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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Slight Change of Plans

Milkshake: If my calculation is correct, Task Force one started the attack about five hours earlier than the expected time that we all agreed upon.

Nihja: Lord Kane is ruining five hours of my good sleep.

Kanon: He ruined our great outdoor campfire plans as well!

Nihja: …I wouldn’t have counted that if I were you.

Kanon: why are they commencing the attacks early? Why can’t they wait five hours more?

Nihja: The same reason for any great battle plan. There was never perfection when commencing a large scale war.

Kanon: This is a large scale war?

Nihja: I never had been to anything larger. You want a great war stories, go ask Prime Minister Tangerine.

Kluang: There are a lot of maybe’s guys…the Task Force may have encountered the Utopian Fleet earlier than expected…maybe the Utopian Fleet had increased its movement speed that they collided with our forces early…

Milkshake: Maybe they took a detour…maybe the missiles team feeling trigger happy, maybe the big fat Troop Carrier looks tempting enough that nobody can resist firing them down at that particular moment.

Nihja: Is it I or I sense sarcasm in your tone there, milkshake?

Milkshake: Go figure.

Nihja: You don’t show a bad attitude in front of your senior officer either, Milkshake.

Milkshake: The point is no matter what the reason for the early assault on the Utopian Fleet doesn’t matter. Lord Kane…Lord Velther even, should have a good enough reason to act using the best options available when they encountered the enemy. We on the other hand just need to readjust and improvised on the situation.

Kluang: Yeah…the lords aren’t combat rookies you know.

Nihja: …and we can’t beam in any sorts of transmission asking about it either, for the enemy might get a lock on our position. There goes my beauty sleep…we will change course and head for the striking point right away.

Kanon: Roger. Changing course, now.

Nihja: Well, Winterberry already broadcasted the battle here. I’ll take that Tangerine and the other already assumed that we, despite starting the fight a little bit too early had already begun their initial attack plans.

We don’t want too ruined the whole sync. It may pose some risk for our people at the Utopian main capital…we won’t allow such risk.

Kluang: Judging from the whole situation, this ought to be quick picking. Gosh…we might not need the transmitter to lure them into the trap at all…with those long range missiles you guys supplied to us and the foolish Utopian Fleet lacking air cover fighters, Task force One might single-handedly ends the fight right here, right now.

Nihja: regardless…we will be ready at our stations…just in case.

Kluang: Huh…just in case what?

Nihja: Just in case…heavens intervenes.


Tailgunner said...

am i am the only one thinking that the image a little corny and edgy. i hope it's just me and my tired eyes.

Eija Johanes said...

after you mentioned it, i looked very hard.

Tangerine Lim said...

in my opinion i see nothing wrong

Tailgunner said...

allright. I think about that too. My eyes!

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