The New AIC Interface

AIC Chronicles is now made easier for your reading and chapter browsing!

Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Ah...on the road again!

The midyear strikes back! The busy'ness of business had the AIC CHRONICLES progress goes on halt for quite some time. I am entering the first of my two week on-duty trip all over the continent. No time for AIC posting at all. I am away....from my desktop.

I drive hundreds of miles...stayed in almost five funny looking inns and hotels, passing through figure out yourself judging from the pictures!

The inevitable side effects of watching much to many Malaysian horror movie. On the informative level, these here are one of few existing graves that works like a drawer! You placed the coffin inside the concrete cemetary, cement it up and smash up the walls after a few years to gather the bone for cremation. Good thing is your family member can recycled the same spot over an over again for generations.

Aye...driving through every cities in Sarawak is the same as going up and down the Peninsular states of Malaysia. YAWN....get yourself a spare driver. 

The chain of unfortunate events tops up with the destruction of my beloved camera. I was comfortable making micro shots using the Canon S90. Now afer years of service it finally broke down...or should i say, drowned to death (it fell into my toilet bowl!)

All i can do for now is to gather future scripts so i can speed up the posting process (are we having another future marathon? DEFINETLY!) until all business affairs are settled and after looking for a new replacement Digital Camera.

That will be, another week from now...but hang on folks! Promising krazy multi-billion new post once i get my hands on that desktop! AaarrrRR!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Rebel Plans

Lord Velther Von Dash: …by showing us yours, you will benefit from ours. I hope you have some kind of valid plan in mind…for if not, even I can’t just offer away my army to those who I can trust, but unable to lead effectively.

Lord Kane: What do you have in mind? I knew you must have something planned earlier from the start.

Nihja: Yes, a strategy to defeat the Utopian Strike Force, by luring them into our trap. I need everyone’s co-operation on this one, for it requires much discipline and endurance to execute. We will take every aspect into consideration. Night and day, weather, geography, formations, equipments and resources as well as the enemy command structure and their leadership ability.

Lord Kane: Well, lets not waste anymore time and get into it.

Nihja: We will conduct the strategy over an open channel so that we can address the troop all at once.

Lord Velther Von Dash: What if there are spies within our military structure…don’t you think it’s better to divide the assignments to the different divisions or battalions instead of broadcasting the briefing of the whole units openly?

Nihja: If there were spies my lord, we would have been accurately bombed right now.

Lord Velther Von Dash: These are risks, but what is glory without risk. Let’s announce it to the troops. Officer, set for open channel. Begin broadcasting the battle plan for the whole rebel army in five minutes.

Rebel Officer: Yes, my lord.

Rebel Base Hangar:

Milkshake: …thus by now you should how to commence autopilot while engaging the enemy with the anti aircraft guns. Keep an eye on the coolant meter. You don’t want those Gatling’s to overheat.

Kluang: Okay, I get it. The condenser on the feet, I think I need to ask for a tune up…

Rebel Officer: Attention! Attention all military staff and personnel. We have an important briefing broadcasting in five minutes. Please do not leave the premise for this special announcement. I repeat, we have an important briefing in five minutes. All personnel please stay indoors.

Kluang: What was that?

Kanon: Briefing?

Milkshake: What kind of briefing…I hope Nihja is alright in there…who knows what message the signals bring in.

Kanon: Calm down, but keep your guard up! Just in case…

Milkshake: There’s no way I’m gonna die here!

Kluang: What are you guys whispering about?

Kanon: Oh! It’s nothing. Just wondering what kind of announcement will it be…err, all the suspense!

Kluang: Isn’t it obvious, it’s a call to arms.

Milkshake: Might as well hold on to our horses for just a little bit longer here Kanon.

Kanon: Yes. It’s hard to keep calm when Nihja is not present…and I feel a lot safer inside my Titan rather than walking around this hangar with these…people.

Milkshake: Keep it down. People are gathering around for the announcement. They...Kluang... might hear us already.

To Be Continued...

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Milkshake: So what exactly are we waiting for Nihja? I heard from the rebel troops that the enemy is bombarding the surface of the desert trying to taunt us out. I say we go out there and give it to them!

Nihja: Easy now milkshake. Have some patience. Let them continue bombing this whole sandbox as much as their heart content. In the end, they are the ones getting no rest before the battleground is chosen…not to mentioned the amount of bombs they are wasting.

Kanon: So what are we waiting for…really? Letting the enemy do whatever they wants on the surface just so that we can prepare for the fight better can’t be the only best reason for our silence until now…

Nihja: We are waiting for Orange signals.

Kanon: The Prime Minister? We already receive our direct orders and what we had to do here in this big pile of sandbag. Is there a change in goals? New missions…

Milkshake: I hope we don’t have to abort.

Nihja: Nope. We are waiting for a signal. Our timing must be right so we all could strike at the same time. At this current rate, we don’t know how much progress our team at the Utopian Capital had made.

Kanon: This radio silence sure is a disadvantaged. We might be waiting here forever…

Nihja: Well, according to plan, the signal is to be transmitted today. All we have to do is sit down and wait.

Kanon: …not trying to see things negatively here, but what if miss prime minister failed to transmit the signal as planned?

Rebel Officer: Excuse me ma’am. There is a decoded signal being sent to our secret network via international satellite transmission. It’s was directly addressed to you.

Nihja: …see Kanon, all we need is trust. Please link it to my private quarters, officer. I’ll view the message there.

Rebel Officer: I am sorry ma’am, but Lord Velther insists that the decoded signal is to be viewed together inside the war room with him and Lord Kane.

Kanon: …but it’s a private message from Senator Tangerine addressed only for…

Nihja: Kanon, enough! I will take this message in the war room.

Milkshake: Is that all right?

Nihja: Didn’t I tell you earlier; all we need is a little trust.

The Zelagross Rebels War Room:

Nihja: Hello, boys!

Lord Velther Von Dash: You probably have heard of my unreasonable request regarding a private message that was sent in on your name from your trusted senator....

...i insist that the message was made public. If this whole alliance is all about defeating a common enemy and the good of all Utopia, that we shouldn't have much of a problem regardless of whatever the contents of this message might be...

...what do you think?

Nihja: I was dissapointed with your low level of trust my lord, however...such an excuse is no more than just hiding behind the shadows. Officer, play us the message!

Rebel Officer: Yes. Decoding message...

Tangerine: Yohoo...! Nihja! How's life playing under the savannah sun? I hope you'll get a beautiful tan once we finish our business here. Okay, now let's go down to business...i want you to coordinate your attacks on the Utopian Fleet accordingdly, so that we synchronize our attacks all at once...

...currently, i've breached into the Senatorial Hall. We are pinned down by the Utopian sentries gathered up at the buildings central lobby, but we decided to break their blockade in order to advance into the hallway and confront the stupid queen. There is no other way around. I have Superspectre with me so it won't be much of a problem turning the sentries into a dissaray swarms.

...our second team, Michii's team had already begin rounding up the civilians supportive to the rebel's cause. The team rallied forces from the Commoner's districts...and was now put on standby. They will snuffed out the Military instalments and troops along the Utopian capital, creating diversion and provides reliefs for the main task force.

The good news is, we already gain complete control over the broadcasting and telecomunications satellite. Winterberry did a very good job playing her part as the sensational Utopian broadcaster "Ume Modoki". She blends into the background, knocking out the sentries headquarters and gain complete control over the mass media network.

Lord Kane: I don't believe this...after all these times, Ume Modoki is YOUR spy?!

Lord Velther Won Dash: Please, be quiet Lord Kane. we can ask such questions later...

Lord Kane: lord.

...the third team hadn't made much progress yet, but we are going to continue without them anway.

...i think that's all the update i have...ten minutes after this message ends, we will be launching an attack at the troublesome sentries. I want you to do the same thing and ambush the fleet tomorrow at dawn. Send my regards to the rebels! Out!

Rebel Officer: The transmission ends here.

Nihja: Thank you officer, so now gentleman's...what do think?

Lord Velther Von Dash: Interesting enough...i was surprised on how much resources your senator had in building up an effective military typed underground movement to overthrown the queen.

Nihja: Have we truly earned your trust then, my lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: Truly...with all my life!

Lord Kane: I was always doubt your aide and support towards our cause. Deep inside the corners of my mind i cant stop doubting you and your colleagues as the Utopian spies who is waiting to strike at us anytime we let our guard down. I am wrong, and i apologize.

Lord Velther Von Dash: You are truly honest in your intentions; to rid of the tyrannical queen and to protect the interest of the common folk! Together we shall crush the evil inside the Utopian Federation.

Nihja: I have earned your trust. I need more trust in a proposal in the next thing that's about to come out from my mouth...

Lord Velther Von Dash: What is it?

Nihja: Relieved the responsibilities of commanding the whole rebel army, to ME!

To Be Relieved!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blind Search

Queen Rasa and The Utopian Senate is witnessing LIVE as the Utopian Fleet lead by Lord Flame started the hunt for the Rebel lairs at the barren plains of Zelagross.

(sounds of a roaring thunder)

Queen Rasa: you gentlemen can see here, Lord Flame flagship; the Adamant is commencing a systematic carpet bombing sweep over the Zelagross plains. The enemy whereabouts will be known to us in no time.

...for if our bombings should hit nearby or over the rebel base, the enemy will be scurrying out of their underground holes like scared rats...running away from the intense bombardments. saving their petty lives.

Senate: Queen Rasa, it had been three hours since we are sitting here and watch how this boring process of "searching for the unknown and hidden enemy" took place slowly and with little results. I wish to dismiss today's gathering and respectively get on with our own business until we have gotten new news over the enemy's location.

Queen Rasa: ...are you looking down on Lord Flame's ability at war?

Senate: No, we are just tired. I would like to request for this meeting today to be adjourned. We will keep track on the fleet's progress from time to time.

Queen Rasa: I insist the members of the senate to stay and witness the downfall of the rebel forces. It won't be long until we found the rebel hideout.

Senate: this rate the rebel will be fully aware that your fleet is coming looking for a fight all toodirectly and noisy, shooting and bombing around the wasteland. Hoping to scare them away with those deafening artillery strike.

Queen Rasa: Your faith in our fleet seems lacking...

Senate: We are not fighting childrens, either!

Blinkiddies: Man, there we go again...the queen and the senate is bickering over "how fast can we snuff out the rebels in record time" issues. No thanks to that Lord Flamer...we should have send spies or scouts first to these plains to make our jobs easier.

Silver: much longer still i have to use the sonars. My curcuits are overheating.

Blinkiddies: We threw out almost a couple of dozen bombs over barren soils for hours. What a waste of tax money!

Silver: My poor sonar ears....

Blinkiddies: ...even by human hunches alone, a little cuts here and there by proper logic...we are going to spend weeks here banging on pots and pans for the foxes to come out of their breeding holes.

Silver: ...we are dealing with a lord, human and a brilliant tactician from the Utopian federation golden era. Plus, Lord Velther is chosen by the late Lord Panthera as one of his majesty right hand man besides Lord Mana.

Lord Flame: Quiet the two of you! concentrate on the bombing run! We have to force the enemy out before we ran out of time!

Blinkiddies: jealous...

Silver: Shuuush! I wont picked up a fight with him if i were you.

Blinkiddies: He wouldn't dare...we have Lord Armdagger here...he wont even lay a finger...

Lord Armdagger: Ahem...let's just avoid any unnecessary conflict amongst us, understood?

Blinkiddies: Yes, my lord.

Alonqexe: Well, the fleet had start going around in circles searching for the hornets nest...probably the best time to catch up with the rest of the comrades in arms.

Lutherniel: Yeah...for once i taught we could never ever make it in this bucket of bolts.

Alonqexe: we had enough money to buy an eight man gunship Luther, someone had just spend those money on weapons fit for a small platoon.

Lutherniel: do you prefer to sit in a gunship and become targets for the anti Aircraft Guns or running around on a battlefield armed to the teeth?


Alonqexe: Either way, i felt like this whole war business had been on the downside with Lord Flame messing around openly. I mean, what was he thinking taking risks and making all the stupid moves like that...

Lutherniel: Look...kid, do not worry about that big shot. All we need to do is take care of each others back, survived this whole lunacy, get paid and then we can spend half a year sunbathing in the coolest Caribbean island we can find. Alright?

Alonqexe: easy for you to say. His carelessness may be the end of us...not that I'm hoping that that might happen to the both of us...

Lutherniel: stay out of his chains of command. Let the cyborgs do most of the dirty job for us, absorb the heat of the battle. We just stroll along at the back of their shadows.

Alonqexe: ...but they are our friends, we can't just let them take all the hits while we are playing safe all the time.

Lutherniel: Kid, how you have forgotten that they are made for days like these. They are not human. They can die however many times as they want.

Alonqexe: ...


Penguin: Ma'am, our vessel have inadequate bombing abilities to take part in the sweep. shall i put this ship away from the main assault body for the time being?

Divinekid: Negative. Do a long ranged sensor scan over the area around us. Stretch out the sensor as far as you can. The enemy might be watching our little show right now and if they do...i want to make sure i am hot on it's trail so it can lead us back to the real enemy base instead of wasting our precious time doing all these...unpractical method.

Penguin: Yes.


Divinekid: I seriously began to doubt myself on my decision for coming over and participate in this mission!

Lady Junna: easy there are just frustrated and tired. why don't you take a rest and let me handle the controls for a while?

Divinekid: No! That's not the point. everything here is wrong. The fleet is wrong, the leader is wrong...

Lady Junna: Lord Flame?

Divinekid: You bet! The strategy is non existent, no intelligence, no planning. All we rely on is our vast in numbers...wait, by saying we really know our opponents strength or how well armed they are?


Lady Junna: Judging from the estimates that the Utopian Federation Military gave us, the rebels had breached and hijacked several military bases and ammo dumps during the unrest. Taking that into consideration, the rebels are mainly equipped with hand held personnel type weaponry. Non of the heavy ones...

Divinekid: We lay our lives on the lines, over estimates made by the Military a few months ago without no new updates! I have a bad feeling about this war! A very bad...bad...bad...feeling!

A very bad "to be Continued!"

Friday, June 8, 2012

Trail of Blood

Soldier 1: Take a look at this body here, ma’am. It’s the only body we found that the weapon is still being intact and remaining on the victim’s body.

Deadbird: Good work officer…can you stand guard at the entrance for me please?

Soldier 1: Sure thing, Ma’am.

Reppu Kiri: You found something?

Deadbird: Yes, sort off. It’s an arrowhead struck onto a soldiers forehead…powerful enough to go through his skull and skewed his brains.

Reppu Kiri: Ouch…and weird, since you told me earlier that the rest of the remains are somewhat looks as it being exploded inside out. How come this one comes out intact and had just an arrow struck on his head?

Deadbird: Probably he’s the only guy who managed to get close. Close enough that the attacker can’t launch his or her arrows…but managed to mortally wound him anyway with a melee attack. In this case an arrowhead through his skull.

Reppu Kiri: That’s one powerful blow. The attacker must’ve have possessed incredible strength to thrust an arrow tip into a human skull.

Deadbird: Is that enough information to look for the culprit.

Reppu Kiri: Information? It’s more like an assumption.

Deadbird: It’s a start…officer!

Soldier 1: Yes Ma’am?

Deadbird: Check on the equipments, is there any of those wrecked hardware that we can re-salvage and use again? We need to set up a communication network around this building as soon as possible. There is a loose rebel sympathizer running around this building killing our men…and I have to say this bastard is damn good. He wipes out the whole HQ personnel in a flash.

Soldier 1: We are not requesting for any more reinforcements to hunt this killer down.

Deadbird: Our main instruction is to protect the queen. We have little personnel to spare and by doing so will reduced our guard further. This maybe what the culprit wants; to divide our forces, to create confusions until in the end we lost our focus on our main objectives.

Reppu Kiri: You think so? This is the works of the Zelagross Rebels?

Deadbird: There are no other possible explanations…

Reppu Kiri: …the queen seems to have a lot of enemies beyond that of the Utopian Commoners and the Zelagross forces.

Deadbird: …by the way, what story of that the Sentries from the South?

Reppu Kiri: I has been quite...

Sentry 1: Excuse me sir, the South Sentries has arrived. The captain is with them.

Deadbird: Speaking about the Devil...

Reppu Kiri: I'll go check them out.

To Be Continued!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank You's!

These are the list of the latest donation made by Oren, the DPS Team managed to complete a full set of new characters including;
  • Ishtar
  • Elmo
  • Charley
  • Kagutsuchi
  • Nyneve
  • Uruzu / Liberty Empress
  • Rose
  • Wiz of Oz
The best part is that more male characters are making it's cameos. The number of male characters seems redundant in comparisson to females in later issues, no now guys can rock it out in our future post!

Thank you oren for making a big big contribution and for the rest of our beloved friends. Keep upthe support!

AIC Wars will be posting as usual this saturday. So stay tune!

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