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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pieces Of Puzzles

Intervention: the act of intervening

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any interference in the affairs of others, esp by one state in the affairs of another

(Economics) Economics the action of a central bank in supporting the international value of a currency by buying large quantities of the currency to keep the price up

(Business / Commerce) Commerce the action of buying up surplus produce when the market price drops to a certain value
The Utopian Federation crisis had reached boiling point - a rebellion is inevitable...yet cloaked under the grim blackness of the nation's bleak future, we realised that more and more foreign powers had already begun intervening with it's political affair. ...
Political interest?
...nobody knows...

Bunny Two: I never knew that our current Prime Minister had served Utopia before. There are no such information about the nation of Atlantis getting involved in other nation's affairs directly nor indirectly. in addition to that, meddling around with the outsider would risk the secrecy of the Atlantis itself.

Lady Junna: This my dear was the affairs of your country during the pre-commercialize era...and judging from my records Atlantians, under the leadership of Prime Minister Tangerine had been long observing the Utopian Federation much more earlier than that.

Bunny Two: She's not aiming for the Utopian Federation throne amidst the chaos?

Lady Junna: Not i explain the events surrounding the Utopian Federation fate you will notice that The Prime Minister of Atlantis; unlike the Kingdoms of Watermark - intervene in a rather strange pattern.

Bunny Two: come?

Lady Junna: The Badlands and The Watermark Kingdom both seek to outdo one another, racing for the Utopian throne. Lord Flame intends to continuously manipulate Queen Rasa for him and his fellow conservative nobles benefit, while Lord Mana planned a coup de'tat during the final stage of the Utopian civil war.

Bunny Two: They are both driven by power and position.

Lady Junna: Exactly. When the Atlantians decided to intervene, the outcome has little or no effects in contributing towards Utopia downfall. From my list here...destruction of the Utopian Arcane Library, small uprisings and vandalism in the commoners settlements, abuse use of the Utopian Mass Media....

Bunny Two: Maybe she hates reading?

Lady Junna: ....

Bunny Two: Okay, she hate books, love to party and then get herself in the media spotlight...

Lady Junna: ....

Bunny Two: I guess i got it all wrong...

Lady Junna: ...(sigh)...never mind, who am i to talk about history and politics to a nine years old; the way Bunny two, do you know that apart from the nobles, the colonies, merchants and by all means intervention from a foreign land, there is another person whom out of nowhere, decided to participate unconditionally into the Utopian Nation crisis...

Bunny Two: Huh...another?

Lady Junna: I hope you can help me out on this Bunny Two, because up until today there is no clear explanation why did this peculiar person...or possibly an agent of some secret organisation decided to get into the heat of the battle in Zelagross plains and in the end, just disappears into thin air.

Bunny Two: ...peculiar...person...battlefield...could it be!?

Lady Junna: ...i take that you know whom I'm talking about my dear...

Bunny Two: Please...please...please...tell me... tell me more! 

Lady Junna: Well...alright my child. The whole incident happen at the very same day the volunteers and mercenaries registers themselves into the Utopian Army; that very same night when Tangerine was removed from her position as the Utopian Senate... i headed towards the Utopian registration office to supervised the final phase of the program, i received report from the officer in charge that she was approach aggressively by a mysterious unknown person who began interrogating her for information's regarding the battle plan assault at the rebel camp in Zelagross.

Bunny Two: ...another intervention attempt?

Lady Junna: ...another Atlantian, this time however maybe with different goals. I ordered a perimeter search around the office compound in fear that vital top secret military information might have leaked out by a possible enemy spy... the meantime i was trying to gather as much information about this intruder from the officer in charge. It took quite some time to help her relax and calmed herself down; after a while, she began to tell me her story...



Penelope's Den said...

holy cow #*&*& this realy is a very fast update!
what's the catch gunner?

min-desu said...

whoo... I just read it on friday and suddenly today got update! > w<

Nihja Tenuk said...

the aic story is back again! hip hip horray!

charlie kim said...

honestly this is another one of the bridge episode which keep us on track where the whole story is based on tales told by Lady Junna to Bunny Two.

so that we don't forget

Tailgunner said...

yes. It's still evolve around the story told by Lady Junna to Lady Gaga..jk

Lady Junna and Bunny Two

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