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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hanging On A Thread Of Silk

Dawn breaks in the Utopian Capital. The world today will shift it's focus on the Utopian Senate talks between the Utopian ruler; Queen Rasa and the member of the Utopian Senate.

The day is an important day for Utopia...not only that the assembly marks the climatic end towards the Utopian civil war crisis, it will again, test the fragile pact of co-existence between the Utopian Nobles and the Utopian Commoners.

Queen Rasa decision to use military force over delegation and negotiations when dealing with the rebels under the command of her majesty most trusted knight: Lord Velther Von Dash had shocked the world. Many condemned the desicion as either to harsh or an excuse for the Utopian Noble to get rid of their Commoners counterparts.


Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national morning news with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: A wonderfull good morning to all of our viewers today. The big day that we all been waiting for is now here. Today, will the Utopian political turbulence settled down to a more softer breeze...or will it transformed into an enraged hurricane?

...the Utopian Senate decided that Queen Rasa is taking matters unto her own hands without consolidating and reffering to the Utopian Senate. Thus today, the Queen and the Utopian Political leaders from Utopian colonies and sovereign will be holding talks and dialogue session to verify the validity of the actio and it's impact towards the Utopian society.

...while outside on the streets, commoners and Lord Velther symphatizers are gathering around in a peacefull demonstration...demanding that the Utopian army withdraw from their assault at Lord Velther stronghold in Zelagross Plains as well as restoring the priviledge once promised by the former ruler of Utopia which would grant nobility to commoners of Utopia measurred by their contribution and good deeds for the Federation.

...Queen Rasa and her escorts had been seen entering the Senate Hall early today...however she is holding back from interviews and decided not to evaluate on the talks with the Senate.

Yuusuke: No cameras...please...the Queen would wish to be left alone. Thank You...

...the representatives for the Utopian commoners seems optimistic and wishes to deal with the issues as soon as possible. They also condemmed Queen Rasa actions without consulting with the Senate members as "Selfish" and "Self-Centered".

...more senate members are arriving to the capital. We will interview them personaly and get their opinions about the current crisis.

Amenz:, look at all those angry crowds. Looks like the Queen screwed up pretty

Ume Modoki: The representatives from every corner of the Utopian Federation are making their way into the Senate Hall. The hearing and dialogue sessions between the leaders and the queen will begin anytime soon. We will be back shortly to give you more live report on this historical events once we get back after the break...(jingle)

Alonqexe: Looks like the whole mess is going to start...

Lutherniel: What mess? We are the ones who are diving into this "mess" while that little brat are tidying things up in the main capital playing "Bodyguard" with Queen Rasa.

Silver: Playing "bodyguard" with who?

Blinkiddies: ...(sigh) at least try not to talk it all out on an open channel!

Ain Khairi: Listen to all the commotions...i was wondering, to bad that we had to locked ourselves inside this boring library. right Kanbei?

Kanbei: Right.

Ain Khairi: I mean, we should be going outside looking at these events live and all that! ...coming back maybe we can record the whole events and publish a book about the whole events ourselves! We might be famous...and...and our picture will be hanging on the library hall of famers.

Kanbei: Right.

Ain Khairi: ...and then our book will be used as a reference by every Utopian Historian, Politicians and Economist! Better yet...our book is the essential...number one...must-read references for every higher education students in! The World!

Kanbei: Ridiculous.

Ain Khairi: Wha...what's that you are muttering there?

Kanbei: Nothing.

Milkshake: Looks like the stupid Queen won't back out on her decision to turn Zelagross into seas of blood.

Kanon: Yes, it seems so. I wonder what is Prime Minister Tangerine preperations right now?

Tangerine: Hello...hellooo......check, two, this thing on?


Tailgunner said...

oh yeah! Roll Outtttt!

Ain Khairi said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I love the last part! LOL "I wonder what is Prime Minister Tangerine preparations right now?"

Let's rock the stage! XDXD Karaoke! Karaoke!

Tangerine Lim said...

Kanbei act cool...

Yours Truly, Rave said...

ain.. I don't think that's a karaoke session ^^''

Ain Khairi said...

really? i thought she wanted another karaoke session? hahahaha

Tailgunner said...

(looking back at the scrip) uh huh...yeah...

Penelope's Den said...

more characters are bundle up in te story so far. when did the last time we had Tangerine Idol?

Ain Khairi said...

so... she's gonna sing? O.o

I hope there's battle and blood... cherry syrup perhaps?

Eija Johanes said...

wakakakaka i just blew my kidney laughing

Tailgunner said...

there will be much gore later +grinning+

Penelope's Den said...

oh...when will that be?

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