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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Lazy Song

Today i don't feel like doing anything.
I just wanna lay in my bed.
Don't feel like picking up my phone.
So leave a message at the tone.
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

I think you folks have quite bit the rough picture of what kind of situation that i am in for this week. HaHaHa! Maybe with all other works and obligation been shoving onto my workdesk i have little time to spare yet for AIC.

If i do have time to spare it's all dedicated for rest. I am taking a break from AIC and the next post marathon will be on this coming Thursday.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Yuusuke is the mercenary network "Rising Star" known for his reputation for getting the big deal with little or zero amount of risk involved. Yuusuke came from the same hometown as Alonqexe, although Yuusuke was about 6 years younger than him.

Yuusuke came from a poor nation whom land was ravaged by unsettling climate of long cold winter and barren hot summer tundra. The economic activities are almost non existence. Due to the high survival nature of the nation, most of Yuusuke countrymen excels on being a hunter or mercenaries. The hard survival type of living comes naturally, and fame and fortune is the main drive to escape from such a painfully life.

Like Alonqexe, Yuusuke ditch school early, (while Alonqexe ditched his medical school during college years) while money is a staple problem for Yuusuke...things got worst when his mother undergo treatment and the medical bills starts rolling in. Yuusuke could not afford having to study and paying for both his mother and him for much longer. Yuusuke decided to quit school on his thirteenth birthday and joined the mercenaries.

Yuusuke joined Alonqexe and Lutherniel's group. The duo is known for their reputation of "play it safe", picking out less risky contract but doing so in a large quantity too compensate with the more riskier but well paid jobs.

After years of forming a trio, Yuusuke was frustrated by the low rate of income generated by the completion of every little contract made by the team. Worse, the whole booty was divided between three person, thus making the whole profit even lower. Yuusuke has no time for low profit, he need to cure his mother's illness before it's to late. So he left the team and look for his own mercenary deal.

When Yuusuke and Alonqexe met at the Utopian Capital during the Zelagross assault breiffing, they are still sour about the past incident.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Utopia Federation Spaceport


Lie L C: it has been quite a while, Lord Mana.

Lord Mana: Since we have to break communications…thanks to Lord Flame impulsiveness, I was thinking that while we were all waiting for the senate’s decision we might as well update our report on the current progress.


Lie L C: If it’s about the security level in the capital, my lord…everything is normal…that if you considered unrest or two is normal in this kind of situation.

Lord Mana: Maintain the security force at its optimum. That will do much of the tricks, the reserve is more than sufficient to keep the Utopian capital commoners population at bay.

Lie L C: Yes, my lord.

Lord Mana: Make sure that the skies are clear when Lord Daisuki arrives.

Commissar Halfy: Lord Mana, the senate will commence their assembly very soon.

Lord Mana: Yes…it is unwise too say too much on things. Wait for my signal, until then…just watch over the airspace.

Lie L C: …understood.

Outskirts of the Utopian Capital

Michii: …

Commoner 1: I am overwhelming with nervousness. There’s a lot of “if” playing in my mind right now.

Michii: Clear all your doubt, we are here to help you.

Commoner 2: Then why do we have to rendezvous with your friend now instead of making a move?

Michii: One of our allies will meet us here and give us all the firearms as well as supplies needed for the cause. Please be patient.

Commoner 2: My only hope is this is not a trap…or those Utopian’s Grunts found out about us here.

Michii: No…I…I heard a vehicle coming this way!

(Car Engine)

Michii: ...that can't be!

Commoner: Is…is…that you Prime?

Michii: Perebum XS, is that you?

Perebum XS: Uh huh…you like my ride?

Michii: Sort off...and the goods?

Perebum XS: All stash up at the back of the truck. Give me a hand with all the loads...guys?

Michii: …not a problem.

Perebum XS: THIS…

Michii: …all this?!

Perebum XS: Your "rebel forces" need more than stick and stones if they are going to be of any help.

Michii: If the commoners fights, we could stage a better diversion for Tangerine.

Perebum XS: To fight better, they need better equipment. You need anything?

Michii: No. No, thank you.

Prebum XS: Whatever you say, you’re the boss. Well, you guys are ready to go?!

Commoners: We are ready to settle some score with those militants!

Michii: You are coming too?

Perebum XS: Of course I am going with you…I am your backup.

Michii: Have you scouted the road along the way. I hate surprises.

Perebum XS: Don’t worry; I spotted a few infantries and roads blocks along the way.

Michii: Let’s move out, people! We will overthrow this one-sided-government today!

Commoners: Yeahhhhh!!!

Perebum XS: Morale boost?

Michii: It helps! Lead the way…

Peredum XS: Here we go!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Phantome': Yes, Mistress Prime Minister i understand. I will arrange the team as planned. So please do not strain.

Tangerine: You are talking in rhymes again. Carry out your mission. disperse your group according to the designated targets. Do so in 30 minutes.

Phantome': 30 minutes? Is that the limit? So be it...

Tangerine: Time is not a luxury anymore. Out!

Phantome': She hangs up. We have our orders. Now we can do more than covert ops, and work wonders!

Skoolkidz: I can't believe this rhyme-talking maniac is the former "white Knight" of Atlantis...she seems so dorky with all the rhymic talks.

Perebum XS: Believe it, sister...the moment she stop talking and start swinging that spear...

Skoolkidz: ...we all will run in fear. (Laughs)

Ajica: Hey...hey! Knock it off you two. Don't let she hears you both out! Better yet...don't let Vladurac hear your chit chat as well!

Perebum XS: are right. Almost forgot...

Skoolkidz: Oh...sorry, my bad.

Phantome': Eventually. We are divided into three. New assignment it will listen too me carefully.

Skoolkidz: Okie, boss!

Perebum XS: Time to make a debut.

Ajica: What's the new assignment?

Phantome': I understand your enthusiasm, but I need to remind all of you, that danger cannot be fathomed, and this i know very well and true.

So please watch each others back...and never slack, because what i hope for in the end, we won't lost any dear friends. Understood?

Perebum XS: Yes, ma'am.

Skoolkidz: I have no intention of dying so far away from home...

Phantome': Vladurac will follow me, we help Bada in the State Library.

Vladurac: ...

Phantome': for Ajica, we would surely need your majica, so follow Vladurac and me, because finding the scroll is top priority.

Ajica: I understand...i will do my best!

Phantome': Perebum XS, go to the Utopian ammo dump, if you don't know the place, it's located at the abandoned slump.

Collect as many firearms, and meet up with Michii's forces, do the commoners no harm, because Michii persuade them to join us.

Perebum XS: I think I'll get that...i will look for a transport to carry all those goods to them.

Phantome': Skoolkidz will be on watch, over the rooftop and pillar arch, your archer eyes need to see, for enemy unit that fly so free.

Skoolkidz: Consider it done...

Phantome': briefings ends here, and i hope everything is crystal in the movies they cried out's time to go let's roll out!

Perebum XS: ...that line sounds familiar...

This Post is Dedicated to Ajica (1988-2011)
Rest In Peace...

Monday, April 16, 2012


Tangerine: All team report.

Superspectre: Aye! Spectre here, I am moving towards the rendezvous point. You are going to meet me there right?

Tangerine: I see you at the entrance. Michii?

Michii: We have taken the whole Commoners District, approximately eight hundred strong. Awaiting your further orders, then we are going to march towards the main capital.

Tangerine: Hold them for a while longer; I’ll inform you when the equipments arrived.

Michii: Yes, ma’am.

Tangerine: So far…so good. Winterberry, I think it’s about time we call you by your real name…what do you say?

Winterberry: If you’re checking on my progress here…I will say that my mission is complete.

Tangerine: I expected no less from Ishtar’s most trusted advisor.

Winterberry: …however once the Utopian learned that they can’t radioed into headquarters anymore…they going to go panic like a bunch of angry bees.

Tangerine: If they do panic, I’ll take that they will definitely head out to investigate the main HQ first. Thus, I’m giving you a new coordinate too wreck. Head towards the broadcasting station…ready to play the tape that I give to you. I want to reveal to the world the true colors of Queen Rasa…inside out!

Winterberry: My…my…don’t mess with a women’s wrath they say. I am on my way.

Tangerine: The queen and her henchmen is about to declare war, Nihja team is gearing up the Zelagross defense. We must not fail our mission here.

Bada: Talking about mission, I am on the shortage side here. ..anybody cared to lend me a hand?

Tangerine: Trouble?

Bada: I was expecting that looking for books and scrolls in a library would be easy as long as you know where to look…

…not only I am having trouble extracting information here, surprisingly I am facing hardcore resistance by some of the Library Staff here. It may sound like they are bunch nerds…but they are giving me quite a nuisance with their hit and run tactics.

Tangerine: That was quite a shocked, coming from Bada.

Bada: I guess…nobody’s perfect.

Tangerine: …looks like it’s time to mobilize the whole Eastern Empires…the search for the scroll takes full prority!

Michii: You are calling them out?

Tangerine: We have no choice, time is against us and we need every member we could spare to look for the sacred scroll.

Michii: But one of them is…

Tangerine: …I know, I am taking my chances…just like the Utopian Strike Fleet.

Bada: I don't trust her.

Tangerine: We will keep a close watch.

Michii: I guess beggars can't be choosers...


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Madcap! Murdoch! Mandrake!

The Utopian Federation State Archives: almost two hours after Queen Rasa’s speech to the Senate…

Ain Khairi: …you think she is still out there, searching for us?

Kanbei: She may have something more important things to do rather than looking for two “chicken-out” librarians. She did mention that she is looking for something, right?

Ain Khairi: Yes…Sacred…Scroll…something…I can’t remember!

Kanbei: …killing those librarians’ shows that she is short of time as well.

Ain Khairi: Those poor colleagues…let's have a moment of silence.

Kanbei: …I need a radio.

Ain Khairi: We are hiding from Librarian Serial Killer and all you can think of is a radio?!

Kanbei: We are missing the rest of Queen Rasa’s speech…

Ain Khairi: A few hours ago you don’t seems to care much about her speech!

Kanbei: I do…

Ain Khairi: We must find a way to get out of here!

Kanbei: First, we need a radio…stay here and keep quiet.

Ain Khairi: You are leaving me here looking for a stupid radio?!

Kanbei: You have the mandrake and we have a radio back in the office.

Ain Khairi: That killer might be waiting for you and cut you up at the next corner! Plus, mandrake or not I bet she already had some kind of earplugs on already.

Kanbei: You still need to stay and hide here. I will be back soon.

Ain Khairi: Urgh! I can’t understand why you are so persistent over a stupid radio…

Kanbei: The war…has it started yet, I wonder.

Ain Khairi: Huh?! Who cares…

Kanbei: Take care…this won’t take long. Most importantly, hide!

Ain Khairi: Don’t leave me! What are you trying to pull?! Don’t leave me alone with this stupid mandrake!

Madcap Murdoch: Excuse me young miss, but I find it quite rude calling someone stupid. Especially if that person knows where the Sacred Continent Scroll is.

Ain Khairi: Huh?! Who’s talking to me? Eh…it can’t be you…!! Wait...YOU know about the scrolls that crazy double bladed killer is looking for?

Madcap Murdoch: Yes, i do...and my name is Madcap Murdoch thank you.

Ain Khairi: Omigosh! The mandrake can talk!

Madcap Murdoch: No-Duh!

Ain Khairi: ...Mandrake with an attitude!

Madcap Murdoch: Kid, you owe me your life back then.

Ain Khairi: Well, excuse don't have to be so crabby about it!

Madcap Murdoch: Yeah...yeah...yeah...whatever...Hey! Miss “Slice and Dice” is on the loose. We better get moving.

Ain Khairi: Will you lead the way to where the scrolls are hidden?

Madcap Murdoch: I'll show you the move it young lady! I am not the one with legs...

Ain Khairi: You are crabby...nasty...rude little mandrake in one potty plant!

Madcap Murdoch: You created me...see the resemblance?

Ain Khairi: ...(sigh)...let's just get going.


Friday, April 13, 2012

The Puppet Master Part 4

The Senate Assembly Hall: Utopian Capital

Senate: Out of all the Nobles and trusted lords of the Utopian Federation, you are the last person i…we expect to be participating in this would be massacre, Lord Mana.

Lord Mana: I may be known for my reasoning and my diplomatic nature. However, the issue regarding the Rebels massing in numbers at Zelagross is too great of a threat to be left unnoticed.

Senate: There are…

Lord Mana: Negotiations with the rebels are over when the rebels refuses Queen Rasa’s ultimatum in silence. If somehow this silence all along means that the rebel at Zelagross is hiding the real strength of their capability of war, a single swift attacks can destroys us in minutes. I as well, would not risk my country from annihilation.

Lord Flame: Lord Armdagger and Lord Mana is of the new noble’s faction which in reality, not always at the best terms with the conservatives…

…if an old fashioned conservative and a leader whom land had been taken right under his noses…together with the modern minds of the new generation nobles can work out what’s best for this nation together, then why can YOU?!


Lord Armdagger: We are going too Zelagross by Queen Rasa’s will. This fleet consists mainly of a combined military might and volunteers from The Watermark Kingdom, The Badlands, The Avalon, Utopian volunteers and mercenaries. Technically, the Utopian Senate has almost no authority over a fleet that is not officially consist of the main Utopian Military Force.

Lord Mana: This fleet is operating outside of the jurisdiction of the Utopian Senate. This fleet is formed to answer Queen Rasa’s demands for an answer to growing rebel threat that is threatening her nation.

Senate: …you may call yourself an independent fleet but you are still dealing with the rebels…who I would like to remind you, consist of Utopian citizen!

Lord Mana: …WAS, not anymore.

Queen Rasa: …if the Senate wishes call back the fleet who voluntarily answer my call to arms in dealing with a band of rebels who I believed would bring hard to a nation which I am queen, the senate can do so with whatever power they have as a member of this federation.

However as we all heard, saw and discuss with right here…right now –and being witnessed by every member of the Senate, broadcasted throughout the Utopian Federation and beyond…the fleet had openly refused to back out and willing to continue this operation.

Senate: …we demand to discuss this matter amongst the senate members. Excuse us for a moment.

The Rebel Headquarters: Zelagross

Nihja: We should gear up for war. Alert your troops. There is no need to hear the outcome of the discussion.

Lord Velther Von Dash: …why?

Nihja: No matter what the outcome is my lord, fate has it that we are going to have war, no matter what everyone has to say.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Meet me in the war room in twenty minutes.

Nihja: Milkshake and Kanon, check out on our equipment…get it prep up and ready.

Kanon: Affirmative!

Milkshake: Shall we alert Prime Minister Tangerine?

Nihja: She probably heard. Just give her an update of our condition status.

Milkshake: Yups.

Nihja: The fogs of war are clearing away…


The Puppet Master Part 3

Rebel Headquarters: Zelagross

Nihja: You rang my lord?

Lord Velther Von Dash: The Utopian Strike Force breaks radio silence and is broadcasting transmission to the Utopian Capital…most possibly to the Senate Hall.

Nihja: Interesting and foolish. Officer, intercept the transmission and punch it on our main screen.

Officer 1: Yes ma’am…but won’t the enemy noticed that we are breaking into their communications network.

Nihja: They won’t mind. What would you expect when you break radio silence in an enemy territory?

Officer: Uhhh…yes ma’am. Intercepting the enemy transmissions.

At The Senate Hall Assembly...

Senate: …what are you trying to prove here, Flame?

Lord Flame: I want to prove that we don’t need some stupid senate to give us approval in dealing with the enemy of this federation.

Senate: …don’t you dare challenge the Senate Flame! We are abiding by Utopian Law…and by the law; important decisions that are related to the federation security must be processed and discussed by the senate!

Lord Flame: Then authorized the attacks already?!!! Is this not an issue of the Utopian Federation security?!!! What is wrong with all of you dumb idiots! What, are you suggesting that we sit and wait for the enemy to attack us first?

Senate: We are trying to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed! There are better and more peaceful methods to end this conflict without killing our own people!

Lord Armdagger: …looking at the statistics provided by the Utopia Bureau of Intelligence, there is an increase in the number of people defecting and joining the rebels. 63% of them are military personnel. That reason alone should ring the bell for an 80% possibility of an armed rebellion would occur.

Lord Flame: Lord Velther gathered a hundred thousand trained military men and women just for a peaceful demonstration march into Utopia. ..

Senate: You are mocking the Senate!

Lord Flame: …better I mock the stupid Senate rather than have Utopia burn to ashes due to stupidity and endless empty talks while Lord Velther is gathering his forces to launch a strike, one strike is all he need…and if he’s lucky, no talks by any Senate will ever going to turn back such tragically events that might or might not be the fall of this great nation.

Senate: “Might or might not…” eh?

Lord Flame: You willing to trade hundred thousands of soldiers over the lives of billions? Including women and children?


The Rebel Headquarters: Zelagross

Milkshake: Lord Flame knows how to play his role.

Lord Kain: He is the kind of person that gets others to dirty their hands while doing his job.

Nihja: Well, the bad news is…all his arguments are valid.

Lord Velther Von Dash: It is my mistake to not have offered talks when the queen announces her ultimatum.

Nihja: Have faith in your decision my lord. After all, we are not all miserable’s.

Lord Velther Von Dash: I truly hope so…and above all I hope the people believed so.


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