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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Kagutsuchi is one of the “big players” in the AIC Chronicles project. Along with other members of the DEAD POET SOCIETY, kagutsuchi was responsible for the AIC Chronicles Storyline while at the same time linked her work with past fan fiction work submitted in the AIC forum to form a complete AIC Saga.

Let’s have a word with kagutsuchi and her responses towards the AIC Chronicles as of now…

Reporter: Kagutsuchi, I’ve been informed that a month ago, your computer hard drives just crashed and it cost the AIC Chronicles long delay and was 4 weeks late from its original schedule. Comments?

Kagutsuchi: I have to say that the whole incident was absolutely scary. Honestly it’s pissing me off, that’s because I was coming towards the HEAVIER plot for the AIC Chronicles and suddenly disaster struck. Imagined all those fabricate words and plots describing the story about the Utopian federation and its political affairs goes down the drain ….it was painful beyond logical thinking.

Reporter: how much further you intended to expend the AIC CHRONICLES universe

Kagutsuchi: I have no idea… (Laugh)

Reporter: The percentage of the story as of now? (Being Posted?)

Kagutsuchi: Hummmm…Let’s say 4%!

Reporter: That’s a lot more to go … have you completed the draft for the whole story?

Kagutsuchi: well...yes. All in my head. I will eventually pour it out and typing it down during my leisure times.

Reporter: Where are all these ideas coming from?

Kagutsuchi: Daydreaming and ...just jot things down when the idea came flying to the mind.

Reporter: How do you coordinate your work with the rest of the Dead Poet Society member, Tailgunner for instance…how do you make sure that the image matches the scene that you had imagined in your writing?

Kagutsuchi: We didn’t. I just E-Mailed the AIC storyline earlier than the intended date of posting and he will figure out the best images to reflect the scene occur in the writing…it’s all a matter of trust…really.

Reporter: The most difficult part of doing the script for AIC Chronicles’?

Kagutsuchi: Mix and match my story so it will link itself too Kluang and Silver’s fan fiction…

Reporter: Any favorite characters in AIC Chronicles.

Kagutsuchi: All of them…

Reporter: Why is that so?

Kagutsuchi: I think every character (s) no matter how big or small their role are; they all got an important part to play … maybe we don’t realize it, but even a small gesture and talks could change the future to a great extend. Some to the characters in AIC chronicles, their little action and role trigger significant something in the story.

Reporter: What do you have to say about the AIC Chronicles so far?

Kagutsuchi: It rocks… (Laugh)

Reporter: What is the most difficult part of writing storylines such as AIC Chronicles?

Kagutsuchi: There are always these voices at the back of your head saying that your story sucks…but you still continue writing them up.

Reporter: why?

Kagutsuchi: Because it’s casual writing – for fun! Serious, yet fun and relaxing. We are not trying to compete with Harry Potter here…

Reporter: Your most depressing moments?

Kagutsuchi: Idea blackouts. Apart from failing computer and a bad hair day.

Reporter: Ever thought of commercializing the AIC Chronicles and making incomes out of it?

Kagutsuchi: Gosh…who would buy it?

Reporter: How about copyrights?

Kagutsuchi: You’re scaring me…now that you’re mentioned it!

Reporter: What to be expected from the future AIC Chronicles post?

Kagutsuchi: Air Combat. Good Luck to Uruzu for that difficult scene!

Reporter: Lastly…Any words to the people out there?

Kagutsuchi: I hope readers would enjoy the AIC Chronicles Storyline… it took three people to put it all together. Thanks to Kluang and silver for the “ready-to-go” materials (you can take me as super glue that bonds both stories together) - to the DPS, keep up the good work! Work hard! For the readers; Read Hard!

Reporter: Coming back to Malaysia this holiday?

Kagutsuchi: You betcha…hey, off topic!



Penelope's Den said...


another update! Jeez...

Penelope's Den said...

opsie almost forgot,
nice work there mate!

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