The New AIC Interface

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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Queen Rasa: For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the racism spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don't be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don't think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Commoners contamination will not subside; this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the inferiors, has been banished from our midst.

Senate: So what you are suggesting here Queen Rasa, is that after all these millennium, you are saying that the Utopian problem are originated from the Commoners? That the commoners should be blamed for all the crimes ever committed in the Utopian History, even the ones that was clearly done by that of the Nobles?!

The work force of the Utopian Federation? The farmers that struggles day and night bringing food to the table? The military strength and the conscript that are sacrificing their lives for every extra inch of extra land the nobles craved so badly? I can’t see clearly where you are going with this…this ridiculous speech!

Deadbird: Sanji, did you observe the Senates reaction while Queen Rasa delivers her speech?

Sanji-Q: Err…does it matter? Somehow they look rather unhappy about the whole ordeal about the Utopian Social Caste and the way the Queen keep dissing the commoners as being somewhat being blamed as the source of the whole trouble.

Deadbird: Sanji…65% of the people inside this building are commoners. This includes the staff, the Senates, military personnel and others that participate on today’s event.

Sanji-Q: Technically we are being surrounded by angry people?

Deadbird: …and getting more and angrier…if this keeps up and somebody blew off their steam, we are going to face a whole bunch of voluntary mobs running down towards the podium.

Sanji-Q: …it makes me wonder if we are on the wrong side of the team here.

Deadbird: We serve Avalon. Avalon served the Queen. Right or wrong it is our duty to protect the Utopian Queen.

Sanji-Q: Tsk…such chivalry.

Deadbird: I am going draw back the military personnel guarding the outer perimeter, it’s easier to request for reinforcements that way. ..and having more backup presence near the queen might ease up some of this negative energy surrounding the Senates. They won’t try anything foolish…the very least…

Sanji-Q: You’re the boss…

Headquarters: All sentries at gate 1 to 8 please fall back to the Plaza Hall Perimeter. I repeat…all sentries are to fall back to the outer perimeter at the Senatorial Plaza Hall this instant.

Superspectre: Hey…hey, Tangerine…do you copy?

Tangerine: What is it Specs?

Superspectre: The Utopian Military are pulling back their troop deeper inside the building. So…what shall I do?

Tangerine: …you better join the crowd because if you don’t some top brass might get suspicious.

Superspectre: They WILL be suspicious if they see that out of the whole battalion that you roasted at the South Eastern gate, I am THE ONLY ONE survivor of such an attack…and at the same time, reporting to the officers that everything here is “A” okay!

Tangerine: If you don’t go they are going to get suspicious anyway…

Superspectre: …that won’t solve my problems!!!!

Tangerine: Looks like you have to be self reliant for now. I’m heading your way…meet me at the Utopian Troops rendezvous location.

Superspectre: Tangerine? Tangerine…hello? HELLO! Don’t hang up on me …I hate her!

Tangerine: Winterberry, I think you need to speed things up a little bit.

Winterberry: …heard that, affirmative!

Tangerine: This took a lot more effort than I tought…



Eija Johanes said...

Oren still burns people and nobody noticed?

Tangerine Lim said...

yes of course. I am heroine of the show ^^

Ain Khairi said...

don't they smoke detectors in the building? O.o

Tailgunner said...

tangerine conjures fire with almost 0% smoke residue. Proven by photograph images.

Ain Khairi said...

I forgot to put 'have' in my previous post... =__=

XD LOL... no kidding. magic fai-aaaah!!

Penelope's Den said...

nah...gunner just coverin his fultiness.

btw this era is in the past or future...i saw ppl fighting with swords smoke detectors at that period i suppose?

Penelope's Den said...

damn butterfingers!

Ain Khairi said...

but there are all these awesome machineries and guns and bazookas and androids... smoke detectors were invented like... 20, 30 years ago, 40?

Tailgunner said...

Smoke detectors never crossed my mind when i was considering every aspect of logical counter-measures in making this episode. Let's just say that smoke detectorsare non existant or never been developed yet in this alternate universe. haha!

Ain Khairi said...

Safe answer from tailgunner!! XD

Penelope's Den said...

Maybe it's better to say that smoke detector was invented after this incident.

Penelope's Den said...

In the AIC magic world, maybe smoke detectors were best used to detect future attacks from fire magician instead of an early fire alarm to evacuate people. lol

Tailgunner said...

it could be so. I'll leave it to you folks imagination! The topic is "1001 reason why there is no smoke detector in Utopia Federation".

Ain Khairi said...

Why '1001'? Why not other numbers? :3

Tailgunner said...

Because it is commonly used when it comes to stating out reasons.

Ain Khairi said...

Like the 'One Thousand and One Nights'? Interesting...

Tangerine Lim said...

i cannot believe the discussion can strech up until this long ^^"

Michii! said...

people made fire engine a few thousand years after people discovered fire

Penelope's Den said...

one simple word can goes a long long post.

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