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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Puppet Master Part 3

Rebel Headquarters: Zelagross

Nihja: You rang my lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: The Utopian Strike Force breaks radio silence and is broadcasting transmission to the Utopian Capital…most possibly to the Senate Hall.

Nihja: Interesting and foolish. Officer, intercept the transmission and punch it on our main screen.

Officer 1: Yes ma’am…but won’t the enemy noticed that we are breaking into their communications network.

Nihja: They won’t mind. What would you expect when you break radio silence in an enemy territory?

Officer: Uhhh…yes ma’am. Intercepting the enemy transmissions.

At The Senate Hall Assembly...

Senate: …what are you trying to prove here, Flame?

Lord Flame: I want to prove that we don’t need some stupid senate to give us approval in dealing with the enemy of this federation.

Senate: …don’t you dare challenge the Senate Flame! We are abiding by Utopian Law…and by the law; important decisions that are related to the federation security must be processed and discussed by the senate!

Lord Flame: Then authorized the attacks already?!!! Is this not an issue of the Utopian Federation security?!!! What is wrong with all of you dumb idiots! What, are you suggesting that we sit and wait for the enemy to attack us first?

Senate: We are trying to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed! There are better and more peaceful methods to end this conflict without killing our own people!

Lord Armdagger: …looking at the statistics provided by the Utopia Bureau of Intelligence, there is an increase in the number of people defecting and joining the rebels. 63% of them are military personnel. That reason alone should ring the bell for an 80% possibility of an armed rebellion would occur.

Lord Flame: Lord Velther gathered a hundred thousand trained military men and women just for a peaceful demonstration march into Utopia. ..

Senate: You are mocking the Senate!

Lord Flame: …better I mock the stupid Senate rather than have Utopia burn to ashes due to stupidity and endless empty talks while Lord Velther is gathering his forces to launch a strike, one strike is all he need…and if he’s lucky, no talks by any Senate will ever going to turn back such tragically events that might or might not be the fall of this great nation.

Senate: “Might or might not…” eh?

Lord Flame: You willing to trade hundred thousands of soldiers over the lives of billions? Including women and children?


The Rebel Headquarters: Zelagross

Milkshake: Lord Flame knows how to play his role.

Lord Kain: He is the kind of person that gets others to dirty their hands while doing his job.

Nihja: Well, the bad news is…all his arguments are valid.

Lord Velther Von Dash: It is my mistake to not have offered talks when the queen announces her ultimatum.

Nihja: Have faith in your decision my lord. After all, we are not all miserable’s.

Lord Velther Von Dash: I truly hope so…and above all I hope the people believed so.



Penelope's Den said...

The Gundam Seed council is not pleased

Michii! said...

i am sorry, but politics bores me***!

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