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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Been so long since we ever interviewed our AIC WARS members! In order to fill in gaps between Tailgunner's free time and his real life commitment, we decided to give it a break and cool down with another one of our Interviews segment. It's been a while since we had one! So roll the tape recorder for Rose!

ROSE has been working on the AIC project as an indirect executive member of The Dead Poet Society. Most of her work includes poems and poetry,  character build-up, and script editing. She also contributed to optional endings and scenes for the AIC WARS storyline. 

Due to her job commitment overseas, she had been sparring as much time as she could in somehow doing her part in the project. We could be getting more poetry!

Interviewer: I heard that it has been terribly cold up there in Europe. Let's warm our frozen tongue with a couple of easy questions, eh?

Rose: you wish.

Interviewer: First question will be..."Hey! How is your life in Europe?"

Rose: 65% fun 35% standing-still. Winter holiday is choc-full of boredom and extremely long depending on the weather condition. This year is at it's worst. With winter rage blowing in as far as sunny side Southampton.

Interviewers: Aye. You have so much nothing to do now, did you contribute any extras for AIC WARS to kill time?

Rose: I was about to write Tailgunner an E-Mail about the slow January-February update...

Interviewers: Ah...yes, about the contribution...

Rose: ...and i was this close to pull out his eye out of it's sockets if he continues to become idle this March.

Interviewers: what do you think about AIC WARS in whole and did you feel excited when you are given a chance to contribute some of your work and skill into the project as well.

Rose: I hardly see myself as a major/ main/ vital/ VIP contributor at all to AIC. All I've done is just passed out some of my old high school poetry work to be used in one or two pieces of the AIC WARS chapters. Hardly a contribution huh?

Interviewers: ...better poem than none. What about the character personality designs and editing the storyline? That's quite a big chunk of responsibility there, right?

Rose: I based the character personality(ies) according to their own persona or alter ego when we were interacting amongst each other inside whatever forum we ended up knowing each other. Some of the characters may not acquire these qualities in real life but as they say " can be anything when you are on the Internet." So be it, let's bring their persona's into life. Let's do that in AIC WARS. 

Interviewer: You mean the characters are the exaggerated alternate personality of a real forum members involved in the AIC WARS storyline?

Rose:...not exaggerated, more like alter ego. Realizing your significant other is what makes forums more enjoyable. You can be the "bad ass" on the internet, the bully, the law enforcer, the "know-it-all", joker and an infinite more. Yeah...while forum can make such dream comes to life, why not entertain our self more by embedding those "dream come true" personality and relived that image into solid visual.

Interviewer: ...

Rose: Let me give you an example; Vladurac in real life is a 186cm skinny dude who wear glasses and plays basketball in high school. While he's engaged with his online activities, let's say online games (and at that time, involving in forum discussion) Vladurac took form as one of his admired alter ego: Vladurac, the so-called-vampire...and while in another forum, he adopted The Rock attitude, talks and verbal style while roaming at a different forum.

Interviewers: I see...

Rose: Another example would be Ravenmin. Intuitively, Ravenmin in real life must be a reserved, observant type of person; but that if you don't get to know her pretty well, when you do she's that kind of person that is more outspoken, a little impulsive and somewhat short fused in the temper department. However she potrays this characteristic into a "split personality" while socializing in forums. Thus the (Raven - loud, Impulsive, reckless, hot tempered, easily taunted side of her personality) versus the (Min - quiet, keeping to herself, passive, unable to express her feelings) type of alter ego emerges. My job is to combine both reality and the fiction into something worthy of an interesting character which represents the real person in AIC WARS cast line ups.

Interviewers: You based your information on intuition alone?

Rose: I had been observant while my days in Atlantis Info Centre (and at previous forums that i went to...and interacted with the same person) Ain Khairi for example is one of the earliest forumer I've met (others are Sanji-Q, Flame13th Alonqexe and Divinekid) and from all these years of interaction with Ain Khairi, she display an image of a well behaved person by choosing her words carefully while others are cursing and dissing...she also give out an image that she knows her stuff, educated and had that noble aura glowing around her while she speaks (or write or expressing her tought's to the public / forumers) Her other side of the personality however suggested that Ain Khairi is a person that is always torn between two sides of life. A Damsel in Distress, timid and somewhat dependant of others for security.

While engaging in forum discussion it is interesting that she portrays herself as a part of Gunslinger Girl...focused on a character that had the ability to wield a gun as effectively as she plays violin. I was wondering, is Ain Khairi a type of person that tries to calm herself with courage gathered from the external sources while preserving the elegance, nobility, high class quality (playing tunes from Mozart,perhaps?) that of a violin player. 

Gathering all these information helps me to determine what kind of role, character, combat style, even the type of image Ain Khairi is projecting towards the audience and readers of AIC WARS chronicles.

Interviewers: So in AIC WARS chronicles, what type of character is Ain Khairi?

Rose: YOU tell us...

Interviewers: Let me think...she works in the Utopian State Library and love book, that explains the intellectual part. She also mentioned that she is the continuation of a 3000 long line of Utopian Librarians specially trained for the sole purpose of decoding the recorded ancient texts and manuscripts in the library...showing that she is proud of her lineage...

Rose: ...and the way she was indecisive about her dreams of producing her own books was a minor indicator of her personality tearing apart between "should i do it" or "should i not".

Interviewers: So the bottom line is, you are using the alter ego personality of each forumers involved in the AIC WARS project to add that sense of variety of unique characteristic to flavour up the storyline and made everything more interesting in comparison to their real life reality characteristics?

Rose: Yeah...cos real life sucks (not to that point of extra sucks) i mean, in real life...action don't come every 10 seconds and nobody promotes bad or tenacious behaviour in front of the public and get away being labelled as "normal". Real life in a fiction show is boring, if you are going to put some real men with real names and make em real interesting. You gotta give some fiction to facts; twist em and make a lie and turn it into some kind of reality bullshit.

Interviewer: you apply the same formula when editing the script?

Rose: ...not all of the script work needs to be rewritten or restructured by me. That's more or less like robbing other people's hard work and tearing it of to your liking. My job is to identify a static and stagnant situation inside the it a little twist (with supervision-if nobody agrees on my editing then i 'll just leave it out and not disturbing  it) so it all depends on how is the story progressing. If there's a drag i will try and fix it...WITH other staff advice and open feedback.

Interviewers: One last it impossible to commit fully to the AIC WARS project after you had been married and having to manage carriers and family at the same time.

 Rose: I am lucky enough that i was STILL a part of something fun.

Interviewers: Well said ma'am...

Rose: No worries...


Ain Khairi said...

O.O'' *speechless*

rose: I love the fact about the alter egos of forumers in internet. Too true..(for me, at least) :)

Penelope's Den said...

life is full of colours

Eija Johanes said...

so i am spunky, happy go lucky?

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