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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Reddest Rose all happened the same night when the Utopian Federation decided to use mercenaries and accepting voluntary aide from it's colonies...

...the same night when Queen Rasa decided that Tangerine, a senate serving her late father is no longer valid in her presence... is at that very same night when Tangerine; the Prime Minister from an uncharted hidden land named Atlantis began working on Utopian Federation downfall for so long, began executing her plans from behind the shadows of an upcoming civil war...

"The Rose Of The Battlefield" came...

"I was just about to wrap it up for the day - rearranging the application documents, contracts and all that....there are no more applicants for the day, the office is nothing but empty.

...the guards...none inside the premise - i am sure of it. They are outside patrolling all possible entrance as they should be...but it seems like the security within this building is not to be much of a problem for her...

...after all she came; out of nowhere..."


Rose: The Utopian Federation Military Headquarters; build during the reign of  the 17th King of Utopia in commemoration of his majesty great victory over the Exalion Kingdom  at the Battle of Laviae...

Divinekid: Wha...wher....hey! You there!

Rose: ...the monument build over other people's misery, the Utopian Federation "Golden Age" of conquest. History doesn't change much for mankind...or is it mankind never learn anything...

Divinekid: do you get inside the building!? I am calling the guards!

Rose: If ever your hand reaches for the communication device or should you intended to alert my presence to the armed forces stationed around the compound of this blood soaked building, I'm afraid i might need to silence you permanently...

Divinekid: Silenced me....?

Rose: You could try.

Divinekid: ...

Rose: There is some question that i would like you to answer...

Divinekid: Go to the office "Help Booth" you idiot!

...instead of barging into people's office this late at night!

Rose: I would like to know more about the assault that would take place on the rebel stronghold in Zelagross...

Divinekid: Not telling!

Rose: Your cooperation might save the foundation of your country as well as the people...

Divinekid: Mother say not to give information away to stangers!

Rose: I'm afraid that it's near impossible to gain some kind of understanding with this crabby meerkat. I think i have to try to adopt a more aggressive measure...

Divinekid: You bet! Try me!

Rose: Ahem...very well.

Divinekid: What...what is tha...gun? Guns? A gun!? Hey...hey wait a second!

Rose: Correct. It seems to lifted up your mood for a more "less hostile" conversation with me, unless you still prefer the taste of lead drilling deep into your internals...

Divinekid: There is no way that I'm going to leak out classified Utopian Federation information to some random strangers like YOU!

Rose: Is it worth it?

Divinekid: What's worth it?!

Rose: Centuries ago, the Utopian Federation who was at the verge of conquest spread their wings to the southern region of the Utopian continent.

The King at that particular time had already possessed a grand scale army no man nor civilization had ever witnessed before...and that army need to be supplied with adequate food and water in order to functioned as a spearhead for every Utopian military campaign...

The southern region, with it's warm climate and tropical seasons, are a haven for agricultural activities. Overseeing the importance of the southern region and the benefit it brings to his army, the Utopian King halted all other major campaign and marched his army towards the southern plains.

Divinekid: Why are you telling me this?! I have no time for...

Rose: ...there is however...only one obstacle standing in the way...

The ruler of the southern region, The Kingdom of Exalion had refused to cooperate with the warlike Utopian King and decided to drove the invaders away from their rightful homeland.

Divinekid: Exalion?

Rose: It was a one sided battle. In only three days Exalion falls...the cities burned and the people are either slaughtered or were sold as slaves.

The King of Utopia ordered that the whole member of the Exalion Royal Family to be executed...this was to prevent any possibility for a future rebellion or uprising from the surviving Exalion race that survived the invasion onslaught.

Divinekid: Do you think you're some kind of a genius historian!?

Throughout the history of Utopia; during the Utopian "Golden Age of Conquest" the kings adapted assimilation system that clearly stated out that the Utopian King should prioritize merging the kingdom and preserving the ruler of the occupied country in order to form a single more powerful country under the Utopian banner...

...even if the country was forced into war, the Utopian will always open itself for negotiations and prioritize peaceful negotiations before deciding to use force upon the opposing nation...

Rose: Exalion, as well as the inhabitants of the southern plains are rather unique...

...the Exalions are not of human races, instead they undergo the same evolution as that of the other ancient races like the Draconians, Elves and the Ravens; the ability to mimic human structure, verbal communication, brains and movement...with minimal or less changes made on their original features. 

...unfortunately, as human beings becomes dominant...they began surpassing the other races and decided to wipe out other competitors as the most superior races to roam the earth surface...

...the Elves and the Ravens are officially extinct - while the more powerful Draconians retreated to the underworld; vowed to rid the world of the human races when the time comes.

Divinekid: ...and what of that the Exalions?

Rose: ...i was about to say that the Exalions shares the same fate as the Elves and the Ravens; that i saw one with my own eyes, i guess i have to hold my tongue just a little bit longer...

Divinekid: What? Who survived? ...where did you...

Rose: It's a pity the last surviving member of the Exalions, you disregard your past and put your loyalty to the ones that had murdered your entire race.

Divinekid: know about my past?

Rose: I am here to gather the information about the war campaign against the rebel forces at Zelagross. There are many hidden organisations with different agendas that might threatened the very foundation of The Utopian Federation while another...threatened the future of this world.

...if you think that what i am saying are of any significant importance to you i want you to beamed the data to this coordinate: 43.60336 -110.7362

...however if you think i was just a lunatic trying to disturb you with some crappy fairy tale from the past; i would like you to forget that we ever met. Goodbye...

Divinekid: Wait! Tell me more about Exalion...tell me...

Lady Junna: The officer described the person between 172cm to 176cm tall, slender build with long tied ponytail hair...white except for the brown trousers...a red tie and a cape... this the person you are looking for Bunny Two dear?

Bunny Two: That's Rose...yes i am sure it's her! there any more information about her Lady Junna?

Lady Junna: None from the Registration officer...i have to check my other logbooks for that.

Bunny Two: There is another from the mercenary; Alonqexe. You did mention his name earlier.

Lady Junna: ...i hope it won't end there. It seems like the more we get involved in searching for your Rose...the more unexplained events which occurs during the Utopian Federation last moments unfolds before me.

Bunny Two: Yes, i agree...

Lady Junna: However...Bunny Two...there is something that i would like to ask you about...

Bunny Two: Hmmmm? What is it?

Lady Junna: All these sure took us one whole day discussing this and that...

Bunny Two: time flies!

Lady Junna: That's not what i mean...

Bunny Two: Hmmm...?

Lady's getting terribly late now Bunny Two. don't you have a home to come back too?

Bunny Two: ...hmmmm...i ran away from home just to see you, Lady Junna.

Lady Junna: ...aren't your caretaker be terribly worried about your safety?

Bunny Two: I am worried about my safety when i reach home.

Lady Junna: ...where do you intend too stay for the night then...relatives or friends perhaps?

Bunny Two:! Lady Junna will ready me a cozy bed and a tasty dinner before we continue our story for tomorrow! I am hungry!

Lady Junna: ...

To Be Continued...


min-desu said...

pfft. Love how you add the sweatdrop to add the comical effect. and woot! Rose's appearence! :D

Penelope's Den said...

err..kinda sexay

Nihja Tenuk said...

Rose eis spooky
just come out already buli kids
with gun

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