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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Flight To Zelagross

Ume Modoki: Hello viewers...this is Ume Modoki reporting LIVE from the Utopia Great News Network. The Utopian Invasion Fleet has reached it's final preparations for war. The staff and personnel of the armada is now being assembled at theUtopian Air Force and Naval bases awaiting orders to launch... 

Silver: I think it's the last of the equipments we needed.

Min: ...taking into consideration that this is an all out operations and the Utopians Military is unaware of it, do carry some extra loads of ammo. There will never be any sorts of complains for having "to much ammo" during battle..

San Ji Q: (Laughs) ... then we will have to pay extra taxes for all the fuss. Take care guys, come back in one piece.

Deadbird: ...don't worry about things here. We will take care of the Queen.

Divinekid: Junna! I never tought you gonna come with me to Zelagross. What a surprise!

Junna: I never said i won't come...and i never expected you to assume the same as well (laugh) ...maybe there are some technical data which the Intelligence Department might find useful for future reference. I doubt it will be no gory for glory. Let's just say that i am just doing my job...and you, you are just following your instinct. Right?

Divinekid: ...about that night with that unknown person...

Junna: You truly believed what she was telling you?

Divinekid: ...about the assault fleet falling into some sort of trap, and the survivors of my race? I doubt that, but i am leaving my options open, so i sign up as a volunteer piloting the Utopian Gunship.

Junna: are defying your own judgement.

Divinekid: No, the truth don't least for now. Flying out there, be it a trap or not is far more better than sitting in the office with a full nation bursting for a revolt.

Junna: I'll take that you brought some friends with you...

Divinekid: The penguins are surprisingly reliable, Junna.

Ume Modoki: We just got word from the military facility...the Utopian Assault Fleet is about to launch! We will bring your viewing to the launching bay now!

Divinekid: This is the Utopian Gunship "Seagull 8" we are ready to launch at your mark...

Junna: Computer Systems, Navigation and weapons reading are all green. It took three person to drive this thing? No wonder you brought your penguins along.

Penguin 1: Engine at maximum power...launch clearance have been authorized. Launching the "Seagull 8"!

Lord Armdagger: This is the "Paper Crane". We are clear to launch! Ladies, please finalize the ship system check...

Blinkiddies: Shields up at seventy percent. Power output ninety five percent. Beam weaponry is charging at sixty percent...

Silver: Launch bay compartments, navigational...all green. we are good to go!

Silver: I hope Min and the rest of the gang won't mind the bumpy ride...

Blinkiddies: It might get a lot more bumpier once we reached Zelagross airspace!

Silver: Conventional bombing won't work on this ship...we have shields.

Lord Flame: The Noble Flame Battleship "Adamant" is ready. You may authorized my ship clearance anytime, flight control. For The Glory Of Utopia!

Flight Control: Good luck hunting my Lord Flame.

Lord Mana: Flight control, this is Lord Mana of "White Knight". I may sound less enthusiastic as Lord Flame, but my ships are ready to take of. Anytime you ready...out.

Flight Control: Understood Lord Mana. Good Luck!

The "Adamant" is one of the biggest most advanced warship in the Utopian Nation arsenal. Apart from numerous laser batteries, the deadliest weapon were located at the frontal tip of the ship. A large Ion Canon which could fire three simultaneous shots before recharging itself full again. A terrible sight, the Adamant can inflict heavy damage at the very first sign of engagement.

While the Adamant is more equipped for air-to-air warfare, the "White Knight" is focused more on air to ground operations. Like most capital ships from the Utopian sovereign nation of Watermark Kingdom, the White Knight was design more on infiltrations, bombings and economic blockade rather than a direct hit and destroy tactics. The white Knight boasted Superior shields and durable armor plated hulls. It however had moderate anti air capabilities, mainly against fighters.

Lord Armdagger: Looks like the launch sequences had been running smoothly. But...where are our mercenaries? Aren't they supposed to be flying with us...don't say they decided to turn tail and run from all that bundle of reward money.

Silver: I...did saw them entering the launch hangar along with the rest of the fleet personnel just before the lauch. They couldn't just flip over and quit...can they?

Blinkiddies: Ummm....where could they be?

Flight Control: This is flight control...mercenaries you had been given a flight clearance about twenty minutes ago, what's the hold up there?

Alonqexe: we are terribly sorry for the delay Flight Control, but there seems to be a problem with our ship. we need to do some scanning on its system and engines to see what's wrong with it.

Lutherniel: Damn this bucket of bolts! I told you Yuusuke is up to no good after all. I'm going to strangle that vermin!

Alonqexe: sure you checked everything Lutherniel? I swear it was okay yesterday when we did a pre-flight test with Yuusuke...

Lutherniel: I even used up my own personal money for it's rocket fuel...

Alonqexe: Rocket fuel?

Lutherniel: Yeah...tought we gonna be having a fast paced day today so i fueled it full yesterday...and now we had some problem with this bucket of bolts!

Alonqexe: Lutherniel, this is a light fighter jet not a battleship. You supposed to fill it up with Jet Fuel...

Lutherniel: Crap...

Thursday, November 17, 2011



Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national morning news with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: The day that the world are waiting for is here. The Utopian war between two major classes had been dragging along for months had reach it's highest breaking point when the Queen declares an ultimatum to the rebellious commoner classes who had been rallying supporters at a location known as the "Plains Of Zelagross".

Queen Rasa's branded the resistance group as Utopian traitors and demanded them to cease all activities of resisting her rule. The rebels, demanded the Queen to step down from her throne after a series of unsatisfactory treatment towards the commoner class as well as charges that the Queen is draining the Utopian financial resources away by excessive and unnecessary spending of the state's treasury.

Queen Rasa and her loyal noble supporters demanded the rebels to backed down their resistance for the Utopian Queen. Refusal to do so will lead to Utopia's another endless civil war. The Utopian military will embarked on a military campaign to snuffed out the rebellion by aggression and force.

Today is the final day for the rebels to submit to Queen Rasa's ultimatum. Until now...nothing. An act of silence also means that the rebels had chosen to ignore the ultimatum and chosen an act of war instead.

Lord Flame, commander of the operation had already started the war briefing's for the invasion which is going to take place today. The lord stated that the Utopian troops are undivided in loyalty to the queen and leader of the Utopian state and will fight to the death at Zelagross in order to crush the rebels.

Lord Flame also informed us that the troops also in it's top fighting form. Eliminating speculations that had been clouding the issues that the Utopian army had recruited mercenaries to fill in the shortage of troops and war machinery due to the fact that many of the troops from the commoners background had turn away from the army and decided to support the rebels instead.

However earlier outside on the streets of the Utopian Metropolis, commoners had rallied n the streets holding demonstration's of protest towards Queen Rasa decision to wage war against her own people and labeled her as "unreasonable" and "ruthless" person.

Queen Rasa will address the Utopian senate and the people regarding this matter tomorrow, for now...anti riot units and reserves had been deployed all over the major parts of the Utopian Metropolis to subdued the commoners demonstrations to make sure things are under control.

As i speak the Invasion fleet are now at their last preparations before embarking to Zelagross. Rumours had it that this is by far the largest strike force ever assemble in Utopian military history, combining the military forces from the Utopian Military Core and it's sovereign nations from all over Utopian Colonies..

Will the rebels be crushed and Queen Rasa's military forces managed to solve this Utopian inner conflict? How would the commoners community reacted seeing their families and friends that had joined the rebels being mopped down by the commanding nobles. Will the senate approved the actions of Queen Rasa?

Whatever is the answer ladies and gentlemen, one thing is for sure...Utopia will never ever be the same again. I am Ume Modoki, bringing you live update on the assault of Zelagross.

...only on the Utopia Great News Network.


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