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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Enforcer and The King

Halfy: I was a young lad when I first served the 3001th King of Utopia. The nation had been ravaged by war and conquest for almost as long as 400 years during the reign of previous kings…

Lutherniel: The Utopian Federation had expanded greatly during these 400 years of period. They won territories, dismissed enemies and gain allies.

Halfy: The strong perished under the might of the utopian army, while the weak…heh, they decided to be friend and avoid being completely annihilated.

Min: …are you saying that Avalon Industries are one of those coward nations that kneel down to Utopia?

Silver: Easy Min…we don’t want to create any fuss around here.

Halfy: You got some attitude there lady…by the way, the 3001th King of Utopia; my King…the great King Panthera decided to end this bloodshed and introduced a new type of world conquest; ones that cost no lives but still positioned the Utopian Federation as a formidable nation in the face of the planet.

Alonqexe: Which is?

Lutherniel: Commerce…King Panthera introduced commerce 30 years back and it helped the nation to be one of the strongest economical power on the world map.

Halfy: His majesty may act at his own personal belief that war and plunder brings nothing but death and sorrows to the Utopian people. So he decided to strengthen the Utopian Federation through other peaceful method…ironically, it helped much in contributing to our situation right now.

Min: How could such good deed can be the doomed of Utopia? This is nonsense!

Halfy: It’s called fate my lady. It might not be fair, but everything we do today will eventually undo us tomorrow. King Panthera had good intention for his people…the timing and the outcome however, are against him.

Lutherniel: He’s out of luck?

Halfy: King Panthera started to establish trading facilities, ports and harbors; encouraging both Nobles and Commoners to participate in trades. The King starts to build relationships and winning the hearts of other nations; convincing the world that the Utopian Federation had diminished its warlike culture and open its door to foreigners.

Silver: Well, that is good. I don’t see why such goodwill will mark the solemn hour of Utopia.

Halfy: The nation did flourished. The grand and luxuries that you witness at the beginning of the spaceport into the majestic buildings of the utopian Federation Metropolitan bears witness to the success of King Pantheras new economic reforms. However with it comes resistance from the more conservative group of the utopian community.

Lutherniel: The Nobles, who couldn’t adapt and adjust themselves from the warring era of Utopia…

Halfy: Correct…for thousands of generations these hardcore traditional nobles had earned their living and gained wealth and status throughout plundering and gained recognitions during wartime. When King Panthera refuses to continue this violent practice, these nobles had almost nothing to do….and when the king started to introduce commerce; they had trouble adapting.

Alonqexe: Much like the samurai’s during the Meiji era…

Lutherniel: Who..?

Alonqexe: Some old lost nation civilizations…nevermind.

Halfy: To make matters worse, the commoners had been tremendously successful and reap the most rewards from King Panthera’s economic reforms. During the warlike period of Utopia, these commoners did little too small trade amongst themselves…a few had been successfully ventured outside of Utopia and become the linking merchants between this nation and the world outside. The numbers however are scarce…because most of the time, when the utopian nobles decided to do battle, the commoners will be conscripted and absorbed into the Utopian Military Forces.

Alonqexe: So there is some kind of friction in terms of views towards King Panthera’s vision for the Utopian Federation…

Halfy: …the rapid economic growth had change the face of utopia completely. The Utopian Federation had been moving towards modernization. King Panthera had been recognized as the King who brought new blessings to its people. The old fashioned Utopian lords had no say. Obviously, the king had the people full support thanks to his majesty plans of making Utopia one of the biggest economic giant in the world.

Lutherniel: Not to be corny or sarcastic but…the conservative lords, they could just get rid of King Panthera by assassination or any other similar ways.

Min: That would be too obvious. Such plots are keen to backfired and on top of that, we are going to see the commoners starting the people’s revolution much earlier than what we are facing today.

Silver: The nobles can’t do much without the commoners, can they?

Alonqexe: Looks like it…so then what happen. How these whole events do relates down to Queen Rasa being a failure in comparison to his predecessor King Panthera?

Halfy: Queen Rasa succeeded the throne despite the fact that it is against her own will.

Min: Enough! Halfy, I assumed that you had reliable resources for these arguments that you are laying in front of us tonight. As a matter of fact, to tell you the truth…it’s kinda hard to chew.

Lutherniel: Give us one good reason why we should take your words as a major bluff…

San Ji Q: Because he is the former Hoofdcommissaris for the Utopian Federation Special Police Force.

Lutherniel: Who the hell....

Silver: Senior Master San Ji!

Min: You came here to join us?

Whoammy: Senior Master should be in Badlands...right?

Halfy: Dear me…seems like someone is doing their homework.

San Ji Q: …and someone had been messing around playing late night story telling with a bunch of kids again. Beat it Halfy, your glorious old days are over.

Alonqexe: So…what else is new around here...

San Ji Q: That he’s specially assigned as the personal bodyguard of the Utopian ruler…resigned but somehow came back into office a few days after the beginning of this Utopian crisis.

Halfy: Thank you for blowing my identities in front of my face.

San Ji Q: WAS…not anymore.

Alonqexe: Wow! …that’s amazing!

Lutherniel: A police commissioner? We so gonna sleep in jail tonight…

Halfy: Thank You...



Tailgunner said...

i am sorry for the delay, it was supposed to be posted yesterday but there office work gets top priority.

sorry guys!

min-desu said...

it's ok, we understand.. ^^

now, I'm a bit confuse here.. Is Sanji a girl or a guy? ^^''

either way, Sanji sure does make a flashy entrance XD

Tailgunner said...

sanji is a guy with long hair

Diana T said...

no worries... Work's first =D

i'mma do a quote here -

"Alonqexe: Wow! …that’s amazing!"

Penelope's Den said...

not much i can say for this episode.

Tangerine Lim said...

^^ i can say sanji is a cross between a samurai and a cyborg

Sanji desu! said...

im sho cool! ^0^

Tailgunner: how'd u know the long hair part? o-o or you're referring to the fig? :3

Tailgunner said...

yes i did sanji

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