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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Day The World Stood Still

The wait seems forever...every person, every nation in this world would like to know future fate of the Utopian Federation. Admired during it's glorious days, of richnest, conquest and military strength...the current Utopia is currently dying; rotting from the inside.

The eternal conflict between the nobles and the commoners must have a solution today. The puppet Queen of Utopia however have no interest in restoring balance for the Federation...and the others will use this shortcomings as an oppurtunity to reap absolute power for themselves!

Like an active volcano, the Utopian Federation prepares itself towards devestation...


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national morning news with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: Welcome back viewers and listeners from all over the Utopian Federation Nation. I believed that this special assembly live telecast can also be seen at various neighbouring countries as well! Hello There!
The Utopian Senate Hall is now filled by the representatives sent from every corners of the Federation. Eager to hear what Queen Rasa has to say about the Utopian Caste issue and how it was related to the latest militaristic rebellious attempt made by one of the Queen once best friend and advisor, Lord Velther.

We knew that Lord Velther had openly challenged the Queen's authority and once more disputed on how the Utopian commoners had been treated unfairly by the Utopian Government; especially the higher Noble Ranks and the Elite Royal Families.

Lord Velther gained more and more in support, the rebellion decides to erect a military stronghold at the outskirts of the Utopian Nation, leaving the capital behind.

Kluang: Stupid Queen...

Ume Modoki: Months passes, Lord Velther are gaining more and more support from the commoners. Aide comes in many secret ways...the refugees had been flocking out all over the Utopian to meet this..."Champion of The People" and join his causes.

The rebellion issues in Zelagross began to snowballed and worsened. Dedicated Commoners soldiers, Administrative Department, labours; we heard more and more people are joining Lord Velther cause.

"Lord Velther fights for The Commoners!" we can hear the cheer being repeated time and time again in the Commoners population residence. Lord Velther could be what the Commoners need to rise up against the Nobles exploits over the caste system.

...or could it be that Lord Velther himself is an opportunist, pretending to be the champion for the poor and protecting the weak common folk and made himself the king of peasant's and gathered his own version of absolute power and respect from the commoners communities.

Lord Flame: they say, if you are not born better find yourself  people that will do whatever you wish for so you can at least be the king of something!

Ume Modoki: The 3002nd ruler of The Utopian Federation, Queen Rasa...together with her royal followers, began to take this issue seriously and try too shed some light over the difficulties the rebellion brings to the remaining peace loving Utopian people.

However both parties had never sit down for talks and negotiate on methods to ease down the rebellion as well as remedies the Noble and Commoners crisis. Instead, both parties quietly gathers their military strength - in which the news agency had never receive any justification's from both the Utopian Military and the Rebels explaining the firearms build-up matter to the public ...

Lutherniel: Peace loving? I am peace loving

Alonqexe: Shuush...Luther! I am trying to listen to this radio broadcast.

Lutherniel: This is such a waste of time...i want payday! let's get this job done with and let's scram outta here..!!

Alonqexe: my guess. What happened to "Stay Safe" policy?

Lutherniel: .....

Ume Modoki: At the height of the conflict, Queen Rasa announced a sudden ultimatum to Lord Velther and the rebels...saying that the rebels should lay down their arms and surrender...else they will be facing an overwhelming power and the might of the Utopian Military Fleet.

Lord Velther in the other hand ignores the ultimatum and stays in Zelagross until this day. This infuriates Queen Rasa and nonchalantly announces the date of striking the rebel stronghold publicly against the advice of her subordinates.

The Senate, the representatives of nations under Utopian Federation sovereinty was shocked by the news and decided to call an emergency assembly for an audience with the queen and to evaluate her majesty actions for making up important desicions without consulting the Senate.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Whatever Queen Rasa has to say today in that assembly hall with those unhappy Senates, it determines the outcome of this Rebellion and the fate of the Utopian Federation Commoners social hierarchy.

Ume Modoki: Thus, that was the introduction and a bit of  an explanation for today's important Senate Assembly. Will there be justice for the Commoners...will there be any glory left for the Nobles. What will become of Queen Rasa who acted on her own, or what penalty awaits Lord Velther who turn his backs upon his own queen for the sake of the Utopian minorities?

Stay with us as we bring to you live from the Senate Hall, the outcome of this very important meeting that would change the face of the Utopian Federation forever. I am Ume Modoki, signing off to give way for Queen Rasa to address the members of the Senate. Thank You...

Announcer: ...and now, with great honor...we would respectfully welcomed the 3002nd Queen of the Utopian Federation ; Queen Rasa.

Nihja: Boo....! Damn you spoiled brat! Lemme stick this knife into you!

Milkshake: ...for once, can you stop that racket...i want to hear what she has to say.

Nihja: Rubbish! Nothing but rubbish spews out of her stinky mouth...if i ever lay my hands on her!

Canon: She develops a personal grudge with the Utopian Queen.

Milkshake: ...

Queen Rasa: All of us here might wonder, what kind of speech will this foolish queen deliver right here right now, on this podium…addressing the member of the Utopian Senate – which represents each and every nation that made the Utopian Federation one of the largest nation ever known to mankind... goals are clear and my intention remains unwavered. Not in the presence of a thousand Senates, undeterred by the uproar of a million commoners, unmoved by threads over my own lives and unchallenged by any so-called “champion of the people” that sought power as an opportunist over a century old conflict...

Yes, I am talking about Utopia…her people, her nobles, her commoners, allies and traitors alike!

(Uproars amongst the crowd…)


Tangerine Lim said...

@_@ fast update overnight!

Ain Khairi said...

I can sense many of the characters here despise the Queen. >.>

Eija Johanes said...

yeah...that's the spirit gunner! Paddle the boat with all your might!

Eija Johanes said...

ain, you symphatize with the Queen? >:) *pokes Ain with wooden sword*

Ain Khairi said...

*shove the wooden sword* So not. I just felt it that way.

Go Tailgunner!!! XDXDXD

Yours Truly, Rave said...

Alonqexe: Shuush..."Kluang"! I am trying to listen to this radio broadcast.

is it a typo?

Tailgunner said...

yes it is. Raven yeyes as usual.

Tailgunner said...

lol another typo. My bad!

Tailgunner said...

fixed! tq Min.

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