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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Gatherer : Lady Junna Thesis

...the Atlantians did intervene in the events following the fall of the vast Utopian Federation.

However due too the fact that the Utopians are immediately occupied by the Watermark Kingdom invasion force, investigation and evidence of such intervention are not recorded nor it is ever debate by any historians till this day.

Tangerine - former Prime Minister of Atlantis plots her way into the Utopian society and decided to break the Utopian force from within. Exploiting the weakness of the Utopian hierarchy society and weaken the Utopian already divided Political Forces.

One question still remains...


"I wish i know the whole truth..." - Lady Junna

LOCATION: Ume Modoki a.k.a Winterberry Residence

TIME: Midnight [ 2 days before the battle of Zelagross ]

Winterberry: ...what do you mean by that? I can't send a team over too the Zelagross plains, why?

...the Utopian commoners will be furious? That's nonsense!

Winterberry: Look...the people be it Nobles or Commoners need to get a full live coverage on the real situation that is going to take place at Zelagross.

...asking the military to do the cover-ups and messed with the real footage will arouse more curiosity and create more speculation amongst our viewers...

...hey, wait a minute!

(Doorbell Rings)

Winterberry: Who could that be this late at night? I hope it's not those National Security guys looking for trouble...

...tell you what, I'll call you back later...


Winterberry: Who is it?

Tangerine: Room Service.

Winterberry: Prime that you?

Tangerine: many times do i have to tell you too spare me the title when we are overseas...

Winterberry: I'm sorry, guess I'm not used to being formal when it comes to dealing with people of great privilege. Especially you Pri...

Tangerine: Don't.

Winterberry: I'm sorry...again...

Winterberry: What's with dropping by my place so late? Must be something extremely important had happened today...

Tangerine: Yes...something about me...about you and the place that we all call home.

Winterberry: ...about Atlantis?!

Tangerine: ...uh-huh...aren't you going to invite me in? I have to say that it's very difficult for me to explained myself about something so confidential in the open like this...

Winterberry: Ah...sorry about that. Please, do come in.

Tangerine: Thank you...i am sorry for disturbing you so late at night.

Winterberry: Well, if it's about "that" i have all the time too spare.

Tangerine: Thank you again, for understanding.

Winterberry: No sweat.

Tangerine: So how is work?

Winterberry: Nasty...the Military just went on a step ahead of the Media and announced that they will control the broadcasting network covering the battle that will take place in Zelagross.

Tangerine: A cover-up.

Winterberry: Seems like it...i just lost a chance to get the biggest scoop of the century.

Tangerine: ...only this time, it's a very "delicate" war.

Winterberry: The military said the same thing too. They just can't let the whole truth bare out in front of the people without cuts and censorship.

Tangerine: Perhaps they can't bear the risk of loosing when they are winning...nor the idea of winning when they are loosing.

Winterberry: What do you mean by that?

Tangerine: Queen Rasa declared war upon Lord Velther. It is similar to declaring war on Utopians Commoners population indirectly...since the lord is the advent of hope that protected the commoners welfare against those greedy nobles.

Winterberry: So winning against the rebels will bring victory for the nobles but in the same time upsets the commoners...while loosing the battle would be a great humiliation to the nobles but will be a victorious feat for the commoners.

Tangerine: Exactly. Thus a military controlling the media is nothing new to satisfy both parties. The media emphasizes much on the truth of the story that they broadcast...but what if the truth hurts?

Winterberry: I...I...have no idea...

Tangerine: What if i give you a big scoop now...

Winterberry: What do you mean?

Tangerine: Tangerine; former Minister of Finance and a member of the Utopian Senate had been personaly fired by the 3002th ruler of Utopia: Queen Rasa.

Winterberry: What?! Is this a joke...when did...

Tangerine: ...about 3 hours ago.

Winterberry: ...why...

Tangerine: I was about to do the things you wanted to do...advising the Queen to negotiate rather than having this pointless war...well that did not turn out well so...let bygones be bygones...

Winterberry: ...your supporters would be outraged!

Tangerine: Provided the Queen is not dumb enough to announce it publicly...which is why i came here.

Winterberry: ...i don't understand.

Tangerine: I want you to broadcast the whole truth during the Utopian Senate Assembly which would be held in four days.

...i want you to create a riot!

Winterberry: Broadcast what?! I still can't confirm the validity of this whole new a matter of fact do you have any idea how much a mess we are going to create?

Tangerine: I know how much mess i am willing to create, but do you? How much truth do you want to risk?

Winterberry: With the Utopian Nation deeply engage in war and the Senate with it's people in a state of chaos due to this event...this nation will be in utter chaos!

Tangerine: The only nation that deserve any concern from me is our homeland...Atlantis. for chaos, someone else will be doing the dirty job for me.

Winterberry: ...for Atlantis? But this is a bit too much...

Tangerine: Listen too me, the Utopian Federation is a nation build upon expansion and invasion. The warlike nobles will stop at nothing to accumulate more and more power by attacking lands, murder and destruction.'s only a matter of time until such a bloodthirsty and barbaric nation reach the gates to our beloved world.

Winterberry: How can you be so sure? The Atlantis has long being hidden from the eyes of the outside world!

Tangerine: is hidden no more...

Winterberry: Impossible!

Tangerine: The old Atlantian Prophecy may yet be realized...but as a person responsible for the life and death of our nation - and it's people i am not going to take any chances...

...even if that means sacrificing other nations in order for Atlantis to be forever peaceful; to be forever...hidden.

...believe me or not Winterberry, but by the time you realized the truth, it maybe to late. I hate to say this, but...Utopia must fall!

Winterberry: ...such is the price for Atlantis secrecy.

I would gladly give my life for an Atlantian you should do too, if there is a need to do so...

...of course i will...

...on my honor as an officer of the Eceon Republic. I swear upon the names of my kings and queens of the northern regions!

Tangerine: Well spoken Winterberry...perhaps it is time to end and fulfill this long time duty here on Utopia.

Winterberry: ...the observation and espionage mission on Utopia has ended?

Tangerine: Utopia will turn to ashes...Atlantis will for us, me personally...i misses home so badly.

Winterberry: I do so too...if this is an obligation to my country and my may i help?

Tangerine: Keep this sure to keep it close when the Utopian Senate Assembles for the hearing on the Zelagross battle progress as well as the Senates dialogue with Queen Rasa...

Winterberry: Keep it close? What is the content of the recording?

Tangerine: The source of all confusion...keep an eye out for me, i will confront the Queen then, wait for my signal and when i give you the sign, play the whole recording, LIVE inside the hall and broadcast it to the whole Utopian Nation.

Winterberry: Sounds dangerous...what if it failed to create havoc?

Tangerine: Trust will. Even if it don't the contents will give me enough supporting excuses to rally the Utopian Commoners and take the uprising to the streets.

...don't worry, the best Atlantian troops is now on standby all over the Utopian capital. They are waiting for my signal too strike.

Winterberry: You are going to overthrown the whole Utopian on your own with a handfull of troops?

...that's insane!

Tangerine: I don't need to Winterberry...Lord Mana will do the overthrowing for me.

Winterberry: What are you up to Prime Minister?!

Tangerine: Anyone can take Utopia if they for me, i am only interested in the Utopian Library Archives.

...or to be spesific, what's inside the Utopian archives.

Winterberry: I don't get you at all...

Tangerine: There is no need too. Do your job and broadcast the recording as ordered during the Senate Assembly...'s that simple Winterberry...

Winterberry: ...that simple...

Tangerine: ...and after all this nuisance is over, you and me can go back to Atlantis and lived happily ever after in peace and harmony...

...i'm looking forward to your comitment, Ume Modoki...or shall i say Winterberry...don't dissapoint us!

Winterberry: W...wait...wait...

...what shall i do?



Tailgunner said...

The last piece of the puzzle will be revealed soon!

min-desu said...

first appearance of Winterberry! :D

Eija Johanes said...

winterberry is so "student like"

Penelope's Den said...

oh sure oren still use an ol tape recorder lolx

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