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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Nihja: Thank you Lord Velther…it’s an honor indeed being trusted to lead the army on our first strike at the Utopian Fedration Fleet.

Kanon: …we are still in the game. That’s good news for now eh, Milkshake?

Milkshake: Yeah. I wonder what kind of battle plan Nihja’s going to put into action…

Kluang: She’s your strategist right? Excuse me but I never heard of her name being mentioned in Utopia. Well, I mean if she’s a good strategist we will usually heard about her name being mentioned here and there…you know what I mean.

Kanon: Live life easy by avoiding the fame spotlight.

Nihja: The first step, we will send out our mobile armor unit at early dawn. The light armor division will carry out reconnaissance task and keep watch over the fleet movement from afar. To avoid detection, our technician crew will coat the vehicle engine section with heat sinks and tile plating.

…the heavier unit will set up long range remote operated missile launchers. We will use that as an ambush points.

Rebel Soldier 1: We are using all of our missile resources?

Nihja: …enough for two salvos.

Rebel Soldier 2: …but we can’t damage the enemy enough with two salvos.

Nihja: We are not going to kill them off with two rounds of missiles. It’s a miracle if the remote launcher can even launch a second strike for the enemy will pinpoint the location after the first wave…if we use more than two; it’s just a waste of ammo.

Rebel Soldier 1: The target?

Nihja: Target the Utopian Transport ONLY.

Lord Kane: Excuse me Nihja, but most of the troops transport craft are unarmed and are of little threat to us in the skies. I believe it’s unethical to shoot down an unarmed transport before it ever gets to the ground.

Kluang: I heard that you can’t shoot at paratroopers before they safely touched the ground…

Milkshake: Will you let them?

Nihja: …if you let them touch the ground, half a million troops will be charging towards our base; tell me if that doesn’t sound like a big threat to us. That transport is the bulk of the Utopian Fleet. Once we rid of them, it’s easier to tackle those bigger capital ships with every anti air gun that we have.

Rebel Soldier 2: …two salvos of Surface-To-Air Missiles won’t wipe out the whole transports.

Nihja: No, but its enough for us to lead them into a bigger trap that we are going to prepare for them. array of multiples anti air arsenal with no way out.

Kluang: Sound like a decent plan. What shall we use as bait then?

Kanon: The missiles aren’t bait enough?

Nihja: Nope. The missiles are just attention grabber. We need a convoy of dummy truck to lure them in.

Lord Velther Von Dash: Excuse me Nihja, but…what so special about this convoy of dummy trucks?

Nihja: When I came here to offer aid for the Zelagross, I requested that I’ll be given a chance to try a special device.

…this, my friends is a signal transmitter. What so special about this transmitter is that when you run your scanning device over it, it transmit a false identification – identification that will never fail to catch the enemy’s attention.

Lord Kane: What in this world would be so irresistible, I wonder?

Rebel Officer 3: I’ll bet that the Utopian Fleet will be head over heels over a truckload of free food. They had been forever running in circles searching for our base…they should be very, very hungry right now.


Nihja: Does “Nuclear Warhead” sounds appetizing enough?

Lord Kane: Holy…

Kluang: Where did you guys get these kinds of things?!

Kanon: You need to have a lot of business contacts around the world you know, instead of just limiting your trade with your sovereign nations only.

Milkshake: Kanon…sometimes opinions bring more harm than good.

Kanon: Promised me you guys chance the economic policies once you toppled the current government.

Milkshake: Geez…

Lord Velther Von Dash: We will take that into consideration. We need to win this big one first.

Lord Kane: Shall we proceed?

Nihja: Yes. Well, let say the Utopian Fleet took the bait…

Lord Velther Von Dash: …any chances they won’t?


    To Be Continued...

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Voice of The People

Lord Velther Von Dash: There are a few announcement that I have to make before we started this briefing…one; we are going to go out there and kick those Utopian Noble Fleet out of the skies!

Rebels: Down with the Utopian Nobles! Down with tyranny! Down with Queen Rasa!

Lord Velther Von Dash: I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to all who had willingly joined our cause, be that the lords who set aside their personal interest and put the interest of the people above everything else and the people whose determined to make a change, to fight for their freedom and rights over oppression and corruption of Queen Rasa and her cronies.

Rebels: Down with the Utopian Nobles! Down with tyranny! Down with Queen Rasa!

Kanon: So we finally going to war then?

Kluang: The sooner the better. Right now I feel like taking the whole Utopian Fleet myself.

Lord Velther Von Dash: …the road of truth and justice is difficult. When we stand by what we believed we are tested to our limits. When we are fighting Queen Rasa’s oppression towards the people my pleas were rejected on court level…then came the restrictions, banning, threats and warnings. When these methods failed to silence the people’s voices, the Utopian Nobles started become more aggressive. They declared martial law, imprisonment, brutal interrogation’s…executions. We, the people can’t take any more…so we made that difficult choice to revolt against the hideous queen and started this rebel movement here at Zelagross.

Kanon: It somehow feels like a history lesson, does it not?

Milkshake: …can you keep quiet for at least a few minutes or so?

Kanon: I can’t help it. I was tempted to comment on things I witnesses.

Milkshake: …or criticize, mind you.

Lord Kane: …the road of justice may be treacherous, but the rewards are many. People might not rally to your cause in an instant, but when they see the burning passion and the righteousness of our path in protecting the rights of our people, friends gradually flocked to our sides…offering aide, providing support and joining our rightful cause. The people will begin to slowly open their eyes and get up on their feet seeing the evil that had been done upon them and decided for themselves it is now! Now is the time to take actions!

Rebels: No more oppression! No more injustice! Long live the people!

Kluang: My heart is filled with emotions!


Kanon: Here, some tissues.

Kluang: Thank you! Sniff…sniff…!

Kanon: You’re such a softie!

Lord Kane: …and now, it is an honor to have with us an experience officer that will lead us to victory and beyond. To help us and device the perfect strategy to defeat the oppressor’s that is now violating our territory…we will drive them back, all the way back to Utopia! Nihja, loyal servant of Senator Tangerine who is well known for her concern for the people’s welfare will lead us in our assault!

Rebels: Nihja! Nihja! Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine! Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!

Kanon: Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!

Milkshake: Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!

Kluang: Look who are the emotional ones now…

Kanon: Awww…come on! Just chant!

Milkshake: Long live Nihja! Long live Senator Tangerine!

  To Be Continued...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Been 10,000,000 Years!

Forever is the word! It has been forever since i last updated the Atlantis Saga. The delay haunts me too the bone. The spirits are reckless. I can't sleep because of the guilt of not updating!

I was left hopeless...lucky for me i hav an old old old old digital camera of the first generation to take photos for the next new update.

The problem is, the memory card is now obselete and the build in memory can hold up until 6 pictures. Ha! Ha! Ha! I am crawling here.

Wait for monday! Update is on MONDAY!

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