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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fate Of Your Choosing

Lord Velther: I appreciate Lady Tangerine's support and i am sorry hearing that she was expelled from the Utopian Senate by Queen Rasa for voicing out her toughts that the war will bring nothing but devastation - instead, working things out with the commoner and finding an even term would help nullify the conflict..

I do understand why she wanted to revolt against the Queen and indiscriminately shares her part of the information as on how she will lead the people of Utopia against the Queen at her front.

...but sending these advanced machinery and leaking out information on the Utopian Invasion force on our camp here in Zelagross, battle formations, equipments, strength and even time of departure...are you sure that your lord seek everything but vengeance?

Lord Kain: But Sir Velther, with these extraordinary machines, and the fact that the Utopian Military will strike us from air...this is the moment we are waiting for...and...and we are supported by one of the Utopian Senate.

Queen Rasa foolishness will be her undone on this plains tomorrow...and the day after, the streets of Utopia will be filled with the voice of the angry commoners, screaming for justice and equality...should Lady Tangerine succeeded in her revolt at the heart of the Utopian Parliament.

Lord Velther: Tell me, servant of Lady Tangerine, why is it the Lady so eagerly supporting a rag band of rebels like us?

Presenting before me these killer machines far ahead of even the latest technology Utopian ever posses...

Nihja: don't get it do you? This is ain't about yor selfish war.

Lord Kain: Huh? Watch your mouth you little...

Lord Velther: Never mind Lord Kain. Proceed.

Nihja: This is all about chance! seize the chance or it will be lost forever. Lord Velther, a few months ago you decided to rebel against Utopia, gathering troops you set out to settled in this big bag of dirt.

You did not win any war yet my Lord, but your action puts the Utopian economy at halt, the people is now divided. You, my Lord created doubts...doubts on Queen Rasa credibility in leading the Utopian towards a harmonious interdependent society.

You divided the people, the military, the labour force. See for yourself, even the strike force on Zelagross are a mixed of Queen's loyalist, conscripts, mercenaries and colony armed forced. Where did the bulk of the army go? They go to you my lord because they doubt the Queen.

The Utopian industry is at a standstill, commoner class laborers refuses to kneel to the nobles and they supported your cause. Waves upon waves of support keeps pouring into your side my lord, luck smiles upon you.

Lord Kain: ...and?

Nihja: luck smiles upon you even more brighter than before! The Queen expelled Lady Tangerine: The Personal Advisor to the late King Panthera and a well known member of the Utopian Senate just because my Lady insist that waging war is not the right solution to end this "noble and commoners" crisis.

At times the Queen need more and more support to counter your rebellion, she foolishy draws out more and more enemies.

...and that enemy my lord, choosen to fight side by side with you...for the commoners and for Utopia.

What more can you ask for? What suspision do you still have there inside your mind? The chance is now! You had gone stronger and the enemy is weakened. This is your oppurtunity! Take it or lost everything forever!

Lord Velther: ...and how can we trust your Lady Tangerine: better yet...what is your assurance that Lady Tangerine will not stab us on the back when we decided to allied ourselves together. Besides, we are fighting on two different fronts here.

Nihja: My lord, Lady Tangerine is unfamiliar fighting with swords and spears thus her battleground will be the Parliament where she will be fighting for the people using words of aspiration and work her way trough Utopian Law for a vote of no confidence upon Queen Rasa inability to maintain and peace within the Utopian society.

...for a warrior like you and me Lord Velther, our hearts and souls belongs here in this wasteland...for the fighting of words means nothing...only the clashing of spears and swords. We fight here. We will be the victor on this killing field.

Lord Kain: We?

Lord Velther: what do you mean by we?

Nihja: Lady Tangerine did mentioned to me that Lord Velther hardly trust anybody. My duty is not only that of her messenger, i was assigned to assist the rebels of Zelagross, the Commoners army against the oppression of Queen Rasa alongside Lord Velther aand his army until the end. 

Now...Lord Velther, i will ask you again. Do you accept Lady Tangerine's help?

Lord Velther: If this is fate then...i agree to form an alliance with you.

Nihja: Great! I will need to trained a few of your mens to operate the mechanical vehicle, and the small blue bipedal ones with gattling guns - don't touch it...that one's mine.

Lord Velther: Welcome to the army. If you ever decided to betray us, i will personaly drain the life out of you with my bare hands.

Nihja: ...believe me. I never turn my back on the enemies.

Lord Velther: we will see.

Nihja: ..........

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