very bad "to be Continued!"


Yours Truly, Rave said...

the return of dynamic duo

Tangerine Lim said...

Lord Flame is a very bad commanding officer. Why people follow him?

Tailgunner said...

there are lots of duo in this post:

Flame and the kid

alonqexe and luther

blinkiddies and silver

Lady junna and Dk

Penguins and ...

Penelope's Den said...

those sparklies are bombs? at first i tought they were stars or something...

Eija Johanes said...

I have a request! Can i personaly shoot min down from the skies?

Yours Truly, Rave said...

hoi = w=''

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