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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Causes

Tangerine: …now, do you understand why I can’t just take the scroll and leave quietly?

…understand why that even our original mission did not prioritize the needs to confront the Utopian Queen, I still had to make sure this nation crumbles and burned down to the ground….never to rise up again from the ashes of its destructions.

…for the sake of the world future, this nation must be purged of its sins…the endless conflict, struggle for power…even more power that they can even comprehend. Corrupted, they try to become what they are not and try to hold on to things that are steadily slipping away from their grasp. Dissolution, blinded fools.

If this nation continues to stand strong in the surface of the planet…being allowed to grow even stronger with every blood spilled from every conflict, every conquest…never ends…

Even if we managed to retrieve the stolen scroll, with people as evil and black hearted as Queen Rasa being left alive…

How can I ignore this potential threat? How can I leave the Utopian Nation be in this unsettled condition?!

…one day they thirst for blood and conquest will lead them to our doorstep and brings death and despair to the lands we gave so much to protect. I will not allow this to happen! Utopia and Queen Rasa must not be spared!

Senate: Murderer! Don’t you ever think you can do what you want simply because you are the rightful leader of the Utopian Federation! Without the Commoners, the Utopian Nation will never reach its current state. The Commoners had sacrificed so much in shaping this nation and yet, you and your arrogant Nobles continue to…

Queen Rasa: she forgotten to address my title while speaking to me, officer. Shoot her too.

Senate: What…arghhhh!!!

Queen Rasa: Good job. I hope I have made myself clear…to the rest of you miserable lot…that I, Queen Rasa will restore the old balance between the Nobles and Commoners like what it was used to be. I had enough of this “Commoners Equal Share” nonsense.

…the new order is simple, no Senates, no representatives…just the ruler the nobles and the people. The Commoners will obey the Nobles…and the Nobles will make sure that the commoner shares a common goal. The Utopian goal.

The Nobles shall serve me as it was the Commoners served the Nobles. This has been the way of the Utopian Nations for centuries!

Commoners: This is terrible! Queen Rasa will enslave us all!

Queen Rasa: …for those who tried to resist my leadership, I will purge your unthankful souls with the might of my most loyal and trusted Utopian Military Fleet. I will defeat any foes with the force of this mighty armada!

…the armada that will wipe out all resistances, that will crush any rebels, traitors and enemies threatening the dignity of this nation…watch as this fleet swathed every opponent in its path!

Ume Modoki: Satellites images and battle recordings are coming in…decoding. Viewers, we will be directing you to the warzone LIVE as at this moment…

Queen Rasa: Be the first to witness the resurrected might of my glorious army!

Tangerine: The satellite images are coming in…

Super Spectre: … don’t let us down now, Nihja.

Michii: …no matter if she succeeds or fail, the streets will be littered with Utopian bodies tonight. That, I swear!

Perebum XS: Give us war.

Ajica: …what’s this? There’s a small amount of electrical readings going to some of the library chambers.

Bada: Do a cleanup on the readings…some of them might be automated power supply while others are backups.

Ajica: Satellite images on the Zelagross battlefield topography is transmitting in in three…

Ain Khairi: …two…

Kanbei: …one.

Ume Modoki: Video and audio at full, ladies and gentlemen; we are now connected with the Utopian Fleet in Zelagross LIVE via the Utopian Military Satellite!

Queen Rasa: Behold! My pillars of hope! My sword of justice! My…

Troop Carrier 1: …this is the troop carrier Vulture! There are so many missile lock! We can’t evad…arghhhhh!!!!

Troop Carrier 2: Mayday…mayday…what do you mean we have no air cover…at this rate they are going to shoot us down one by one!

Troop Carrier 3: Who is in command? Where is Lord Flame…don’t tell me he’s fleeing the war zone…I have ten missiles on my tail!

Troop Carrier 4: …there’s nothing we can do…there’s nothing we can do…we are dead!

Queen Rasa: What is this? What is this image that I am seeing…this can’t be right! Why our fleet suffering so much from Lord Velther and his rebel forces!?

Senates: … (Whispers)

Queen Rasa: This is not the real footage! This must be a scam! A hoax image that was meant to sabotage my honor!

Django: Well this is surprising indeed…looks like things aren’t that easy as Flame expect it would be.

Amenz: Like the rebels are going to resist the Utopian Army with sticks and stones…huh! Flame is a fool if he’s planning for an easy picking.

Django: The retaliation was expected, but to have this much firepower and proper planning on the rebel side…it was a feat worth admiration indeed. Lord Velther Von Dash is a renowned leader and a worthy commander…but to have mustered a force capable of holding on its own against the Utopian Fleet, Lord Velther sure have a lot of resources to spend.

Amenz: Maybe he’s been saving up for this occasions.

Django: No…Lord Velther declaration to rebel against Queen Rasa was quick and sudden…he may have been rallying support, but finance was never gained in a nighttime’s notice. Someone filthy rich has joined his party…rich enough to buy him all the good combat hardware.

Amenz: …say if Flame goes down in a blaze of glory, maybe we should make some kind of preparations for a new candidate for Badlands representative.

Django: If Flame dies, Queen Rasa dies, there will be no Badlands. No Utopia Federations.

Amenz: Ouch…that’s bad. Maybe we should join the United Nations then.

Ume Modoki: People of the Utopian Federation, you are now witnessing the Utopian Federation Fleet currently engaging the Zelagross Rebels. The footage that you see right now is the uncut and unedited version of the events currently happening right at this moment at the Zelagross Plains.

Queen Rasa: …shut it off!

Officer: Your majesty?

Ume Modoki: …as far as the scenario goes, the Zelagross Rebels seems to be having an advantage over the disoriented and unprepared Utopian Fleet. I believe the engagement that we saw right now must have been a planned ambush made by the rebels who had most probably expected the incoming fleet from intentional leaked unsecure transmissions and lacking in battle planning.

Queen Rasa: Stop the news from transmitting! Stop the news!

Officer: Ma’am the news was broadcasted under your permissi…

Queen Rasa: Then cancelled THAT order! Stop the news for God’s sake!

Officer: Yes your majesty. You there, bring a few guards to the UNN broadcasting room and stop the broadcast!

Officer 2: Yes sir!

Ume Modoki: The Utopian Fleet is currently under heavy missile barrage by the rebel resistance. The Zelagross Rebels seems to be targeting the fleet’s troop carriers due to the threat of a ground assault. The Utopian fleet seems to be lacking in air cover superiority and anti-air missiles equipment. Is this due to the fact that the fleet had been hastily put together and that this weakness had been overlooked…or is this blunder shows the weakness in the fleet overconfidence leadership that the rebels are all this time being portrayed as ill-equipped, disorganized and underpowered?

…ask yourself Utopians, from what you see right now…will this be an eye opener for the Utopian Nobles in not to take the Commoners capability to wage war against it’s on master – even to the point of even winning the conflict.

Queen Rasa: Open channel to the Utopian Fleet! Flame! What in hell is Lord Flame doing?! Why has he not fighting back?!

Officer: We are trying to locate the Adamant, my queen…

Amenz: That’s it…Flame is dead.

Django: The queen is pissed.

Amenz: I have a feeling that the Senates and the Commoners out there are enjoying watching this…

Django: They might get motivated and starts trouble. I don’t care much about what’s going on out there; the Utopian grunts can handle that, keep an eye on the commoner’s representative Senates…don’t hesitate if they try to do something funny.

Amenz: Like?

Django: Starting a riot.

Amenz: What about our orders? The queen?

Django: We settled them both and run for our lives.

Amenz: I like that.


Tailgunner said...

this is the longest post with most pictures ever!

Eija Johanes said...

hahaha the plan didn't go well for the queen and her nobles. Padan muka!

Tangerine Lim said...

she shoot her own people. X(

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