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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lord Panthera

Name:              King Panthera
Date Of Birth:   March 17
Nationality:       Utopian Federation
Height:             198cm
Fighting Style:  King's Sword / Divine Wings

Lord Panthera is the Utopian Federation 3001st ruler. Lord Panthera is well known for his effort in transforming the warlike Utopians into a nation that is economically and industrially amongst the most powerful in the world.

In his approach, the king introduce commerce to the Utopian people. Both the nobles and commoners can be involved freely in the arts of manufacturing and trades. There are no discrimination between these two main classes of the nation. Every person is free to participate.

Many years passed, the Utopian Federation and it's people benefited fully from Lord Panthera's industrial and economical revolution. The Utopian Federation is no longer rely on plundering lands and committing robberies in order to fuel the nation economical growth, the Utopian had been able to master the arts of trade and producing their own materials.

However, the king effort in letting the commoners participate in trade and commerce had been generating a negative feedback amongst the Utopian Nobles. The conflict escalated when the commoners method of using wealth in gaining nobility status was exposed. The whole incident put Utopia at risk of a civil war and the nation blamed the king and his revolutionary ideas despite being successful during the early stages.

Frustrated, the Utopian people planned to toppled down the king. Uprisings occurred in the commoners districts, while the Nobles using the power of the Utopian Senate, puts pressure unto the king forcing him to return Utopia back into the old way of living - waging war on it's foreign neighbours and conquering new lands.

Fearing the strength of the Allied forces and facing tremendous pressure from his own people, King Panthera began to gain interest in conquering "Legendary" or "Alternate" lands mention in the Utopian Library Archives. The king learns that these legendary hidden nations do exist. The king was interested in knowing more about the legendary Lost City of Atlantis and The Underworld which were ruled by the Draconians.

King Panthera sets out secret expiditions looking for clues regarding these two lost worlds. Guided by the books from the Utopia Ancient Archives, the king made progress - this does not bode well from the Atlantians point of views.

The Atlantis Prime Minister Tangerine began to send reconaisance teams infiltrating into the Utopian Federation. Tangerine Fearing that one day King Panthera would exposed Atlantis secrets, Tangerine slips into the Utopian high ranks officals to ease her task in observing the king.

Tangerine fears came too life when King Panthera succeded in creating a portal to the lands of The Draconians (The Underworld) however, before the king could react, he was attacked by Tangerine.

The outcome of this duel is unknown; King Panthera was reportedly missing and was succedeed by his daughter: Queen Rasa.

The Atlantians; keeps an eye on the Utopian Pederation for at least a decade more. Prime Minister Tangerine had blended herself into the Utopian social and political affairs. Before the Watermark Arc, Tangerine serves as the Queen personal advisor.


Tailgunner said...

another character wikie

Eija Johanes said...

Lord Panthera have wings, but how come we all never see any wings before?

Tangerine Lim said...

i can see my second form? :)

Penelope's Den said...

wings make him more badass

Eija Johanes said...

I want to see more Character wiki

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