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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Warning

...all this "War Business" is wearing me out. These people give me nothing but trouble...more trouble. Why can't they leave me alone? Why are people so upset about? Lord Flame should be able to handle things by i wish this war will end everything...

Queen Rasa: I need a rest...minutes felt like hours in the War Room. Why am i involved? Why can't Lord Mana see to the operation alone?  He is purposely ruining my day by forcing me to attend to his war lectures!

Tangerine: Good evening...

Queen Rasa: on Utopia did you manage to slip past the guards and enter my quarters?

Tangerine: I saw no guards your highness...

Queen Rasa: Impossible...

Tangerine: It seems like the Utopian Federation Armed Forces are lacking in manpower that even the Queen's Royal Guards will also has to be mobilized in order to save the noble position in the Utopian society?

Queen Rasa: I have no such knowledge about such thing, such matter are for the likes of Lord Flame or Lord Mana to decide...

Tangerine: You are the queen, yet you toss your responsibilities around?

Queen Rasa: I never wanted this!

Tangerine: What a waste of power. The most powerful figure in one of the largest nation ever existed and yet....

Queen Rasa: Are you going to give me another lecture like the nobles did to me in the War Room? If you do, i demanded that you make your way out of here before i decided to call the security.

Tangerine: Such temper...

Queen Rasa: I am not in the mood right now.

Tangerine: So the rumors is true then...

Queen Rasa: Rumors...what rumors?

Tangerine: ...that the Utopian Armed Forces will mobilize and confront the rebel forces by force regardless of their current lack in strength and numbers.

Queen Rasa: We still had our technologies, the Utopian Colony States had been sending in volunteers to fill in the gap left behind by those traitorous commoners servicemen...

Tangerine: I heard that the volunteers are nothing more but a mere handful. Oh...there are some mercenaries as well. A very reliable force indeed. 

Queen Rasa: You are getting on my nerve Tangerine...what is it that you want?

Tangerine: Call off the assault on Lord Velther and his army of commoners...

Queen Rasa: No! The Utopian Senate has decided. The campaign will proceed!

Tangerine: You cannot win this war your highness...and even if you do win, the crisis is far from over.

Queen Rasa: We won't tolerate or submit to an army of slaves...

Tangerine: Those "army of slaves" are the pillar and backbone to the Utopian Federation prosperity. Your highness, the undivided contribution, their sacrifices...even King Panthera knows that...

Queen Rasa: My father knows nothing!

Tangerine: History had foretold itself over and over again that the commoner's are vital for the Utopian society. Labourers, soldiers, farmers and the likes are the task associated with the Utopian commoners...losing the commoner's support meaning a halt on any or all of these important elements.

Right now at the middle of the commoner's rebellion we already witnessed the shortage in our military servicemen as more and more commoner's joining Lord Velther's cause.

Queen Rasa: What do you expect me to do Tangerine? Kneel before them and begged for mercy? Never! By my rights and noble Utopian Noble blood...

Tangerine: Nobles are nothing but a mere tittle, and all the Utopian nobles did are nothing more than pressing their authorities over the commoners.

Queen Rasa: ...are you taking pity on the commoner's Tangerine?

Tangerine: All i am saying is that there are better solutions than war.

Queen Rasa: This war is unstoppable. I will fully support the Utopian Lords in their effort to bring back order and peace to this nation.

Tangerine: They are just using you your highness...

Queen Rasa: If that is true than so be it!

Tangerine: What..?

Queen Rasa: Even a stupid princess could see through such a rag tag plan. The moment Lord Flame proposed his intention of making me the queen, i knew...that my position on the throne was no more than to become a puppet ruler in my father's absences.

I am to weak of a ruler...the nobles used my authority to get whatever their jet black heart wished for; position, status and they seek to do war.

Tangerine: You knew..yet you let yourself be used?

Queen Rasa: You think you can remedy the never ending conflict between the people? To convinced the nobles to just simply let go of their pride and embraced the commoners...or for a commoner to not take advantage of the nobles generosity and to dream to become as powerful as a true born noblemen himself, to change his or her fate and release them from the stigma of being a 'commoner".

Tangerine: I...

Queen Rasa: I may be weak, i may be used; i am the worst Utopian ruler ever to sit on this nation throne...but know this Tangerine, that i am not naive when it comes to overseeing this conflict.

You had served my father well, you had witnessed that in the peak of the rising tension between the Nobles and the commoners relations...he just simply turn tail and run. Leaving me, clean up the whole mess that he did!

Tangerine: That is not must stop blaming the King for every...

Queen Rasa: ...the king robbed me of my freedom! I never wished for all this! To become be be made as a tool for others!

Tangerine: That is why i am here to aide you in secret, as i served you father...

Queen Rasa: ...the very day when King Panthera vanishes, your service for the Utopian court dies along as well Tangerine. I, as present ruler and Queen of Utopia with all my power and decree announced too you that you are now dispelled from the Utopian Council Committee Member.

Tangerine: You have no idea what you are you are getting yourself into, your highness...

Queen Rasa: Go! Get out of my sight...or i shall summoned the guards!

Tangerine: ...for failing to convince you in finding a better solution to this crisis; for the consequences of ignoring my warnings that Utopia will be for worse, you have a stormy seas ahead of you my queen.


To Be Continued...


Tailgunner said...

finaly! new episode and of course new people!

enjoy it dudes!

min-desu said...

dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn

Tangerine Lim said...

i look like...hogwarts sorcerer student from harry potter


Penelope's Den said...

i like 2 mov it mov it....

Diana T said...

Isn't that a good thing Tangy?! =DD

alonq_exe said...

Hoh! I missed a lot. :(
Catching up!!

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