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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


...meanwhile, Her Majesty Queen Rasa will held an emergency meeting with the Utopian Senate, regarding issues dealing the rebels this Tuesday. Her Majesty requested that the Senate consider a zero tolerance to the culprit and leader of the rebels for this is the utmost, dire case of treachery towards the Utopian Government.

Bada: Oh, good morning Tangerine. You are back late last night.

Tangerine: Good Morning. What's for breakfast?

Bada: The usual. Help yourself, it's on the kitchen table...

Tangerine: Thanks...

Bada: By The are things going between you and Wint...

Tangerine: Shhh...go by her codename...there are eyes and ears on the walls. At this stage a simple thing could jeoperdize years of our hard work.

Bada: Opsie.

Tangerine: Ume agreed to help us out on this one. Reluctant, but she will cooperate with us...

Bada: Some of us had been here for so long, leaving this place in's not easy.

Tangerine: ...rather this place than Atlantis.

Bada: Yes, my lady.

Tangerine: Bada, you been fumbling with that phone since i wake up. What's the matter?

Bada: Ummm...trying to contact Nihja...i'm worried about her progress in Zelagross.

Tangerine: Don't tell me she sidetracked herself and currently joyriding in the desert...

Bada: I'm afraid so...

Tangerine: Give the phone to me...

Bada: Here you go...good luck.

Tangerine: I'm so going to blast her with my magic cannon if she did not pick up...


Bada: ...still unavailable?

Tangerine: Wait a sec...i give it one more try.

Nihja: Sands...sands...sands...sands!!!...everywhere i go it looked the same! could someone ever think of a stupid idea of making a base in the middle of these sands!'s to exposed, there is no resources, bad camouflage...and the heat spoils machine performances. phone is ringing! Hullo?

Tangerine: Nihja! What on earth are you doing there? Didn't i told you to go too the rebels camp and negotiate with Lord Velther?!

Nihja: Relax, I am...getting there! That's right...yeah...i'll be there in no time.

Tangerine: You are joyriding around the dessert with that bike of yours isn't it?

Nihja: ...such is a false accusations...Oren!

Tangerine: I can see you from this monitor Nihja, you are doing nothing but running around in circles within the 10 kilometre radius. are not an inch closer to that base!

Nihja: Oren not fair! ...putting tracking device on me!

Tangerine: (Whispers)...tracking device?

Bada: That was my idea.

Tangerine: I guess it can't be help. Someone need to put a leash on her.

Bada: should know better.

Tangerine: Hey...hey you Nihja! Now you listen to me and listen good...we are two days away from a civil war and you hadn't strike any deal with that Velther guy...

Nihja: ...dum dee dum...

Tangerine: ...are you really listening to me? We are working against time here. We need to negotiate with...

Nihja: (turning off the phone)...i know...i know, quit chirping in my ear it hurts.

...well, looks like it's up to the amazing Nihja to save the future of this world eh? Better reach that Rebel camp before it's getting dark.

...not to mentioned i hate boring negotiations. I'ts plain boring. I better ask for a raise from Oren once we go back to Atlantis (laughs)

...tally hoo!



Tailgunner said...

Biker chick on its way :)

Yours Truly, Rave said...

Mihja and her awesome disappearance trick! oops.. not so disappear if Bada put a tracking device XD

a biker chick! that's kinda cool > A<

Penelope's Den said...

i think she looks bubbly
kinda reminds me of tomo from azumanga

Eija Johanes said...


Tailgunner said...

yes. naughty isn't she?

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