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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Monday, December 12, 2011


Halfy is the beefed up Rambo looking Hoofdcommissaris of the Utopian Federation and also Lord Mana most trusted Commandant. Lord Mana trust Halfy to the extend that he shares his plan to overthrow Queen Rasa and invades Utopian with him.

Halfy fights with a sawed of blaster, lack in range but as deadly as a shotgun, Halfy is the only Utopian Officer that fights with firearms. The Utopian officer mostly preferred hand held weapon such as swords and spears and consider firearms as cowardice and less elegant. But such ideology does not work with Halfy realistic beliefs. At the end of the day, the death counts says all.

Halfy belongs to the extinct humanoid race known as Ravens. The Raven are so much alike their human counterparts that the race blends into the human society and adapting well with the human culture. The reason for an adaptable humanoid to be extinct is largely the effect of the Great Silhouette War where the Utopian began expanding their power in the regions outside of the human realms. When the great Raven world of equinox was threatened, the Ravens turn against the human and fought back the intrusion.

Taken aback by the Raven sheer determination to fight until the last man, the Utopian King ordered a total annihilation of this hard and determined race, for such an example of courage and fearlessness will surely sparks an inspiration for new rebellion against Utopia.

Halfy's Raven form allows him to sprout a pair of black wings from his back. Halfy can maneuver himself in the air as easily as he walks and runs on the ground. With flying as an advantage, the Ravens are a tough adversaries for the Utopian to beat during the Great Silhouette War. Halfy spend two month in the Utopian Dungeon awaiting his execution for resisting the Utopian Invasion Forces.

At the end of the war, Lord Mana decided to spare Halfy life in exchange of his service for the lord. Halfy scornfully asked Lord Mana the benefit of serving his enemies, in which Lord Mana replied "Because i will be the strongest person in Utopia". Halfy shares Lord Mana ideals in overthrowing the current ruler which he deemed as weak and unfit to rule the nation.


Ain Khairi said...

beefy macho on the run!!!

Penelope's Den said...

I wonder where he is now?

Tailgunner said...

If you do find him, guide him here!

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