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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fate's Game: Part 2

The Utopian Federation Special Forces and The Utopian Bureau of Intelligence conducted searches far and wide for the king. Agents were sent throughout the foreign nations around the world looking for traces or clues that might lead us towards finding King Panthera.

…The Utopian Special Police Force search vigorously, but the results are all the same – King panther is nowhere to be found. The case puzzled us even today. There are so many possible motives, so many suspects whom we could accused or relate. Yet, in the end none seems to be fitting. There are no eye witnesses. We interrogated everybody and anybody. Until now, the king’s devoted followers are still searching.

...four years has passed since the disappearance of King Panthera.

The nobles and the member of the Utopian Federation Court held an urgent discussion; who would be the next candidate to succeed the throne and become the 3002nd ruler of the nation.

While some had announced their own favorite candidates, others insisted that the Utopians wait for the king's return a while longer. The Utopian Special Police Force are urged to double the efforts, increasing the number of search and reconnaissance team abroad as well as covering every inch of the world map until the fate of our king is known.

Some argued that this is a long and unconventional process...the last four years had been nothing more than a year of secrecy. The government can't hold out the news of the missing king much longer as the Utopians and foreign officials began to speculate on King Panthera's absences.
...for the Conservative Nobles, this is the perfect time to strike back.

The conservative announce that they had found the most suitable candidate to replace the missing king. She is none other than Princess Rasa, the only daughter to King Panthera. expected, the crowds objected. Members of the Utopian Court roared their disagreements and scorn their faces at the choice of candidate. The conservative leader, Lord Flame reasons with the audience;

"My fellow Utopians, I can see that the court had taken our candidate lightly...that our candidate had met with a great wave of opposition and disapproval even before she had been given a slight chance to prove herself during the election campaign.

...but remember this, and remember my words of reasoning well, for there are no better and most suitable candidate in this nation to take over the responsibilities of becoming the next ruler of our beloved nation rather than Princess Rasa herself."

The court roared again, from all directions words of "why?" began to filled the air. The Utopian Court hungers for an explanation. Lord Flame purposely held out his reasoning for a few minutes..."let the hungry crows starve and then they will see the point of the whole reasoning."

Alas, as the crowd goes wilder, Lord Flame once again rose up from his sitting and speaks;

“There are many and yet critical reason for us, the member of the conservative nobles of the Utopian Federation had agreed upon electing Princess Rasa as the 3002nd ruler of this nation…”

… Lord Mana interrupted,

“…and what good reason it will be my Lord Flame, that we generously passed down the responsibility of this country and its people under the hands of a fourteen years old noble?”

Soft laughter echoed throughout the hallways. Lord Flame smiled, because believed in the end… the last laugh would definitely be his.

"Because our dear King Panthera is troublesome...
His reformation handiwork is troublesome; the banned of the cross-race marriage between the Utopian nobles and commoners is also troublesome, the king had brought us nothing but trouble …”

Lord Mana Snapped…

“Watch your mouth there Lord Flame! Your speech is nothing more than you expressing your bitter feeling for our king…”

“… and now the king had brought to us other troublesome issues for us to manage alone! While the king had gone “hiking”, here we are, squabbling over succession, searching far and wide for our missing king – with no clue either his majesty situation; is he dead or alive….

… He left us with no clue of what he is doing, where he is heading, when will he returned or will he?

The court felt silent… for once Lord Mana had stop commenting, as much as he favors Lord Flame not, Lord Mana had to admit, King Panthera had bring the nation not only economic growth- his majesty also had troubled the nation to quite an extend. As a matter of fact, the whole mess had been down to him as well as Lord Velther to prevent clashes between the nobles and the Commoners and as elusive as it looks, trying to maintain peace and stability within the Utopian Federation. Indeed, the whole ordeal had been troublesome.

“There are so many question unanswered or fail to be answered…We wait and wait… and now four years had passed. How much longer need we wait for the king? Personally I will wait for his return… I like many of us gentleman here… wish that our beloved and troublesome king would return to us some day.”

The crowd laughed… bemused by the way Lord Flame played with his words skillfully. Lord Flame knew that he had gotten the courts attention.

Now to lay down the triumph card...

Silver: Forgive me for interupting's weird and funny how the Utopian king suddenly went missing - i was like "what was he thinking?" he...he...he...

Lutherniel: Yeah, can you give us something more dramatic and fancy like…the king was assassinated by some bad politician or the cat scratch his majesty’s face and he feel down from his ten stories high royal balcony with his head down first…or…or…even…

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther!

Lutherniel: Okay…okay…so the king had gone missing…gasp! I am dying from the suspense!

Halfy: Forgive me if my whole story seems undramatic and such...the fact is, the 30001st King of Utopia is currently...

Lutherniel: ...he went "Poof!"

Everybody: Shut up Luther!

Lutherniel: This is bully…



Tailgunner said...


Penelope's Den said...

whoa! an update. yummies!

Tangerine Lim said...

is the green globe a hologram?

Diana T said...

Hahaha! Cute~ <3 By the way, does Panthera himself knows that "he" is in here?

Tailgunner said...

no he doesn't. if you can get in touch with him it will be great, however Panthera appears in the flashback episodes and ....i can't explain more - spoilers :)

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