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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Location: Zelagross Plains
Time: 4 hours after the launch of the Utopian Fleet

Lord Kain: The Utopian had made the first move a few hours ago. The strike force is scheduled to made contact with our first garrison defenders within the 24 hours cycle. I want all of our troops to stay at their station and follow the orders strictly!

Soldiers: Yes, my lord.

Nihja: seems quite busy Lord Kain.

Lord Kain: I would like to inform you that the Utopian Fleet is making it's way to our camp, Nihja.

Nihja: Yeah...heard about it about an hour ago. The senator informed us about the enemy troop movement so we can prepare a proper welcoming party for them.

Lord Kain: You seems pretty confident about our current situation and the trouble we are facing, Nihja. These ladies are...

Nihja: Ahh...where are my manners. Lord Kain, i would like to introduce you to two of my trusted subordinates...Milkshake and Kanon. Like me, they will pilot the bipedal mechas and help us to deal a heavy blow on the Utopians even before they touch the ground.

Milkshake: Nice to met you.

Kanon: Howdy...

Lord Kain: ...and your machines can guaranteed victory over the tyrant Utopians?

Nihja: ...better than your sticks and stones.

Lord Kain: Hahahahahahahaha....such confidence! Good...good...and the fact that you are willing to lend us manpower aside from these wonderful and deadly machines proves to us that we will...on this day, bring an end to Queen Rasa and her despicable minions of no good conservative nobles! Once again, on behalf of Lord Velther, I thank you!

Nihja: Kain, thank YOU.

Lord Kain: With all due respect, Nihja...Lord Velther had decided to promote you as "Field Commander" during our engagement with the Utopian forces. We will rely on you for our front line defense and offense.

Nihja: You trust me too much, sir...

Lord Kain: Consider it an honor for a stranger that came so sudden and offering help out of the blue...

Nihja: ...flattering. However, i will give you my word that i will do my best...and with all my life i will make sure that our fight here in Zelagross will not be in vain.

Lord Kain: You swore an oath to Senator Tangerine...

Nihja: oath for us all, for we share a common goal.

Lord Kain: ...for a better tomorrow then.

Nihja: ...we had less than a day left before the Utopian Fleet arrives, minutes ago i was made "Field Commander" by the trust that you had in us. If you will excuse me and by your permission, i would like to withdraw from this meeting and began making plans on the strategy that we will partake.

Lord Kain: you wish, Nihja. There are, however there is one more request which i need you to fulfill for me.

Nihja: all depends on how high your demands is...

Lord Kain: Hahahahahahahahahaha...not high my dear comrade, not high at all. I had only but a simple request...

Nihja: ...and that is?

Lord Kain: I would like you to train one of my men to pilot your "war machine". He is young, brash...a bit mouthy but a brilliant mechanic and a fast learner. He had much ahead of him and i wanted to breed him into a fine warrior in the future.

Nihja: ...such special treatment for an ordinary subordinate is unusual indeed my lord...

Lord Kain: Leave your suspicion over personal issues involved over this topic, Nihja. All i need from you is a "Yes" or "No".

Nihja:'s better than having the last machine slave-rigged to a remote controlled system on either one of the manned units. I will give it a "Yes".

Lord Kain: Good! Then i would like you to meet Kluang.

Kluang: ...sup!


Tailgunner said...



and...the fan favourite...


Ain Khairi said...

WAAAAHH!!! Kluang is here! Kluang is HERE!!! XDXDXD

I'm expecting me to be there too!

Can't wait, can't wait!

Tangerine Lim said...

+3 characters

Eija Johanes said...

ada cowok masuk AIC derh!

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