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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Into The Fire

Timeline: 00:15 minutes before Queen Rasa speech to the Utopian Senate. Former Senator Tangerine just barely made it to the South eastern Entrance of the Senatorial building...

Tangerine: (Huff...Huff...gasping for air...) I...I am teribbly sorry gentlemen. I was late for the Senate you can see i am one of the senate member...Tangerine...Senator Tangerine, here is my identification.

Soldier 1: You are supposed to be here sooner maam. I will have to inspect your card and try to get an authorisation on your official invitation for the assembly.

Tangerine: ...but...but the assembly is going to start any minute now my good sir...if it's not because my fear of my own security making my way on the mob infested streets...

Soldier 1: Maam, we are just doing our job. We still need to refer your sittuation to the HQ before we decide to either let you in or throw you out. Do you understand me?

Tangerine: How rude. I will wait, but don't take to long!

Soldier 1: Take this Data card and keyed it into the information console there, will you...

Soldier 2: What are we looking for sir?

Soldier 1: Well, any signs of false information, forgery and an attempt to infiltrate the premise. Transmit everything to HQ and inform them we need an immediate feedback. We are not taking any chances.

Soldier 2: Yes, Sir!

Tangerine:( if the Senatorial attire was not enough to convince these grunts...but a regular Utopian Army Veteran would recognize me straight away...thanks to the Queen, now all of the season good officers are turning their back against her to join Lord Velther. What's left of Utopia Home Defense is these greenhorn goons who needs an identification on regular faces.)

Soldier 1: It will be over in a minute...

Tangerine: (The more they dig into that Data card, the more dangerous this situation gets...)

Soldier 2: Headquarters, this is the south eastern Guards, we need a scan on a particular subject. Transmitting the database...NOW.

Tangerine: ...the worst part if they knew that I was officially...

Soldier 2: ...terminated by the Queen? Sir, i think we got something here...

Soldier: Be right there...Ma'am, please stay right where you are.

Tangerine: (This is not good!)

Soldier 2: Sir, it shows here that the subject is no longer a member of the Utopian Senate about a month ago. Queen Rasa had stripped Senator Tangerine ranks from the Senator of External Affairs.

Soldier 1: Suspicious...what is she intended to do inside the senate hall even after she had lost her membership.

Soldier 2: I have no idea, sir...what shall we do?

Soldier 1: Take her into custody and cross examine her. There must be a good reason trying to participate in the Senatorial Assembly even after loosing you position...there are full of angry people out there...and loosing your job can make someone mood goes dark.

Soldier 2: Yes, sir! Ma'am, if you would come...WHAT THE HELL?!

Soldier 1: What is it...WHO ARE...

Tangerine: ME? I am Tangerine, former Senate and personal advisor of the 3001st King of Utopia, King Panthera. The stupid 3002nd Queen of Utopia foolishly stripped me off my ranks in secrecy to avoid outrage from the Utopian people!

Soldier 2: ...she...she conjures fire!

Soldier 1: Quick, Lieutenant! Sound the perimeter alarms and lock down the gate!

Tangerine: ...the Queen is about to make the most foolish decision in history that would destroy the Utopian Federation forever and i am going to make sure...

Soldier 1: Look out!

Tangerine: She...

Soldier 2: Run for it!

Tangerine: ...does!

Soldier 2: Stay away..!

Tangerine: Shi Jin...Zhuque!

Utopian Soldiers: ...arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Tangerine: So much for diplomacy...koff...koff...i think i might overdid it...koff...

Superspectre: Social skill: 0 Brute Force: 1 still have a lot to learn from that "significant other" Tangerine...

Tangerine: Shup up Spectre...and get yourself over here right away.

Superspectre: ..."unspectering " to the naked human eyes in 3...2...1...taa-daa!

Tangerine: I wonder if you ever abused your ghostly abilities in the Girl's Wash Room?

Superspectre: Trust me, you don't wanna know.

Tangerine: ...

Superspectre: Yoooooo...sniff...sniff...what's cooking?

Tangerine: That's cooking! (pointing towards the burning corpses)

Superspectre: I told you to take that cooking lessons long time ago...your technique are scaring the boys away.

Tangerine: ...i need you to do clean up while I'm making my way into the Senate Hall.

Superspectre: i am playing the role of a janitor here...

Tangerine: That's to bad...the other's are they in position to attack the Utopian State Library?

Superspectre: They should be...

Tangerine: They BETTER BE.

Superspectre: Worry yourself not, we get the things done here...go and play with the little Utopian Queen.

Tangerine: Good luck.

Superspectre: ...for the Eastern Empire!

Tangerine: ...for Atlantis!

Sanji-Q: What is it, Deadbird?

Deadbird: I don't know...i am not so humans say it...i got a pretty bad feeling about all this.

Sanji-Q: human say it, you must be nervous.

Deadbird: Yet, none of those feelings are applicable to cyborgs like us...right?

Sanji-Q: Right. Besides we had made all the possible precautions on protecting the queen from any possible harm.

Deadbird: I guess you are right. Nothing can ever go wrong right now.

Sanji-Q: I cant even imagine one...(laugh)

To Be Continued...


Tailgunner said...

the action starts here and now readers!

Penelope's Den said...

that's more like it

Eija Johanes said...

that's hot....keh keh keh

Tangerine Lim said...

i burn things ^^"

Penelope's Den said...

message to Ain Khairi:
yer shoutbox has expired!
and the comments section still down.

Ain Khairi said...

Barbeque!!! XD

Rose: Thanks. I'll do something about it. Just came back from Bako NP.

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