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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Episode 4: ...of Mercenaries, Cyborgs and Lawmen

Silver: Excuse me...could it be that you guys are participating in the Utopian unrest suppressing the commoners from hurting the nobles?

Alonqexe: (such nice words to mildly describes the gruesome reality behind it ) tell you the truth, we are getting into that...process. Yeah...evaluating options and calculating risks before coming out with our final decisions.

Silver: Hmmm..? Oh...okay. I am Silver. My fellow sisters and i are representing the Avalon Industries to aid the Utopian Federation facing this crisis. You are familiar with Avalon, don't you Mr...

Alonqexe: Alonqexe. This is my partner Lutherniel.

Lutherniel: For a moment there Shorty, I thought I might be left out from your conversation.

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...Avalon had long been allies with the Utopian Federation, correct?

Lutherniel: Hey! That's my information you're stealin...

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...

Lutherniel: You do anything to impress a chick don't you rat!

Silver: Hee...hee...yes, Lord Armdagger sent us as his gesture of support for the Utopians. So...which allied nation are both of you from?

Alonqexe: To tell you the truth, we are the Utopian Nobles "man-for-hire".

Lutherniel: Hey! We didn't decide on that yet...

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...

Silver: Mercenaries! It’s okay to be motivated by money or any materialistic things. Everyone had his or her objectives in life.

Alonqexe: Thank you... (Is that a Cyborg way of complimenting other people)

Silver: Let me introduce you guys to my sisters...

Dead Bird - she is the leader of our team and the only person specialized in hand to hand combat. Dead Bird was personally assigned as Queen Rasa bodyguard once this crisis is over.

The ones drinking there is Vulpine - she handles all the heavy arms combat and very good at busting armored vehicles. She is the most reserved amongst the five of us. She doesn't speak much!

Whoammy - is our explosive expert...she excels at planting bomb traps, anti-personnel explosives and mines.

The one beside Whoammy is Min - suited for urban warfare and an anti riot unit. I hope that the uprising won't extend to the city.

Alonqexe: I hope not. How about you Silver?

Silver: As for me...I can't do combat. I function as a support unit for my sisters; offensive and defensive as well as coordination and recoveries. Sounds boring...huh?

Alonqexe: No…not at all. Nice team organization you got there. So your Avalon Lord sends you all here to help the Utopian Queen?

Silver: It's horrible! Why would the Utopians turn against their own Queen? She visited Avalon industries once while we were doing test operations. She is such a sweet and kind person. Lord Armdagger told us that Lord Velther is after the Utopian Throne. That's evil!

Alonqexe: either that or there is something else creeping behind the scenes...from what i've heard, the Utopian people are very unhappy during her reign. Especialy all the imbalanced treatment rumors between how the commoners and the nobles are treated in this country.

Lutherniel: Dude, you can't treat nobles like commoners, and you can't treat commoners as nobles...

From across the room: It's because Queen Rasa sucks!

...we were startled. Either this individual had lots of guts or plain stupid. The owner of the voice walks over to our table. We turn our heads...

Alonqexe: ...and you are?

Halfy: My name is Halfy, and i serve the Utopian Armed Forces even before you were born... (Looks over to Silver)...or being mass produced in factories.

Silver: That's a funny name.

Halfy: Walk yourself to the door of any other nation my lady and sees if anyone laughs at the name "Silver".

Lutherniel: Judging from your statement earlier Mr Halfy, i trust that you are on the opposition side of the Utopian conflict.

Halfy: Wrong. I swear my loyalty to Utopia…to Queen Rasa and to my Utopian King before her. However I won't be that strong headed either. Queen Rasa; she is not fit to rule Utopia...sadly she had no choice since the former king had no other legal bloodline apart from her.

Alonqexe: Care to explain?

Halfy: Gladly...



Tailgunner said...


hard work and busy week. But i managed to post the next one.


min-desu said...

Thank You Tailgunner for the new chapter! Love it - w-~~~

"Min - suited for urban warfare and an anti riot unit."

wah!!! that's me! \O wO/

Tailgunner said...


you are fast for the update!

min-desu said...

yeah... I had a hunch XD so I checked and voila!

ok I lied. I've been checking the blog for a week. today is just sheer luck o wo'''' I'm always the informer to the others XD

Sanji desu! said...

woooh~ Halfy ish buffed! Wuuuh~

"Lutherniel: For a moment there Shorty, I thought I might be left out from your conversation."


Nihja Tenuk said...

I told u Lutherniel is the joker of the show

Tangerine Lim said...

thanks for the update

this episode is silver's cue.

min-desu said...

owooo woo.. Silver ish the pretty one in the group ^^~

tan2.. aku cmment psl lagu tu kat ko n proyo's blog.. da bace? o wo?

Tangerine Lim said...


dah. Thank you for the comment

Diana T said...

NOW, how do i work for a body like that! xD Neat stuff Tailgunner... Thanks for the update Nat! Ngehehehe... Though "I don't do combat which leads to boring stuff"

Penelope's Den said...

Halfy looks like a professional WWE

alonq_exe said...

I was looking for the comment section, thought it was gone.

There's Min. Halfy is rough, tough, buff!

Tailgunner said...

for reasons unknown the comments link was moved to the top of the post unlike the traditional ones located at the end of the post.

junna said...

oh hey, I forgot about the update. I blame my assignment...

Me like Lutherniel candid talk. alonqexe is one serious guy. lol. and I agree with proyo, I think halfy looks like the Undertaker.

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