The New AIC Interface

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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


In keeping the “AIC Interview” tradition going, we decided to take a little break from the AIC Chronicles and had a little chat with Tailgunner, sharing his views on the project and what makes he do it. (This includes some interesting-non-related questions to keep the whole session interesting!)

Reporter: First of all, tell us a bit of your experience in AIC Forum?

Tailgunner: Rose brought me in and was saying to myself “Man…not another one of those forums again...” I had been to millions of forum and at that particular time I could take another bite. Ironically, in the end I find out that it’s quite a nice place to be. People are nicer and less dissing each other. No one tries to be too smart or an ego tripper.

Reporter: What’s factor was lacking in AIC?

Tailgunner: Crowds, but in the end I don’t care much about the numbers. AIC is like a small sidewalk restaurant, there are not a lot of people around but you sure catch the same old regulars. The problem AIC however, is that it was at the final era of foruming. Some of the forum that still survives today was due to its solid goals on why the forum was made in the first place and a steady mainstream of audience. Last night I stumble upon a World War II forum. The war veterans and military enthusiast hangs out a lot at that place. AIC ended not because of some tragic unpopularity or simply abandoned, the members had a major transition in their lives and decided that foruming took too much of a time for them. Speaking about my own self, I was at the brink of taking my first step in establishing my own business at that period so….I was ON and OFF from AIC.

Reporter: about AIC CHRONICLES, what triggers you to start on the project?

Tailgunner: The timing was bad but the elements and resources were there. I overheard Rose mentioning that Tangerine was making AIC forumers dolls out of Max Factory Figma figurines, and at the same time the basic for the AIC CHRONICLES script was based upon the AIC forum fan fictions mixed in with the AIC Signature War, a little forum games that the AIC forumers used to play back then…the only think the DPS considered as a task was an extra one or two scenes and events in order to link these fan fiction together.

Reporter: How do you organize the workload amongst your DPS members?

Tailgunner: Everybody get to choose part where they enjoy making the most. I was in charge of the photo shoot since my work involves travelling around and taking pictures of industrial sites. So there is an element of work and play and vice versa there…Uruzu did the Vehicles, Crafts and other mechanical related areas of the story since she was so into these kinds of things. Tangerine does the soundtracks, Nyneve do the script in which interlinks with Silver and Kluang’s fan fiction. The final work for the week will be proofreading that was conducted by Wizard of Aus via E-mail.

Reporter: Did Rose participate in the project, after she had that unfortunate car accident?

Tailgunner: One or two small parts of the project. The whole blog skin and banners was her idea apart from doing the HTML coding for us. After she had her accident on the road a couple of week’s back we decided that we should not burdened her with so much work.

Reporter: The AIC CHRONICLES was supposed to be delayed from its original date somewhere early July and was rescheduled to August. Somewhere in between you decided to go on with the original date and instead of being postponed to a month time the AIC CHRONICLES was a few days late. What made you took that decision to go on with the project anyway even though you are not ready with it?

Tailgunner: The delay at first was due to damages done to some of the Figma figures in between delivery process from China to Malaysia. We reported 4 of the figures, to our horror 3 of them are the main cast needs to be rebuild from scratch again using materials greatly differs from the original. That takes much of our time, creating delays for us. The figures were reconstructed by Uruzu and the moment Tangerine approved of the designs we immediately launch the AIC CHRONICLES away. We don’t want to wait for the exact postponed date, we want to rush its original ones because a lot of people especially the AIC members are anticipating this project…and as a matter of fact I promised myself that out of all my abandoned projects, this one must succeed. In percentage, that would be a 10% successful project in comparison to 90% abandoned ones… (Laugh)

Reporter: After the 4th posting of the episodes, how is the whole story been developing so far?

Tailgunner: I always had this voice at the back of the head telling me that the whole show is going slow. When I try to speed things up the voice tells me again that I am skipping to many related details. Yes…it’s developing and unfurling slowly but do bear with us because the exciting part is on its way.

Reporter: The reason for you to say so?

Tailgunner: The story of AIC CHRONICLES is a story from the past, before the current events occurs and how things interrelated; then we will move to the present storyline and in the end, the future which is the aftermath of the whole story. Since we were still in the phase of explaining everything about the AIC universe – the history, geography, economics and the characters buildup…this part is a delicate and slow process. It’s like reading a bothersome instruction manual. After we noted on every single important turn of events, the future post for the AIC CHRONICLES will be exciting and fast paced.

Reporter: Talking about the characters, is there any favorites on your list?

Tailgunner: There are still a lot of characters that hadn’t done their debut entry yet, but I am currently satisfied on how well Junna and Alonqexe go. Silver and Ravenmin will see a lot more action next time…but as you mentioned earlier “until current recent post”.

Reporter: How about overall, the DPS finished with the character script and you should already have an insight on how the whole AIC CHRONICLES characters developed.

Tailgunner: In that case the top three will be Lady Junna, Lord Mana and Tangerine. Mana and Tangerine are the key puppet masters that pull the strings around the whole AIC events. They are not necessary bad guys, but they are very manipulative in their way of achieving their goals.

As for Lady Junna…

“You don’t mess with Lady Junna… (Laughs)”

Reporter: The most well designed character?

Tailgunner: I go for Ishtar.

Reporter: The coolest character?

Tailgunner: I go for Alonqexe.

Reporter: Most realistic character?

Tailgunner: Alonqexe seems realistic apart from not giving his character glasses. If things need to be so realistic we got more than half of the character running around with glasses! Another character would be Rose.

Reporter: Best power-ups and transformation?

Tailgunner: Hats down to Kluang. His powers are hilarious. Sanji-Q also poses some flashy fighting skills.

Reporter: Who would you say the most powerfull character in the AIC Chronicles?

Tailgunner: Lady Junna and Tangerine. They both had different abilities…but they are still freaking powerfull.

Reporter: Before we wrapped it up for the day, any message for the readers out there?

Tailgunner: I would like to say a thousand thank you for reading and supporting this AIC Chronicles. It was a great way to at least meet one another again after the end of the forming fad back a few years ago. Thank you to my DPS team, dedicating a slice of their life per day making this whole thing possible. Thank you Tangerine for that idea spark…to Ravenmin who I heard were busy promoting the latest updates on AIC CHRONICLES every time we put up a new episode on the blog, to Silver for her fan fiction back then. Hopefully this will make do to compensate my abandoned project in turning your work into a comic…sorry about that. To Kluang where ever you are for the fan fiction on Badguy vs AIC, back then AIC was known as the Gates of Babylon. Keep the comments going and do please, enjoy the show.

The next 4 episode will introduced three more characters to the story; Sanji-Q, Panthera and Blinkiddies…so stay tuned. That’s all of it. Thank You


min-desu said...

interesting interview and a fresh break ^^

oh and.. ur welcome :3 it's a pleasure anyway since everybod is so busy now a days ^^

Sanji desu! said...

Huwa! I'm coming in the next episode, and I have awesome+flashy skills! w00t! \m/ ^0^

IMHO, I think the story is going on slowly, but surely. From having lots of experience reading manuals in games (=w=, boring, yes), the end result would be great, since you have the background story of whatever is happening and all (and especially the part where you KNOW what's going on).

So I think the others wouldn't mind the 'slow' progress of the story :D

Two thumbs up! d^0^b

min-desu said...

lol... interesting emoticons kishi >:D i'm gunna use it X3

Tangerine Lim said...

eh? powerfull meh?

min-desu said...


alonq_exe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alonq_exe said...

*cool-ly steps in*
I personally like how my character turns out to be. Hehehe, and i still find the pictures here to be very impressive, especially the space station part. I still can't believe it's taken in a fridge! You've done a good job.

And at first, i thought when the non-related questions was about Gunner's *cough2* significant ones. Hehehe. :P

alonq_exe said...

*cool-ly steps in*
I personally like how my character turns out to be. Hehehe, and i still find the pictures here to be very impressive, especially the space station part. I still can't believe it's taken in a fridge! You've done a good job.

And at first, i thought when the non-related questions was about Gunner's *cough2* significant ones. Hehehe. :P

Penelope's Den said...

isit me or alonqexe must be pretty lagging while posting this stuff

min-desu said...

alonq's spamming XD

Sanji desu! said...

he cant rid of his old hobby :P

Nihja Tenuk said... interview also
but i think it's good because story all the way nothing else is like reading text books

put scandal inside also more better!

Diana T said...

This is really so cool... It was in the fridge?? So basically the bar was "Fridge" Bar? Now, how cool is that? >=D

I'd like to know the reporter though xD

Tailgunner said...

The bar was the interior design lights illuminating under my living room television stand.

The interviewer? You will know soon enough...

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