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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Firestarter Part 2

Launch crew: Attention all personnel, please seal off hangar 7. Lord Flame Battle cruiser : Adamant has arrived and will be docking in in 0:23 hours.

...i repeat, all personnel, please seal off hangar 7. Lord Flame Battle cruiser : Adamant has arrived and will be docking in in 0:23 hours.

Lord Mana: Permit me to express my gratitude on your decision to participate in the assault on Zelagross, Lord Flame. You are going all out in this mission and so willingly to lend us your mighty flagship Adamant for the mission tomorrow...

Lord Flame: The reason Adamant was around my Lord Mana is as a matter of fact a personal statement that these rebel scum had to be dealt with quickly. I don't want a prolonged conflict. We will finish this in a matter of hours, if time permits.

Lord Mana: ...such wish are proven difficult to achieved my Lord Flame. We will have to negotiate with these rebels to avoid unnesesary blood spills, and...

Lord Flame: I will not torelate with the traitor Velther! We will use long ranged bombardments and air superiority to crsh the rebel's stronghold and with a swift stroke, overrun anyone who survived with our ground troops...this is the Utopian way of making a statement to the nations out there. them that after all these years, Utopia is still the strongest military nation in the world. A lot of people are watching this battle, Lord Mana...and I'm intended to give our pesky foreign observers a show so extravagant and brutal, they will not dare to mess with our nation ever!

Lord Armdagger: Have you forgotten that our "observers" includes the commoners of Utopia? If your genius method are being exploited by the mass media, there will sure be an immediate uprising going on within the commoners ranks.

Lord Flame: That matter is already being taken care of...

Lord Mana: Please explain.

Lord Flame: My most trusted right hand man; The Kid will stay back here in Utopia City to monitor the situation on our home ground while we crushed those cursed rebels. The Kid will also supervised Queen Rasa's personal security and ensure her highness safety.

The Kid: your service, my lords.

Lord Flame: I recommended both of you stationed a few of your trusted officers to stand by and guard Utopia's most valuable assets. The rebel issues is as serious as it gets but one can't neglect the safety of our Queen Rasa, don't you think?

Lord Mana: True...

Lord Armdagger: There are thousands of Utopian Royal Guards protecting the Queen. There is no way...

Lord Flame: ...four billion commoners would be a threat to her majesty? (laugh) You seems to have a lot of those cyborg harem to spare for the queen's security. Why not lend some...

Lord Armdagger: My followers are the spearhead of the Zelagross Assault. I could not just hand down an officer or two just to do some unnecessary home chores that can be relied on some other menial grunt!

Lord Mana: Lord Armdagger, he had a point...

Lord Armdagger: Lord Mana, do you think he already knew about the ...

Lord Mana:, Lord Armdagger. No one knows  about this whole plans except you and a handful of my trusted others. Secrets like ours doesn't travel around lightly...and our supporters are fiercely loyal to our cause.

Lord Armdagger: ...but how do you explain this sudden repositioning of the troopers. dividing them into assault forces and home defense. Lord Mana, our attacking strength will be reduced into half...and...

Lord Mana: Lord Flame is a war strategist. He's doing what he's doing best. The needs to defend our rear is as important to him as the front lines itself no matter who our enemies are. Come to think of it again, his words does bears some truth...even four billion commoners can turn the Watermark Fleet away if there is someone good enough leading them.

Lord Armdagger: (sigh) i will restructure the battle group, maybe i will spare a man or two to stay behind in Utopian City. Maybe putting some of the mercenaries under their commands and coming up with excuses...i don't guarding the importance of the coming Utopian Senatorial Conference...

Lord Mana: I will stationed Lie LC to help your men back here then.

Lord Armdagger: ...but who will pilot some of the ships we are sending into Zelagross?

Divinekid: Excuse me, i am an officer from the Military Inteligence Unit...currently not being doing anything of any importance. I am a good pilot you know. Perhaps i can solve the Lord's problems?

Lord Armdagger: ...can you fly a battle cruiser or anything around that size?

Divinekid: A few hundreds. It's the most standard basic abilities in order to be in the Inteligence Division.

Lord Mana: Anybody else in the Inteligence Unit are as free to risk their life and a good pilot as you are?

Divinekid: That can be arranged (smiled)

Lord Mana: Go on...i'm interested!



Tailgunner said...

As promised...

Tangerine Lim said...

the kid looks ugly!

is that flame's ship? wah XD

Penelope's Den said...

cmon now guys we are way behind WAR schedule

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