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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Insecurity and Betrayal

While waiting for the Senate to assemble in the Utopian Senate Hall, Queen Rasa waited in her high security quarters surrounded by her personal bodyguards and loyal soldiers.

Queen Rasa: ...what should i do? Will they listen to me?....even so...

Intercom: Your Highness Queen Rasa, you have an incoming communications signal using a high security channel...

Queen Rasa: A high security channel...who could it be?

Intercom: ...shall i accept the transmission signal your highness?

Queen Rasa: ...could you request for an identification's please...

Intercom: One moment please...

Queen Rasa: Who could it be? There are very few people that was given access to use a secure line channel to address the Kings and Queens of Utopia directly...could it be...

Intercom: Your majesty, the transmission comes from the Battle Cruiser: Adamant...

Queen Rasa: Adamant! That's Lord Flame personal flagship! Intercom, connect the signal to my room immediately!

Intercom: Understood your highness. Transmitting...

Queen Rasa: Lord Flame! It's good to hear your voice again!

Lord Flame: I am truly saddened your highness...have you forgotten about me after this while...did those filthy commoners bullied you?

Queen Rasa: Your dry jokes surely uplifts my cloudy days...i am inside the Senate Hall left wing quarters...waiting for the Senates arrival and was bored to death by the slowness of the process.

Lord Flame: Regardless, that's the Utopian lady.

Queen Rasa: Lord Flame...are you sure this is going to work. When i was making my way to the Utopian Senate Hall this morning, there are seems like people are not eager to support our cause to rid of the commoners and restore the old Utopian order. People...people hated me Lord Flame!

Lord Flame: When people are force to accept changes, it is in our nature to resist. When began to see the good intentions that our ideals bring and the benefits that follows it...they will slowly kissing our feet and follow our footsteps.

Queen Rasa: ...but i am scared...they will hurt me, my speech will do nothing but fueled their anger towards me...what will happen if i were to stand firm with my decision to attack Lord Velther in Zelagross...what will happen to me here...they will hurt me...kill me! I seen these outcome could happen and i don't want to die!

Lord Flame: With all due respect your majesty, we cannot back down now. I know it's hard for you to stand there in front of your political adversaries and rivalries...we are so close to our goals. We are here my queen and we are willing to give up our lives in Zelagross in order to make your dreams come true...will you do the other half of the task for us, my queen? Will you do it for the people who had been all this time...supported you with undivided loyalty and will unquestionably follow you even to the death?

Queen Rasa: I...the's a burden to me...with every watching, they hate me...they will never listen to me!

Lord Flame: ...calm down your majesty. Listen to me carefully...look, we need you to declare your war against Lord Velther rebels, if you failed to announce this decision in front of the Senate no matter what their point of view is, all that we had fight for until now...will be lost.

Queen Rasa: ...but they will hurt me! I don't...

Lord Flame: Listen to me, fool! The Utopian fleet is already halfway en route to Zelagross, we had used up millions to fund this war! We are only a few step ahead in building up a new government and restore the old glorious Utopian Federation. We can't back down queen. I can't afford to back out now! Do you understand?!

Queen Rasa: What about me? What will become of me...

Lord Flame: You will be free! Free to do anything! Free from your father's legacy...the burden. You can go anywhere you want when this whole thing is over!

Queen Rasa: If...i deliver my speech, i will not be queen anymore?

Lord Flame: you wish your majesty! Be free, like the birds in the sky!

Queen Rasa: Will you guarantee my safety, Lord Flame? Honestly?

Lord Flame: Queen Rasa, i secretly organised a backup personnel to ensure your safety in case bad things happen during the assembly. Representing the Badlands in my absence are two of my trusted generals. They will be a part of your escape plan if the sittuation turns dire. I will relay you their transmission link...whenever you are in trouble just contacted them and they will rush to your aide.

Queen Rasa: could they...

Lord Flame: addition, i have rearrange the Senate seating in the hall. The location of the Badlands representatives will be directly in the front row. They will watch over queen. Does that makes you feel any better?

Queen Rasa:

Lord Flame: deliver your speeches and let the rest of of finish of the business with the rebels here in Zelagross. We are counting on queen!

Deadbird: ...excuse me for interrupting my queen. It is time for the Senate Assembly...

Queen Rasa: moment please, Deadbird.

Lord Flame: Go with her, and stop becoming a worrywart. Deliver the speech, and all will be over! For us!

Queen Rasa: ..promised me my safety, Lord Flame.

Lord Flame: Deliver....THAT...speech. I will handle the rest. OUT!

Queen Rasa: Lord Flame? Lord Flame are you there? Lord Fl...

Intercom: I am sorry your majesty, but Lord Flame has terminated his transmission signal.

Queen Rasa: It's alright...thank You.

Intercom: You are most welcome, your highness...

Queen Rasa: I guess we should be heading to the Senate Hall and face those angry people, right Deadbird?

Deadbird: Yes, your majesty...we need to...

Lord Flame: you both understand what i was saying just now?

Amenz: Yes my lord, we do.

Django: Clearly, my lord.

Lord Flame: ...soon, very soon...the glorious days of warfare and conquest will be upon us once again. The commoner will perished and those stupid nobles under the influence of Lord Mana will kneel at my feet. I will be the sole ruler of Utopia...the 3003rd King of The Utopian Federation is mine!

Django: ...our high hopes and wishes goes with you, Lord Flame.

Lord Flame: Remember...both of you are to make sure Queen Rasa delivers and finish her speeches. Make sure she declared war on Lord Velther and all will be ours!

Amenz: What if she breaks under the Senates pressure?

Lord Mana: That's why you are support her every word. To make sure she finishes her job!

Amenz: I lord.

Lord Flame: Oh yes, and one more thing Django...

Django: Yes, my lord?

Lord Flame: ...if the commoners failed to kill the stupid queen, do that for me can you?

Django: lord, are you sure?

Lord Flame: ...can you do it Django? Maybe...if killing a small girl proved rather difficult for you, you may need Amenz to help you out...

Django: at all my lord. It will be done.

Lord Flame: Good. Don't fail me.

Django: I won't....

Lord Flame: I expect good news from you both or i have your heads hanging at the marketplace. OUT!

Amenz: I don't like this one bit! Not a bit! Not at all!


Ain Khairi said...

Lord Flame!! I dislike you!! DX

Tangerine Lim said...

wow! Ain u such an early bird X_X i tought i was first coming here T_T

Ain Khairi said...

I was bored and I came here to see what's new... :)

min-desu said...

geez... tell me one person who like him > >

Michii! said...

the things that i missed this 2 yrs

Eija Johanes said...

michii~sama!!!!!!! 8D-<-<

Tailgunner said...

welcome back! Have a packet of oreos!

Penelope's Den said...

Hell's Kitchen feat. Flame

Ain Khairi said...

Rose: LOL! Let battle commence! >:D

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