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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The King, the reforms and the dying...

For the past 1000 years the Utopian Empire had been on the road toward expansion and conquest. The once tiny nation had now transformed into a vast empire spans from the edge of the ice lands of Hedlenburg to the mighty desert of Zelagross.

Such expansion had not only witnessed the rise of a one great power worthy of the world recognition, but also the down fall at others as many nations have succumbed to the Utopian Federation vast and overwhelming armies. Nation such as Vledir, Actoria, Avianis and Hellendur are few of many that had fallen to the hands of the warlike nation.

As nations and empires throughout the world started to recognize the existence of the Utopian Federation as a new potential world power, there are also an ever growing fear of the nation’s capability of waging war and gaining territories. In short, the Utopian Federation is heading towards total world domination. The countries that neighbors’ that at the Utopian Federation hastily seeking alliances from a bigger nation or even amongst themselves. And in the end of years 2050 of the Utopian Federation foundation, the biggest alliances the world had ever seen had been mobilized at every ends and borders of the Utopian Federation, ready to strike whenever the Utopian decided to expands itself a little bit further… the Utopian Federation expansion campaign was put too a halt by the world largest military collaborations.

Small battles erupted between the Utopian Federation and the allied nations….for every time the Utopian decided to push their territories further they are being pushed back in every turn. After more than 13 years of small skirmishes, the Utopian federation slowly exhausted its war resources and the nation economic state starts to collapse. To make matters worst, the allied nation an economic curfew and blockade over Utopian Federation import and exports- further reducing the nation’s economic capabilities.

The allied nation forces had been hoping that, by crippling the Utopian Federation economic core structures. The nation would be unable to hold onto the vast territories and conquered nations won during the Utopian war campaigns and will eventually will either liberating or letting go of these conquered nations.

However, the 3001th successor at the Utopian Federation would prove the allies wrong ….

The years in 2987 (2987 years since the Utopian Federation founded) and the 3000th King of Utopian, under great political and economical pressure enacted by the allied forces surrounding his country had stepped down from the throne. A new king had been instated to hopefully get the Utopian Federation of the economic curfews and maintained the conquered territories all together. Thus the Utopian nation would witness the economic reform under the leadership of king Panthera - the 3001th ruler at the Utopian Federation.

When King Panthera came into power, the Utopian Federation had been experiencing countless military defeats in the hands of the intervening alliances. The number of death tolls had been rising, the soldiers demoralized and the nation’s resources are rapidly dwindling from war funds without any sign of the Utopian forces breaking through the ally’s blockade.

King Panthera made a dramatic decision – to halt all military campaigns while keeping the Utopian forces on active duty on the borders of the nation. King Panthera intended to stand ground, not intended to give up the conquered lands back to where it belongs – nor that did the king decide to attack either. The decisions put the military conflict between the two forces in a stalemate. With the allied forces are being cautious not too advanced into the Utopian territory and liberate the invaded countries, the Utopian army had ceased its attacks at the allied blockades. This is what the king is waiting for…time; precious time to reorganized and reconstruct other conventional as well as unconventional methods to strengthened the now exhausted and battle weary Utopia.

In order to start the new reforms, nobles and commoners alike are encouraged to be involved in the arts of trade and commerce. The soldiers on the front lines, since there were less tension between the Utopians and the Allied forces are encourage to be self sufficient in supplying their own needs by means of cultivation and exploiting earth raw resources around them without waiting for aid from the Utopian main capital.

As a result of being self sufficient, not only that the Utopian Forces held strong onto their invaded territory, the Utopians also had solved the issues of supply shortage amongst their frontline armed forces. Years after King Panthera came up with this so-called “reliefs and reforms”, the Utopian society, economy, foreign views and political structures changed dramatically.

The Utopian Federation had ceased their combat aggression and global conquest in between their borders; instead, the country had begun opening doors for trades, sending out delegates to the outside world promoting their new intention for peace and cooperation’s with the outside nations.

The conquered nations under King Panthera new political structure had been given the same amount of benefit as the main state itself. Most of these countries are even more successful even before the Utopian Invasions. To gain a good image from the outside world’s perspective, the Utopian King had re-instated the original ruler back into office and acknowledged the Utopian capital as the main state as well as the King of Utopia as their sovereign…the countries quickly succumbed.

Not only that the invaded rulers get their country back, the nation is in much better state than that before the invasion of the Utopians – only if they submitted themselves under the Utopian rule. Not a bad bargain: thus we now witnesses independent governmental Utopian states by the like of Watermark Kingdom, the Badlands, Avalon and Stario to name a few… by doing this not only the Utopian Federation firmly holds their conquered nations firmly, it also projected an image to the outside world that Utopia is a “responsible” conqueror.

The Utopian society was greatly affected by the new king’s reformation. The nobles now can aquire their own lands and instead of speding their entire life conscripting armies waging wars, the nobles now are conscripting labours for works. With the lands richest, the nobles made fortunes for themselves as well as paying a great amount of tribute to the empire. The war era had more or less comes to an end, the nobles now use their wealth to built up their social status, shifting their interest in books, arts, education and of course, more money-making.

There are also nobles that are suffering from the king’s reforms. These groups of battle hardened royalty had been dedicating their life waging war and living their life fully following the code of warriors. It is only on the battlefield that these nobles had a sense of presence: commanding troops, glorious fighting’s and winning the king’s recognitions. Now that the wars are more or less over and the urge for conquest had stopped, this band of nobles seems to have lost their purpose in life. When king Panthera enacted his economic plans, these nobles can’t keep up with others. They adapted the concept too slowly and were overrun even by the commoners. Some of these nobles started to raid trade routes as means of income and somehow relived those “glorious war era”, however these raiding was quickly extinguished by the king. Many of these nobles had lost their lives being executed for their crimes, the survivors lingers around the Utopian court making do of what they can make out with but with little power and influence in comparison to the nobles that had assimilate and adopted the ideas of the Utopian economic Reforms clearly. This “old fashioned” nobles are also named as the conservative nobles of Utopia…and even though they power had been shrinking drastically, these conservatives nobles leadership in the nation’s military and defense forces are still potent for the Utopian Federation security.

The Utopian Commoners benefits much more from King Panthera’s reforms. The economical strength and the idea of letting all Utopian Residents go and “help themselves” in getting their slice of the trading bargain are simply an irresistible opportunity for the commoners to be successful in the economical fields (better than being conscripted to fight in an endless ravaging wars in foreign lands). The Utopian commoners aggressively learns the art of commerce, exploiting markets and establishing solid business grounds that rivals even the Utopian Nobles themselves. In order to maintain a good Commoner – King relationships and maintaining a good support and backing from the ruler, the commoners established a Guild which other than managing the trades and markets within their society, the Guild also pays tributes to the king and keeping their trade movements in check – not to radical or going beyond King Panthera’s standard economical ideals and issue’s that might upsets the king.

10 years after the Utopian king reforms the country had economy, military and territory had been solidified completely. The allies had long withdrawn from the Utopian borders stating that “there was no point intervening in the affairs of nations that wishes to be conquered in the beginning”. The Utopian capital as well as it outer states had enjoys political, social and economic growth much more that the old Utopians ever had for the past 2000 years. The success earns the utopian nation as a formidable nation not only in term of military strength but also in economics.

However as time goes by, the reforms acts more and more as a two edged sword for the Utopian populations; disrupting the hierarchy balance between the nobles and the commoners. At first it was about minor claims of rights and competition within the trading industry, but some of the commoners acquired so much wealth, these groups started to operate secret underground factions dedicating themselves for one purpose: abolishment’s of the noble class of utopia and building a people based government.

This started out when the wealthy commoners handed out legislation to the king. Requesting for his acknowledgements to allowed commoners to be promoted to the ranks of nobles trough achievements in fields such as military and commerce (commerce especially – since the most successful group of Utopian citizens participating in this fields are commoners) the king objected to this matter stating that it would disturb the balance between the Utopian society as well as threatening the prestige positions of the Utopian nobles.

 This rejection leads to another scheme by the wealthy commoners – gaining the rights of nobility through marriage. The ideas were proposed directly towards the conservative nobles of Utopia. At first, the proposed ideas was rejected fully by the members of the conservative noble groups, but reconsidering their current situation as being living in the back water with little to no resources to make any political impact as well as being technically even on lower value in comparison to the wealthy commoners – the conservative nobles began to open negotiations and discussions related to the scheme.

King Panthera sees this as a major threat for the Utopian noble bloodline immediately took legal action against this act of inter-marriage between the conservative nobles and the commoners. Supported by the new generation of nobles, the king issues an arrest to any commoners and conservatives who are involved in the scheme. Little rebellions sparks throughout the capital as the conservative nobles and their fellow wealthy commoners clashes with the king troops. The unrest was short lived but the wounds had been cut deep.

Realizing that they will be no other way for the commoners to change their fate for the better, many of these people migrated to other nations…bringing their wealth and expertise with them. The conservative nobles on the other hand felt that they had been dealt with a second blow after the enactment of the Utopian Federation reforms. Not only that they had lost their value and a chance to prove their valor on the battlefields; the banning of commoners-nobles inter marriage which is punishable by Utopian law had made the conservatives efforts of claiming back their place within the highest ranks of the Utopian society had been utterly ruined. Their only hope rest on the future leader candidate of Utopia…but when will that time comes?


Tailgunner said...

well...after such longgggggggggggggg delays, the AIC Chronicles will continue like normal. Enjoy!

WARNING: Heavy Political Contents. But Kagutsuchi says that cannot be avoided...exciting moments are just around the corner! Endure for a while longer.

Tangerine Lim said...


Yaay!!! I am the first! Lucky! ^^V

Penelope's Den said...

huh the 2nd

kinda what yer say is true.
This weeks post is kinda heavy on the politics n history sides

Tailgunner said...

Jeepers! You folks sure are fast!

Yes, heavy history lesson but it's essential for the story to link up

Penelope's Den said...

king looks macho

Nihja Tenuk said...

update sudah!

whappy! Bit boring hahahahaaha!

min-desu said...

ugh... loooooooooooong history lesson.. reread twice to make sure I read evrything.. ^^''

Diana T said...

Now, to start linking the stories! >_< I really do wonder how you find all those awesome awesome ideas! Loving it to the bits! =DD

Tailgunner said...

only one more chapter of history
then it's all action pact stories.

Anonymous said...

if you smell...what the vladurock is cooking!

Tailgunner said...

make that 2 chapters

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