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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tangerine's Plot

"the winds of war is blowing..
the storm is brewing..
the skies will rain blood.."

- Banshee (Rose 16/7/2010)

Bada: Good evening Prime Minister Tangerine. That was fast of you coming back from your meeting with the Queen...or is it the Queen is unavailable for the time being?

Tangerine: Cut the formalities Bada. Please don't call me "Prime Minister" outside of Atlantis. There are many eyes and eyes that are spying and eavesdropping on us as we speak.

Bada: My Bad...but truly are we watched? This is indeed difficult times for Utopia...

Tangerine: I wish for none.

Bada: I am relieved. So you met the Queen? did she accept your reasoning?

Tangerine: I was fired.

Bada: What?!

Tangerine: I was stripped of my ranks, fired from the Utopian Parliament and shown the door out without ever had a chance to make her see my point of perspective.

Bada: What more could we expect from such a greenhorn leader. It's a pity...please don't take it to heart, you still got us and our homeland.

Tangerine: A homeland that would be in danger if we don't take immediate action regarding this Utopian crisis.

Bada: What should we do now?

Tangerine: Our espionage mission here had come to an end Bada. it's time to go home...

Bada: But what about the Utopian civil War...and...and...the growing threat from Watermark?

Tangerine: Easy there my friend. I've got that taken care of. It's not that we just turn tail and run back to our home waiting to be invaded. I just want to add an additional flame to the already combustive situation.

Bada: Huh? I don't get you sometimes...

Tangerine: There's no need...but there is something we need to do before we are officially kicked out from this place. Bada, i need you to arranged some things before our term expires.

Bada: How much time do we have left?

Tangerine: right, an ex-Utopian senate will have at the very least a week to clear out their personal belongings and handling down documents before retiring.

Bada: That would be enough, depending on what do you want me to do...

Tangerine: I need you to contact Ishtar. Have her fleet ready and sailing in three days. I also need you to gather the rest of our espionage team at our usual meeting place tomorrow.

Bada: That's easy enough...anything else?

Tangerine: Yes...ask Nihja too update her report about the situation in Zelagross. it has been two days without anything from her.

Bada: ...(sigh)...I'll do that...

Tangerine: That's not all...i need the latest blueprint on the Utopian Arcane Library, complete with information on guards, sentries, book logs and drainage systems.

Bada: Sure...but where are you going? You just came back...

Tangerine: I am going to pay a visit to the Utopian Media Network.

Bada: What did you say?

Tangerine: A senate that was fired recently should made a good story for tomorrow's seven o'clock news isn't it? Besides...i am going to tell all of Utopia how upset i am about our Queen's decision to sacked me.

Bada: I can't see clearly where are we going by doing that...

Tangerine: ...propaganda's...

Bada: Pissing off the Queen in public will definitely sees and outcome of having the Royal security banging at our door...not to mention that your "Retirement News" facing heavy censorship.

Tangerine: the situation out there is falling apart. the Utopian people will find any reason to get their claws on the nobles skin. I'm just using the scenario to escalate the downfall of this nation.

Bada: I see...

Tangerine: ...anything else before i make my move Bada?

Bada: ...well it disturbs me how we lost our trail on her a week ago. I always have this fear that she will meddle into our plan and ruined it...i think we should put more manpower to the search.

Tangerine: for now, our main objectives are to destroy the Utopian Arcane Library, King Panthera's head and hunting down a Draconian that managed to find it's was into this dimension...

Bada: ...

Tangerine: for Rose, you need not worry about her, they didn't call her "Flower of The Battlefield" for nothing, don't you think?

To Be Continued....


Tailgunner said...

after a long wait...sorry about that...i have a good explanation for the delays

min-desu said...

It's ok ^^

Tangerine Lim said...

Yes! Update! ^^

Junna said...


Tailgunner said...

another update very soon :)

Penelope's Den said...

ah finaly an update after long long time...

Penelope's Den said...

~oh and i realy like the background scene for this one - very well done

Nihja Tenuk said...

oren jahat!
bada cam bdak kecik hahaha!

Tailgunner said...

oren jahat!
bada cam bdak kecik hahaha!

i like to say something but if i do it's going to be a spoiler!

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